Minus IQ


Michael’s home was very simple. Two stories with a vanilla cream coat. Bushes of pretty flowers. Pictures of past family adventures, smiles on their faces. Like a normal happy family.

“Come on. We have to stay in my bedroom. No playing around- WHOA!”, Michael said voice horse. He tripped going up the stairs of his house and fell into Justin.

They laughed and started wrestling each other. They were having so much fun laughing and pushing. Somehow they had made it up the stairs and to Michael’s room, still pushing and laughing.

’Oh my gosh. I’m in a room alone with Michael. A BEDROOM to top it all off. Just hope I won’t do anything stupid.’, Justin thought as everything calmed down.

“Blimey, how’d we get up here? Oh well, it doesn’t matter does it? What do you want to do?” Michael asked breathing heavily from the activity he was just active in.

’Kiss you senseless. NO! Stop thinking that! You can’t do anything stupid!’
“Want to wrestle again?” Justin asked.

Michael shook his head, “No, wait I have something to show you. Lay down, it’s so cool.”
Justin looked skeptical.
“I’m not going to rape you, lay down.”

Justin followed Michael’s order and laid down on the bed his back against the wall. Michael closed the blinds and door and turned off the light. Justin’s heart started to race.

’What’s he doing?

Michael reached under the bed and grabbed something. Justin was thinking to hard to pay attention. He climbed into the bed next to Justin and pulled a blanket over their heads.

“What are you doing?” Justin asked, voice expressing every bit of shock and wonder in him.

“Showing you the best thing ever.” Michael turned on a flashlight and pulled out a book.
It read “Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark’.

’Just a book? Well duh, what did I expect, roses and his confession of undying love for me?’ Justin sighed and pretended to listen to Michael reading. They were so close together, just like at the lockers. Close enough to kiss. ’Look at his lips. So soft. And I’m in a bed with him. I can kiss him. No I can’t. I can do whatever I want.’

Justin could no longer listen to the voice telling him no. He put his face closer to Michael’s and gave him a kiss on the lips. He pulled back quickly realizing what he just did.

Justin looked in Michael’s eyes to try and see what he was feeling. But he saw nothing. He tore the covers off and ran out of the room. Ignoring Michael’s calls for him to come back. Michael didn’t like him, so why should he waste his times. He ran home with tears of heartbreak and up to his room. To wallow in his sadness over Michael.