Minus IQ

Heimlich Maneuver

“So you ready to go to my house? We’ve only got study hall, want to ditch?” Michael asked Justin picking up a biscuit in the lunch line. Justin was next to him looking at him with wide eyes.

“You want to ditch? We can’t, we might get caught. And-“, Justin was silenced by Michael’s 2 fingers that reached his lips.

“Stop worrying. You always do that. Now hurry up and get your lunch. That woman is going to pop her mole if you keep this line held up for too long.” Michael said indicating the face of the rather large and red lunch lady. She didn’t look to happy and the line was already bunching up.

Justin quickly grabbed a biscuit and followed Michael to the outside eating area. Michael began shoving his face with the food on his face.

“Mike, you might want to slow down you might- oh my god!” Justin started as what he predicted would happen actually happened. Michael was sitting there coughing his head off. Obviously choking on the mixed amounts of foods he lodged down his esophagus.

'Oh no don’t choke! Don’t let my baby suffocate! And where the hell is Charlie? I haven’t seen him all day and I could use his help right now! Ok I have to do that thing… the Heimlich maneuver’, Justin thought desperately.

He lifted Michael out of his seat who was coughing loudly and wrapped his arms around him from the back.

'He feels so nice. Not now! You can’t think about him now! Save him!’ Justin scolded himself. He put his hands in a fist and pulled up about 5 times to dislodge the food.
'This looks so wrong from everyone else’s perspective’

Soon Michael ran to the trash can and coughed up whatever had been causing the problem. Justin looked on in worry and relief. He was worried because of what had just happened and if Michael was okay. But he was relieved because it was all over. Michael walked back to Justin and gave him a huge hug,

“Thank you so, so much! Can we go now? Please, I don’t need to hear the whole school talking about this. It’s bad enough that they know.” Michael pleaded.

Justin nodded and slung his arm around the other boy’s shoulder. They walked out the back way and to Michael’s home.