Breaking Free

Its How It Goes

I glanced away from him, and kept walking to the graphics room. I didn’t look back. I’m sure many girls would have stopped and talked to him, but not me. I walked in the door, and casually placed my books by my computer. I opened up my project and got to work. This class was my favorite, I got to be artistic and talk to my best friend Felicia. This was the only class we were in together unfortunately but at least it was something. Then the second bell rang, and as usual Felicia was running a little late.

“Hey” Felicia said out of breath while putting her books down.
“Hey, did you run here or something?” I couldn’t help but laugh a little at that.
“Well, pretty much yeah. You know my second last class is at the opposite end of the school. So shut up Okay haha.” She couldn’t keep a straight face while she was speaking, same old Felicia.

Then Mr.Steeves walked in, and told everyone to stop talking and get to work. He always did that, but really he is such a laid back teacher. After he says that everyone starts talking and he doesn’t say anything. He’s busy on his computer until someone needs help.

“So, seen the new kid yet?” Felicia said turning her head towards me.
“I have as a matter of fact. I don’t get what the big deal is about the new kids that come here.” I had a monotone going.
“Ah, well then. What do they look like?”
“Well, he looked like he could be one of the popular kids. He was tall, had brown eyes and he also had brownish blond hair that was in a shag type style. Girls were fawning over him when he was at his locker.”
“He sounds rather cute, if I do say so myself.” Felicia said looking towards her computer.

I just rolled my eyes. I mean, he was in a way kind of cute, but when you really think about it. He’s probably without a doubt, going to be popular. And be stuck up, arrogant and a jerk.

“Bridge. Hey Bridge.” Felicia said waving her hand in front of my face trying to grab my attention.
“Say what?”
“Look.” She whispered looking towards the door.

I glanced over and saw him. He was just standing there with a note in his hand. Most likely going to hand it to Mr. Steeves.

“You have got to be kidding me.” I said placing my face into my hands.
“Why this class? Why does he have to be here?”
“Do you really want me to answer that?”
“Ugh. No.” I wasn’t happy.

He handed Mr. Steeves the note. Then Mr. Steeves handed him the assignment and told him to take a seat anywhere. Of course, what are the odds of only seat left in the class being right next to me. This would be wonderful. He placed his books down and took his seat. I didn’t look over at him. I was probably the only one in the whole class who didn’t. Then Felicia started talking to him.
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i hope you enjoy (: <3
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