Breaking Free


Everything was so boring, and always the same. Nothing was ever made me wonder what’s next. That is until he came around. It seemed like just another day, but then everything changed.

It was just after lunch and I was sitting in my English class, staring off into space. Like usual. I was classified as ‘the nerd’. The reason for that is I got all my work done and even handed stuff in before they were due. I never talked to anyone, so I had no reason not to finish everything. I mainly keep to myself, I’m rather shy. I didn’t consider myself pretty, but my closest friend Felicia thought I was. But I never really listened to her. I didn’t believe it for a minute, because all the pretty people in school were popular, and I wasn’t. So there fore I thought I wasn’t all that attractive. Anyway, English class had about 15 more minutes till it was over. Then there was an announcement over the intercom, saying we had a new kid in school. Everyone started talking to one another about what they thought the new kid would be like. If it was a boy or girl, if they were short or tall, that whole thing. I never really paid attention. It was just another person I wasn’t going to talk to.

I sighed and continued doodling in my spiral notebook as the teacher tried to gain the classes attention. Mr. Marcus went back to teaching and he was interrupted once again by the intercom.

“Mr. Marcus? Is Bridget Pierce in class?” The nasally sound of the front desk woman came through the crackling speaker.

“Yes she is,” He answered and looked over at me.

“Could you send her down here, please?” She asked finally and the buzz of the speaker cut off into silence. Mr. Marcus motioned for me to leave the classroom and I gathered my stuff and tried to ignore all of the gazes that fell onto me. I walked out of the class and started down the hall with my binder cradled in my left arm.

I walked into the bustling office of Burley High School and looked around. The secretary pointed to the principal’s office whilst staring at me.

“Ah… Ms. Pierce, it’s a delight to see you, as always,” the principal, Mr. Lee, greeted me as I entered his office. I nodded to him in recognition and sat in one of the two large brown leather arm chairs situated in front of his large desk. “I assure you this little calling for you has nothing to do with misbehavior, as I’m sure you already know. I would like to congratulate you on your grades All of your classes are in the high 90’s… you are definitely one of this schools top students ”

“Thank you, sir,” I acknowledged softly. He smiled widely at me.

“No. Thank you, Bridget; thank you ” He exclaimed happily. I just nodded solemnly.

I got up from the chair and turned to walk out of his office as the bell rang. I left the office and as I was walking out of the front office I caught sight of a boy. A boy I assumed to be the new boy.
He caught my gaze as I walked by him. He had deep brown eyes that could make any girls knees weak.

Just not mine.
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I hope you like the first bit (:
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thanks for reading (: <3