Secret Valentine

Both Boy & Girl Start Suddenly Shaking Inside

Thankfully there was a couch in the garage. Maggie and I sat down, while to boys filed in after us to their spots.

Drew winked at Maggie before he slipped his bass on, which made me wonder what the story was behind that action. She blushed as she turned to face me. “Oh hi,” she said as she noticed I was looking at her.

I just rolled my eyes, and crossed my ankles. I looked out the open garage door. I didn’t notice how bright it was outside earlier, but now it hurt my eyes to look out.

“Umm, Juliet,” Travis tapped my foot.

“Hello,” I said startled, as I looked up to see his face.

“Would you like to Tambourine?”

“Hell yes totally! What song?” I stood up.

“Whoa,” he smiled as he took my hand and led me over to Drew. “You can sit there,” he placed me on a high bar stool. Danny passed him the tambourine, which he passed to me. He smiled at me like a dork. “Eighths,”

“Got ch’ya,”

Maggie looked at me with incredulous eyes. “What?” She half shrieked.

“We really need to teach you how to read and measure music Maggie.” Hunter pointed out.

“I’ve tried,” I rolled my eyes. Drew then kicked the stool. “Hey! Drew!” I said after the damned stool stopped wobbling.

“Yeah, yeah, I get it.”

Travis and Hunter started playing, or it was just one of them; I couldn’t tell. Along with Danny, I was pretty sure Drew was also playing, but I couldn’t hear him. Travis walked up to the second hand microphone, and started singing.

♫ Sleep well tucked tight
Make sure you hide the knife
This was for the best
Stay out of sight
Fled the scene of the crime
To avoid arrest
We will brawl for the cause
That’s all we got
No matter the cost♫

My cue, I started banging on the tambourine on the eighth notes, for just the chourses.

♫Whoa whoa whoa whoa
Whoa whoa whoa whoa
Oh no no

Beggars and thieves
Is what we had to be
Uninvited guests
Shake this disease
They’ll quarantine the street
But color me impressed
We will brawl for the cause
That’s all we got
No matter the cost♫

I came in again.

♫Whoa whoa whoa whoa
Whoa whoa whoa whoa
Oh no no
♫Whoa whoa whoa whoa
Whoa whoa whoa whoa
Oh no no♫

Then Travis and Hunter started soloing, and then once again Travis stepped up to the mic.

♫ I know we won’t get caught
But if we do we’ll say we never knew
This is our chance to lose it

Whoa whoa whoa whoa
Whoa whoa whoa whoa
Whoa whoa whoa whoa
Oh no
Whoa whoa whoa whoa
Whoa whoa whoa whoa
Whoa whoa whoa whoa

“Danny!” Nora called from the house.

Danny quickly got up from his throne and ran to the side door. “Yes mom?”

“Who was on that thingy that you hit?”

“The Tambourine?”

“Yes that thing-a-ma-jigger.”

“Umm Juliet was,”

“Who’s Juliet?”

“I mean Jessie.”

“Oh, she was good.”


“Lunch is ready by the way.”


I hopped off of the bar stool, and set the tambourine down on it. Just then I got a text. I checked it over, it was from my mom. She wanted me to come home for lunch. “Umm, my plans have changed you guys.”

“Oh?” Travis asked.

“Yeah, mum wants me home for lunch.”

“I’ll walk you over.” Travis offered.

“It’s not like I’m going to get mugged, but whatever.” I shrugged and started towards the garage door. “See ya later you guys!” I called over my shoulder. Travis waved.

“Bye!” They all shouted back.

I started walking down the side walk, with Travis shadowing behind me.

“You should play tambourine professionally.” He complimented.

I couldn’t help blushing. “Thanks,” I started to shove my hands into my back pockets.

Travis grabbed my hand. “Do you mind?” He asked.

I shook my head, and took a side step closer to him. He held my hand until we reached my house.

“Jessica,” My mom shouted at me when I walked in.

“Travis is here too!” I shouted.

“Hi Monica,” He shouted.

My mother rounded the corner; she had her hair in hot rollers, and was wearing almost nothing but a silk corset, and lacy underwear. My mom just a few days short of her thirty-first birthday, she had had me when she was just on the brink of turning fifteen. My birthday was in three days, and I was turning seventeen. I had the closest relationship with my mother.

“Well hello there Trav, what brings you here?” My mom tended to casually flirt with Travis when ever she got the chance to. I knew it creeped me out but I thought that Travis got a kick out of her doing so.

“Umm, just decided to walk Juliet over,” he said as he rocked back on his heels.

She nodded. “Jess,”


“I need you to do me up,” She started for the stairs.

“’Kay,” I followed after her. “Be right back.” I said to Travis as I followed Monica to her room. “So what’s the occasion?” I asked.

“I think that Andy just might propose tonight.” She smiled as she slipped a simple black strapless dress on.

“Don’t get your hopes up mom, remember what happened in ‘Legally Blonde’.”

“I know I know,” she laughed. “But if he does, would you be alright with that?”

“I don’t think I’d ever call him dad though…” I zipped up the long zipper on the back of the dress.

“Oh, thanks Jess you’re the best!” She threw her arms around me. “Lock the doors before you leave.”

“So are you,” I smiled as I wrapped my arms around her. “Don’t worry I will.”

There was a honk of a car, and my mom breezed down the stairs and out of the house. I skipped down the stairs. “Trav?” I called as I rounded the banister.

“Yeah?” He asked, he had to have been eating something because his mouth was full.

I stepped into the kitchen. “What the hell are you eating?”

“I was kinda hungry so I made us a bagel.”

Gah dinkie dork, I thought to myself. “Sweet deal, what’d you put on it?”

“Butter and that’s it,” He handed me the other half to the Raisin bagel.

I smiled, and took a bite. We both ate in silence. After I swallowed my last bite I pushed off of the counter and grabbed two glasses. “What would you like to drink?”

“Oh, I’ll just drink out of your cup, ― if you don’t mind that is.”

“’Kay,” I put one of the cups back and then poured some milk into the tumbler. I drank half then gave it to Travis.


I nodded and but the cup into the dishwasher. “So do you want to go back to Danny’s or do you want to stay here?”

“Here, lunch starts in like twenty minutes at school.”

“Does it?” I asked as I looked at the clock fixated on the wall. “Hmm, I guess so.”

“What do you want to do then?”

He bit his lip. Such an odd reaction from a guy, it was also an odd reaction for Travis.

“What is it Trav?”

He grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him. Both our hands were shaking now. He caressed my face; I ran my fingers through his hair, pulling his bangs from his eyes. The butterflies were not there this time as they had been this morning. This was totally different though, I was at home. I knew what he was doing this time, and I was eager for it too.

I pressed my lips to his, my hands running down the sides of his face to rest on his jaw bone. Travis pulled me closer, squishing me against him. I didn’t realize what I was doing until our lips broke apart. I noticed what was happening after Travis tore off his shirt.