Secret Valentine

What A Pretty Friend of Mine,

(Full chapter name: What A Pretty Friend of Mine, We’re Finally Intertwined)

We were almost late for school. Travis and I walked in holding hands, and I was pretty sure that Drew and Maggie were also holding hands.

Travis and I walked by some girls who I knew had a huge crush on Travis. They suddenly looked very morose, and I knew the girls to, so that made me feel bad all of the sudden.

The lunch buzzer rang and we all stopped dead in our tracks. “Well, catch you guys later then.” I shuffled my foot on the tiled floor.

“Bye Juliet,” Travis kissed my hair, and then left, followed by everyone else; everyone else except Hunter. I heard Teresa gasp.

“C’mon Huntsey―”

“Don’t call me that anymore.” He said sadly. It made me feel bad.

“’Kay’p,” I walked off to our retarded Social Studies class, with out anything, ― we were going to have a presentation. “That was the MOST boring thing I have ever sat through.” I whispered to Hunter as we walked out of the class room. He didn’t even look at me as I waited for his response. “Forget it Hunter. I’m sorry I hurt you.” I said hostilely as I paced ahead of him.

“Hey Juliet,” Travis said in a concerned tone as he grabbed my wrist and brought me to him. “What’s the matter?” He asked as he wiped away tears.

“Why don’t you ask Hunter.” I said emotionlessly.

Hunter slowly walked by Travis. Travis drifted off to Hunter’s side I could barely hear him talk to Hunter. “What did you do?”

“What did I do?” Hunter said a little bit too loud. “You knew I liked her.”

“Are you sure? Because I don’t remember you telling me that…”


“Sorry bud,” Travis looked back towards me, and then mumbled something else that I couldn’t hear. I wanted to stomp off angrily but I knew that was acting immature. I saw Hunter shake his head, and then left Travis’s side, he looked at me as he walked by. Then Travis was at my side. “Sorry about that.”

“What happened?” I asked with wide eyes.

“Nothing really, ― apparently I’m not a good friend.”

“Trust me,” I said as I wrapped my arms around his waist. “You’re a very good friend.”

Travis tried to shrug out of my arms. “Okay, okay I get it Jess! We are at school for crying out loud.”

“We are?” I asked shocked, as I whipped my head around to find that we were still at school. “Well fuck,”


“Oh go choke on an apple Travis.”

“Fine then,” he started to walk away from me.


“I was kidding too,” he smiled and messed my hair up. The tiny thin silver head band that I was wearing raked my scalp.

“Oww! Travis!”

“What?” He asked suddenly concerned.

“Hair you dork wad!” I half screamed as I readjusted my the band.

“Oh, jeez sorry Juliet,” he patted the top of my head lightly.

“Puh, that’s what the all say.” I said as I rolled my eyes.

“But I am!”

“And once again I’m kidding too Trav, cool it.”

He sighed and rolled his eyes. “What do you have next…?”

“Retarded art class, with Clementine.” I scrunched up my face.

He laughed. “Is he making you do pottery?”

I nodded. “I suck, plain out, I suck.”

“Really? Hmm you seem like you’d be good at pottery…” He mused as he twizzled a piece of my hair between his fingers.

“Not all of us can be perfect Travis…” I said as I started walking to Clementine’s class.

“I’m not perfect at every thing.” He said as he caught up to me.

“Ugh, what ever,” I shoved him into a locker.

“Help!!!! HELP ME!!!”

“Oh haha Travis I know you like it.” Drew chuckled as he walked by our little episode.

“Nice Drew,” Maggie said after Drew commented. “Come on Jess we’re going to be late!”

“Ugh fine,” I pushed back from Travis. “Catch you later Trav.”

“See you later Juliet.”

The five of us had this class together; Drew, Maggie, Hunter, Danny, and me. When Drew Maggie and I walked in to the class I knew something was going to happen.