Secret Valentine

Secret Love

I looked at our hands; they were far apart, like our friendship. I wanted to hold his hand with all of my heart, but I couldn’t we were best friends.

Did his fingers just twitch? I looked up to his face; he was peering down at me. Yes his fingers did twitch because they did it again when he looked down at my hand. I gave my attention to the TV, Much Music to be exact.

His littlest finger drifted no more than a millimetre closer to my hand. I tried to watch the TV. Did my hand just twitch? It must’ve, his hand was slowly lifting off of the couch, trying to be sneaky I’d bet. I watched his hand through the corner of my eye. My hand started to move towards his, without being told to.

My secret wish now was a reality. He gripped my hand, and I gripped his tighter. We were sitting almost two feet apart from each other. Wanting to be closer I paid a good amount of attention to the TV waiting for a scary movie trailer. As if cued a half dead corpse grabbed a girl’s leg from under the bed. I squeaked a little as I partially jumped towards him; now we were a foot apart.

“That freaked me out. ― we are not going to see that movie.”

He smiled. “I’ll be right back.” He released my hand in the same instant I released his. He got up, his flame coloured hair quivered with the movement.

I watched him leave. Where did all of these feelings come from? He was my best friend these types of feelings were prohibited!

A pot fell out of a cupboard, the loud bang made me jump, as I was pulled from my reverie. “What are you doing?”

“Umm,” he paused for a long second. “Do you want to watch a movie?”

“Sure?” What was he doing in there? “What did you have in mind?”

His head popped out from around the corner. He smiled. “You’ll see.” I shrugged as I turned back towards the TV. The floor creaked as he came back to the couch. His hands came over my eyes. “Ha!”

“What are you doing?” I squealed over take by his surprise.

“Preparing you,”

“For what?”

“I said that you’ll see.” His hands were warm and soft on my face. “Keep your eyes shut.”

“Fine,” I sighed.

His hands left my face, and then the floor started creaking again. The microwave started, a few seconds after that sound was the popping of pop corn. More creaking, footsteps up the stairs, louder creaking, a door opening, no creaking, and then the sound of a stubborn drawer, his door closing, more creaking, followed by footsteps down the stairs.

He walked over to me again. Some fabric covered my eyes. “Tell me when it gets to tight.”

The kerchief was barely over my face. “Now,”

He laughed. “Nice try, but seriously.”

“Okay, I get it.” The kerchief was pulled fittingly across my face. “Okay that’s good.”

“Can you see through it?”

“No, you told me to keep my eyes shut.”

He patted my head and walked away. The microwave beeped three times, its door was pulled open, and then shut. He opened the pop corn and poured it into what sounded like a metal bowl. I fidgeted on the couch.

I felt the weight on the couch shift, and a spring creak. More pressure was added to my face, and also to my lap. He slipped off the blind fold, but his hand covered my eyes.

“Travis what are you doing?” He sighed angrily. “Okay okay, I’ll see.”

He lifted his hand from my eyes. “You may open them now.”

I peaked through my left eye. He rolled his blue eyes. I opened my right, the TV was showing the opening credits for my all time favourite romance, “Somewhere In Time”. My mouth slowly found its way to gape open.

“How did you know I like this?”

He smiled. “I do pay attention in class.”

“That was my first day of school wasn’t it?”

He nodded and took the bowl off of my lap; that would explain why it was hot. He clapped his hands and the lights turned off.

I brought my knees to my chin, and wrapped my arms around them. He ever so swiftly rested his arm across the top of the couch, as he scooted closer to me. He had his right foot tucked under his knee; the pop corn was resting in the little cradle that his legs made.

During the movie, Travis had wrapped his arm around me, and had let me lean into him. He even let me cry into his chest at the end, which wasn’t different from any other time I needed a shoulder or chest to cry on. But I could tell that from now on things were going to different from now on between me and Travis.