Secret Valentine

Speed Up Your Breathing

And that’s when he kissed me.

I collapsed basically into him, my will crumbled to dust the instant his lips came in contact with mine. The words that we had just shared were most definitely true. We we’re in love with each other, and were meant for each other.

My pulse quickened, and all thoughts were temporarily erased. I weaved my fingers through Travis’s hair. I didn’t know how much time was passing, but it felt like hours were passing by. The next thing I knew Travis was pushing me up against my locker.

“Okay you two, save it for Juliet’s place.” Drew said as he poked Travis. Travis growled slightly, turning me on. “Okay okay,” Drew said, I opened my right eye to see Drew slowly retreat to Maggie, and then leave. It was just Travis and I alone in the school, unless my dad was still around.

The passion and aggressiveness that heated the kiss turned into something more. Now I wasn’t alone for being turned on. Then I received a light bulb moment. “Come on!” I said excitedly, as I pushed him back and quickly packed my bag. With in the few seconds that I had packed my bag Travis was already at his locker, and packing his bag too. I ran to him as he zipped up the zipper. I grabbed his hand and we ran the eight minute walk to my house, which in the end turned out to be less than three. We quickly kicked off our shoes after I had unlocked the door; Mum was still gone out with Andy. We ran past the couch as we both threw our bags on to it, and bolted up the stairs.


I was absently tracing designs on Travis’s chest, and he was playing with my hair; which now needed a serious brushing. He sighed, I looked up at him. He had the cutest smile on his face.

“Nice smile there Juliet,” his hand left my hair to trace my smile. I tried to bite his finger. “Hey no nibbling,” he chuckled pulling his finger back.

I pouted and propped myself up on my elbow to kiss him. “I love you,”

He smiled. “As do I Jessica, as do I.”

I poked his sides. “You love yourself, how conceded to say when I said I love you.”

He smiled again, and tapped my nose. “You know what I meant Miss Sykes.”

I sighed and then rested my chin on his chest. Just then a phone buzzed on my night stand. I reached over Travis to get both. “It’s yours,”

“I know this phone is mine thank you.”

“Okay, you can quit being smart, cause you got laid.” My eye brows pulled down in frustration.

“Awh you know I wasn’t serious Jess.” His eyes showed pain.

“What ever Travis, just answer your phone.”

He sighed and flipped it open. “Hi Mom, — Yes, I’m at her place… Why? — Oh, how is he?” A quick look into my eyes then back at the ceiling. “Well I guess I might as well come home now, may I bring Juliet along? — Oh please mom!” He smiled at me. “Thank you I’ll see you in five.” He flipped his phone shut.

“Who was that about if you don’t mind my asking?” Worry shuddered through me, was that call about Hunter? Was he okay? All of my worries from earlier came back, and flushed my good mood down the toilet.

Travis rolled out of bed and looked at me while he spoke “Elvis cut his paw.” Travis said worriedly.

“Awh poor little Elvis!” I cupped my mouth, and followed in Travis’s suit.

With in no time we were dressed and ready to head out the door.

Travis started to open the door.

“Wait, I need to leave a note for Mum,” he nodded and I set off to find a note pad.

I am going to Travis’s. If you need me you have my number.

I posted the note on the microwave, and ran off to Travis, who was patiently holding the door open for me. “’Kay we’re all good!” I slipped on my flats and locked the door.

Travis smiled at me and I returned the smile. “Let’s go, Mom said it was a ‘doozey’.”

My face fell. I knew it would be the same story with Hunter.

“It’s going to be okay Jess,” he stepped up to me and wrapped his arms around me.

“What’s going to be okay Travis?” I mumbled into his chest.

“Things with Hunter, if you want we can go and drop by to see how he is.”

I moaned.

“Don’t worry Jess,”

“No it’s not that Trav, my eye hurts.”

Travis pushed me back to see my eye. “It’s swelling.” His hand gently brushed over my swollen left eye, and down my face.

“Feels like it.”

“Let’s get going.” He kissed my forehead and took my hand.

“Piggy back please?” I asked as soon as we reached the half way marker between his house and mine.

He sighed and rolled his eyes. “Aren’t you just a little—”

I yanked on his arm. “Pwease?!” I gave him my puppy eyes, which probably wasn’t too hot, due to the fact of my swollen eye.

“My god, fine.” He crouched down, and I hopped up onto his back.

“Thank you,” I kissed his neck.

“Love you too Juliet,”

I rested my chin on his shoulder. “Does your mom have any flowers him the yard?”

“Yes, why do you ask?”

“Just wondering, I want to make things better with Hunter.” I realized now that I had carved a hole in my chest, Hunter was my best friend out of Travis’s friends.

“Ah,” Travis stopped in front of the house before his. “Don't want mom to think you’re incapable of walking.” He smiled.

“Ah, makes sense.” I reached for his hand.

“Jess, I don't really think my mom likes you too much.”

“Oh, I thought she did.”

He just shrugged as he got the gate for me. “Awh fack Elvis what are you doing out here?” Travis groaned as he reached down to pick up his limping puppy.

“Awh poor baby,”

Travis straightened up, as he glanced over Elvis’s itty bitty paws. “That’s not that bad.” He sighed, he held up the cut paw for me to see. “Is it bad?”

“No,” Mum and I had a Rottweiler named Rosie, but she was at my dad’s house for the week, because he could take better care of her since he was closer to the vet; she was having hip troubles. “Rosie, has tougher paws, though.”

“So is it bad or not Jess?” He chuckled.

“I already said no!” I smiled as I mockingly punched him in the arm.

“Hang on I’ll be right back.” He ran inside with Elvis, and came back out a few minutes later. “Hmm where was I?” He had one finger on his lips as he looked up at the sky. “Riiight! — Jessica!” He charged at me.

“AH!!” I ran around his yard, laughing.

“You’re soo in trouble!” He yelled, as he ran after me.

Eventually I lost my footing. I stumbled slightly, and that’s when Travis caught me. His arms gripped around my waist as he swung me around in circles.

“Ahaha!! Travis I’m getting dizzy!” I screamed.

We both were laughing, but then Travis’s foot slipped and we both tumbled to the ground. “Oww… You’re dead Mister.”

He laughed. “Says you,” He got up quickly and ran away a bit seeing if I would chase him or not.

“Help me up lover buddie,” I my hand jutted into the air.

He sighed and walked over to me. “Fine,”

The instant I was stable I crushed my lips to his. “Ha, I knew you talked to your mom.”

“Yea, I told her, she’s happy about it. — I didn’t quite realize that she loves you as a daughter.”

“Travis, have you not noticed I call her mommy some times?”

His eyes went blank. “You do?”

I smacked his chest with the back of my hand. “Yes!”

“Oh,” he ran his hand through his hair.

“You’re funny.” I ran away from him, to the front steps. The door swung in. I hit Travis’s Mom. “Hi,”

“Jessica,” She sounded strangely mad, and walked off to her car and drove off.

Travis came up behind me. “Are you so sure now?”

“Shut up,” I poked him in the tummy.


“Ahaa, tickle time!!!” I then proceeded to tickling Travis in the sides.

* Ten minutes later *

“Would you care to remind me why you did that Juliet?”

“Nope, no particular reason I just wanted too!” I smiled triumphantly. We were both beat red from laughing so hard.

He smiled dopily. “Okay,”

I rolled over on the grass, onto my tummy. The sun decided to break through the clouds, warming up my body. It felt good on the skin, a yawn followed after the set of shivers that the sun provided; suddenly making me tired.

Travis tucked my hair behind my ear. “You’ve had a rough day, you must be tired.”

“Mhmm,” I sighed. “Not to mention the two times we made love.” I mumbled.

“You’re adorable when you’re in a sleepy state.”

I opened my eyes and looked into his blue eyes. I glanced at the tree above him, and then I noticed the flowers. The next thing on my list; was to go and see Hunter and try and fix my mess. “Lets go,” We both got up, and brushed ourselves off.