Minus IQ


“Wake up. It’s time for school. Plus your friend, Michael is here.” a woman said to her sleepy son.
As soon as he heard the name “Michael” leave her lips he shot up.
“I’m up. I’m up. Tell him to come up.”, the boy said quietly rubbing his fingers through his messy brown hair.
“Alright. But you need to get dressed and eat breakfast, Justin.”
Justin nodded and looked to the doorway to find his friend Michael smiling at him.
“Wakey, Wakey, eggs and bakey!” he sang loudly running over to Justin and jumping on his bed.
Justin’s mom walked out of the room rolling her eyes and shaking her head.

“Why are you here so early?” Justin asked getting out of bed and performing their special handshake.
“Because you’re my best mate. Why, you don’t want to see me, is that it?”
“You’re such a drama queen. Now can you wait outside while I get dressed?” Justin asked timidly.
“See I knew you didn’t want me. I’ll go lie in the gutter!” Michael said dramatically, “No but seriously. Since you, my best friend, are shy to show yourself. I will leave. Goodbye cruel, cruel, world.”
Michael shut the door and sat down on the floor.

'I didn’t really want him to leave. Why would I ever want my crush to leave? Best hurry and get dressed.’ Justin thought.
Justin looked in his wardrobe for something nice to wear. Something to impress Michael. He settled on a tight navy blue shirt and a pair of old jeans. When they went out he would put his black sweater on. He called Michael back in and pulled on his trainers.
“Your mum passed by and said to drag you downstairs and get you to breakfast. You look good. All dolled up for little old me?” Michael said trying to mimic a country accent.

' He’s so cute when he does thing like that.’
“What if I did? What if I didn’t?”
The two boys continued this all the way down the stairs and into the kitchen.
“I guess my mum left for work.” Justin suggested because the kitchen was empty. It had food but it was just quiet.
“Well than let’s grab some cereal and go.” Michael said.
“How about we just skip it? I’m not really hungry.”
Michael nodded and walked towards the door. Justin in tow grabbing his jacket and backpack before locking the door.

“So you ready for 12th grade?” Michael asked.
“Yea, as long as my best mate is there.”
'he’s more like an angel.’
“Tell me why we walk to school.”
“Cause we live within walking distance. Where is Charlie?” Justin asked wondering where his other best friend was.
“He went to school early. Something about the music room”
Justin nodded as they approached their high school, Smelting. The school was around for many years and you could tell because the stone walls were worn. Looking from the outside it seemed like a miniature castle. But when you walked in it was a regular high school. Filled with cliques and fights.
“I just hope that Jake isn’t here today.”
“Yeah, last year he was a real jerk. If he bothers us once more I might have to punch his face in.”, Michael said putting a fist into his palm.

“Were you talking about little old me?” a voice sneered from behind the two boys.
“No, Jake we were just leaving, right Michael.” Justin tried. I teacher passed by and everyone acted normal.
“You two are lucky it’s the first day or else I would have mauled you.”
Jake walked away and Justin let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding in.
“I could have taken him.” Michael said.
'I couldn’t let my baby get hurt.’

Next chapter will come soon. Comments? Do you like where it’s going, ThoseInnocentGlances?