Secret Valentine

Sweet Love

I woke up alert, and aware of what had happened yesterday. Things were going to be different with Travis. I got ready for school in a blur.


“Yes Mum?”

“Travis is here!”

Great, early what was with him? I ran down the stairs, and rounded around the banister when I crashed right into Travis. “Oh hey,” I said as he caught my arms as I started to fall down backwards, towards the floor.

“Morning,” he smiled. No different from any other smile, but it sent butterflies through me.

I blushed. “You’re early,” I commented.

“Yeah, I hope you don’t mind, but is it alright if Drew comes along?”

“No not at all,” I straightened up, and grabbed my shoulder bag. “Okay, let’s go.”

We wandered out onto the street. I noted what he was wearing; black/gray skinnies, a pale blue shirt, slightly baggy, and one of those abnormal scarves. “I really like that shirt on you. It makes your hair redder.”

He smiled. “I like the way you have your hair today, very princess like.”

I smiled back. I was wearing deep blue skinnies, black flats, a black shirt that came in on my thighs, and elbows making the rest of my shirt poofy. “Thanks,” I blushed.

After a few seconds of walking I asked where the Thomsen’s house was. Travis pointed it out as we came nearer.

Drew stepped out of the house calling over his shoulder to his brother Hunter. “Hurry up they’re here already!”

Travis and I walked up to the front step. “Morning Drew,” we both said.

“Hi,” Drew panted. His hair was a total wreck, and it was going to bother me all day.

“Bye Mom!” Hunter shouted as he almost ran into Drew on the front step. “Move it Drew!” Drew rolled his eyes, but moved out of his brother's way.

“Hey Huntsey,” I smiled.

“Hello Juliet,” he smiled back. Juliet was the pet name that Travis had given me; every one of his friends called me it.

“Oh, umm Maggie wanted to walk with us this morning, Travis.” I mentioned as we all started walking down the street.

“Oh, where’s her place again?” Both Drew and Travis asked.

I pointed as Maggie jumped onto her porch, and locked the door behind her. She waved, and I waved back; my charm bracelet sparkling in the light.

“Oh, that reminds me.” Travis stopped walking and reached into his pocket. I fell back with him, and the other two took a few more steps then looked back.

“Morning boys,” Maggie said to the guys as she walked up to them. “Hey honey,”

I laughed, and she did too. We pretended that we were married all of the time; we both found it pretty damn funny. I gestured my ring on my wedding finger, which had a large white plastic rhinestone on it, and she showed me her little metal band.

“Here,” Travis said out of nowhere.

I looked over at him. “Huh?”

“A charm for your bracelet,” he smiled. “It’s a crown with a heart in it.”

“Awh thanks Travis,”

“It’s for our band.”

I nodded. “I kinda figured that, LOL.” Every one rolled their eyes, except for Travis. Sometimes I let my texting tongue wander into my real life vocabulary. It bugged the shit out of some people, but to me and Travis, we could stand it because we both did it.

We all started walking again. Hunter was on Travis’s left, I was on his right. Maggie was on my right, and Drew was on hers. We all walked down the street taking up most of the space. Travis and I were walking side by side, with our arms almost touching each other. Hunter was the first to notice our proximity to each other.

“What the hell is with you two?” He asked.

The other four of us stopped walking. “Who?” We all insisted at the same time.

“Jess and Trav who else do you think I would be talking about?”

Maggie giggled her short black hair jerking with the movement.

I rolled my eyes, and looked up at Travis with a smile. His face wasn’t as happy as mine was. He looked like he was focusing on something ―my eyes― really hard. Butterflies fluttered in my stomach. I broke away from his stare. I took a step forward.

Travis grabbed my left wrist, and pulled me to him. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Maggie roll her eyes. She started walking forward again. “See you two at school.” The Thomsen boys noticed what was going on and walked with Maggie.

But I still didn’t get what was going on. What was going on? The butterflies dominated over every other sense in my body. Why couldn’t I figure out what was happening like the others?

He pressed me against his body, his head dropped closer to mine. Then it hit me. I reached up onto my toes, and wrapped my arms around his neck. With eager eyes Travis pressed his lips to mine.

The butterflies were now trapped in my throat, stalling my breathing. He pulled back, gasping for air as I suddenly was.

From ahead I heard Hunter whistle at us, and someone punching him in the arm.

Travis and I started to walk to school again. We started holding hands again, and the action sent butterflies through my system yet again.