Secret Valentine

We’ll Hope It’s Not For Nothing At All

Travis ran up to the Thompsen’s door, and knocked a few times. The door opened. Drew stood in the frame with a smile on his face. I noticed that Travis still had the yellow Acacia in his hand. Drew closed the door, and then Travis motioned me forward. Just for effect I started doing the Mission Impossible theme song.

“Okay, enough funny business Juliet.” Travis rolled his eyes.

I straightened up and walked up the steps. “Fine then, —What did Drew say?”

“He’s getting Hunter.” Travis passed me the flower.

“What does he know?”

“It’s me and you, but Drew is going to tell him that it’s just me.”

I shot a worried glance at him. “It’s going to be okay Jess,” he wiped a tear from my face.

I inhaled deeply.

“I don’t get why he’d show his face around here.” Hunter shouted.

“Get over it,” Drew sighed.

The door opened.

“Drew you lied to me.” Hunter said darkly.

“It’s for the best Hunter, get over it.”

“Quit saying that. — What do you want.”

I really looked at him now. His nose was braced up already. His eyes were starting to swell as mine had. His face was also red. Tears burst from my eyes. I couldn’t say a single word. I just offered him the flower hoping he’d forgive me. I tried to run away, but Travis grabbed me before I could make my escape.

“Awh, Jess do you know what this flower means?” Hunter asked as he walked up to me and cupped my face.

“Travis said it was for friendship.”

“The symbolic meaning of acacia flowers is friendship, secret love. Yellow acacia flowers symbolize secret love.” He sounded just like a professor reading from a encyclopaedia.

“Trav,” my voice hitched.

“Well, you never know!”


“Oh shut up Jess and kiss Hunter,” Drew started to come out side.

“I beg your pardon?” The three of us said.

“Jess liked Hunter when she first moved here,”

“How did you know that?”

“I could tell, why else would Hunter think you loved him?”

My lips trembled. How could I not even know if I loved Hunter? My legs started to shake, tears started to form in my eyes. Why this why now? “Abba, abba, ah…” My legs collapsed under me. I landed on my knees and cradled my head in my hands.

Hunter’s knees started to bend. I could tell that Travis had caught him because he straightened up. I could tell when Travis picked me up, and carried me inside. What I didn’t know was why he was shaking me so hard. He set me down on the couch in the Thompsen’s living room. I was still being furiously shaken, I realized that Travis wasn’t shaking me at all; it was my hysterical crying.

Drew sat across the living room, with a sad face.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” I asked through my frustrated sobs.

“How could you not know? Why are you resisting it so much?”

“Because I didn’t, and because I have put Travis’—” Travis’ hand clamped over my mouth.

Hunter was sitting on my left and Travis on my right. “What’s going on Travis?” He peered around me to ask Travis.

I sniffled, and Travis released his hand. “Andy is going to hurt him!” I yelled. “That’s why, pleased Drew?”

“No,” his face fell.

Hunter was staring at Travis now. “You okay Trav?” He asked.

I was staring at my thumbs I couldn’t tell what the silent reply was. Sudden anger washed through me. “How could’ve you hurt me?” I asked abruptly, as I turned to face Travis.

His eyes widened in confusion. “He thinks I’ve hurt you,”

“Well what would he know?” I huffed.

“I think he knows what happened today, and he thinks…”

Made total sense; Andy was against sex until you were married. Pathetic.

“Well he’s lame, you know that.” I rolled my eyes. A weight was lifted off of my chest. I grabbed my cell phone out of my pocket, and texted my mother; telling her everything that just happened. After five long silent awkward minutes later my mum texted me back saying that she spazed at Andy, and threatened to leave him if he ever did something like that again.

“He’s not going to hurt you at all Travis.” I sighed.

“Are you sure?” Drew, Danny, and Travis asked.

“Positive,” I looked up at Travis. His eyes were wide still. I shivered, I realized that the situation had given me goose bumps.

Hunter started to rub my arms, I wanted to shrug out of his warm hands, but if I actually did have feelings for him then what was wrong with letting him? But the tension between my feelings for Travis, and the hidden non-existent feelings about Hunter was too much. I got up from the couch and sat in Drew’s lap.

“Umm hey there Juliet,” his face scrunched up.

I studied Travis’ face for a long minute, then Hunter’s. Travis’ face was frustrated, and Hunter’s was confused in a three year old way. I turned around quickly to study Drew’s face; he was surprised. I knew I was wearing all of the emotions on my face, and also concern. Who would I be forced to hurt?

Frustrated I got up from Drew’s lap and sat on Travis’ feet, resting my head on his knees. “Why does this have to feel so wrong,” I moaned in a whisper to myself.

Travis started to play with my hair. “Jess what do you want?”

No why this not in the middle of perfection, I did not want the option I wanted for someone to force me into a choice. I pivoted on the floor. “Why are you doing this to me?” My left eye was pulsing so bad it hurt to keep my eyes open, I hated crying, but the tears just kept on coming.

“Jessica Diane, I want you to be happy with whomever you want to be with.”

I stole a glance at Hunter, his face was perfect, like the type of face I would want my children to have. But Travis was already my everything. I could feel it in my chest that if I were to go with Hunter, I could never have my future set out in front of me like I did now; with Travis.

“Don’t be hatin’,” I said as I got up and sat beside Hunter. “This isn’t a choice,” I warned him. “I just need to see…”

He nodded and proceeded to kiss me. I felt bad with Travis there, I should have told him to leave, but it was too late now. Hunter’s lips were softer than Travis’, he was a gentle kisser compared to Travis. Hunter would be an easy lover if I were to choose him. I noticed that we both were starting to get slightly carried away. I broke from his lips.

“So…” He looked out the window.

“Sorry,” I looked at Travis. “I wish you didn’t see that.”

His blue eyes were searing. “It’s okay,” his voice was shattered like his face, which he was trying to hide.

“Sorry,” I said again as I kissed Hunter on the cheek.

Travis saw what my choice was. The mask he was trying to wear broke instantly. “Me?” His voice hitched.

“You poor, poor child,” I giggled, through a sniffle.

“Juliet?” Hunter asked. I turned to him. He was confused. “What did I do wrong?”

“Nothing Hunts—” I caught myself before I could say his prohibited nickname. “Umm how is a good way to explain it… You’ve always been like my best friend, and uh… Once you’ve had Cheeseburger you can’t go back to Hamburger?”

“That is stupid,” Drew butted in.

“Well you try being so confused your head is going to pop off!” I shouted at him.

“You can call me Huntsey again, knowing that I’ll always be your best friend is good enough for me.” He smiled.

“Yay, — and I’m sorry for beating you up. How’s your nose?” I asked as I hugged him.

“It’s good thanks, how’s your eye?”

“Poke it I dare you,” I teased.

“I wouldn’t count on it Juliet,” Travis started to pull me back.

“Awh I wanted to see her squirm,” Drew said quietly.

“Kay that was mean,” Hunter looked at his brother.

“I agree,” I shot an evil glance at Drew.

Drew rolled his eyes. “Of course you would,”

“And so would I Drew…” Travis got protective. It was the first time, and I liked it!

I giggled.

“What’s so funny Juliet?” Travis asked me.

“You’re getting defensive,” I said like a little kid teasing another littler kid.

“Yeah, so what if I am?” Travis asked as he crossed his arms.

“Awh it’s cute, that’s all Ima getting at Trav!” I lightly tugged on a loose strand of hair. His mouth twitched to the side, like mine usually did when I was fed up with something or plain bored. “Awh Trav, what’s the matter?”

His mouth twitched to the other side. “Nothing…”

“Ugh fine whatever. — So are we all good now?” I asked with pleading eyes.

Hunter nodded. “I think so, unless you want to beat me up again while my guard is down.”

I felt the blood leave my face. “W-w-w-why would you s-say that?”

“Sorry I was partially kidding around.”

I whined. That was really mean of him, he could tell that I felt bad.

“Sorry Juliet!”

I mocked punched him in the arm, then I hugged him. “Well I guess we should get going…” I said looking back at Travis.

He nodded, and got up. “See you tomorrow, Jess don’t you think you should tell him what he’s in for tomorrow?”

“Huh?” Hunter asked.

“Blech, thanks Trav.” I squinted at him. “So yea in school suspension, and we gots ta talk to cat lady…”

Hunter rolled his eyes. “Oh, joy,”

I rolled my eyes too. “Joy,” I got up from the couch and went over to Drew. I tapped his foot with mine. “You okay Bud?”

“What ever just leave,” He looked out the window as he crossed his arms like a stubborn child.

My eye brows pulled down in frustration, as I turned around.

“Maggie decided she didn’t like him…” Hunter whispered as I walked by.

I nodded and Travis and I left.