Tell Me How You Love Me Now


The day ended and I am now walking to the parking lot and looking for Elliot’s car. Sadly, I have to ride with him going to and back school even if I hate him to death. I sigh as I stand in front of the empty car. Where the heck can he be? Agh. I leaned against the hood and waited for Elliot to arrive. I stood there for a good thirty minutes until I started to get mad. All of the people went out of the building except for him.

Where can he be? I bet he is doing this on purpose so I would get pissed then head home myself. Well, sorry for him, but I am not going anywhere. If I have to stay here until dark, I will.

I stood there for another hour until I hear footsteps approaching the car. I ignored it and continued standing by the hood of the car.

“You’re still here? I don’t believe you” I hear Elliot say as he unlocked the doors

“I wouldn’t want to give you what you want to happen by going home by myself.” I say plainly as I get in the car

“Whatever” he muttered softly starting the engine and then we headed back home

We didn’t talk the whole ride. He seriously is pissing me off because he’s being like this without a good reason. I mean, so what if he got a bruise? I said sorry for accidentally punching him. The key word being accidentally. We finally arrive home and I immediately opened the door then headed to the front door. I opened it and I was welcomed with Diane hugging me. All my anger evaporated as I see Diane’s smile. She is so adorable.

“Did you have fun at school? I sure did!” she screeched leading me to the living room

“Yeah, of course” I smile to her as she pulled me down to the couch

“Oh, hey there dear! How was school?” I hear Beth ask as she came out form the kitchen

“Uh… fine. Everyone was nice” I smile to her. My smile faded so fast when I saw Elliot enter the living room

“How was the first day Elliot?” Beth asked with a motherly tone

“Nice, same as before” Elliot answered as he sat on the couch opposite to where me and Diane were

“Okay then. Dinner will be ready in five minutes!” Beth said going back to the kitchen

“Did you meet Cassadee and the other friends of Elliot?” Diane asked

‘Uh… yeah. They’re really nice’ I tell her

“Yup they are. They’re fun too!” Diane said

“Uh… Yeah, of course. You know what I’ll just go up to my room okay?” I tell Diane because I definitely feel awkward staying in the same room with Elliot. I don’t feel at ease with him. He has been staring at us the whole time and it made me feel uncomfortable.

“O-kay” Diane said

‘I’ll be back’ I smile to her then immediately turned around without looking at Elliot.

I really don’t understand him.

I crash on my bed as I think of all the things that happened to me today. There are good stuff that happened, like meeting Luke but there are also bad things like having to deal with Elliot. I seriously have not hated anyone as I dislike Elliot. I just met him and I really hate him already. I groan as I thought about this.

He is going to make my life here so miserable, I am sure of it.

Dinner ended smoothly. Thankfully, Elliot wasn’t an ass and more or less ignored me the whole time. I’d rather that he ignored me than treat me like garbage.

I walk up the stairs then noticed that someone was behind me. I turn around to look and saw Elliot. I stare at him for a minute, trying to ask why he was there

“What?” he inquired seeing my confused face

“Nothing” I shook my head and continued walking to my room

“Can I ask you something?” I hear Elliot ask as I was about to open my room

“Yes?” I say calmly. He is actually talking to me without arrogance or sarcasm.

“Why are you and Diane close? She seems very comfortable with you. I’ve never seen her with anyone like that. Even to Cassadee and the others” he trailed off

“I don’t know. She has been like that ever since I arrived here. She’s really sweet. “I absentmindedly smiled to myself as I think of Diane

He just nodded then entered his room without a single word

“Ass” I mutter to myself as I enter my room and banged the door a bit.

I can’t believe I was thinking that he was being nice to me already. I mean, hello, why did he just enter the room without even saying anything back? He is so insensitive! I was actually waiting for him to say something nice! Form now on, I will not be tricked by him anymore. He is a really conceited guy. I am so sure of it now. I originally didn’t want to have enemies here and instead gain a lot of friends but he is making it so hard for me to not hate him.

He is just so hate-able!


The next day, I was still angry with Elliot. I have a feeling I will be angry with him the whole time I study here. I open the car door as soon as the car stopped. I shut it as hard as I could then walked straight in the building without bothering to look back. I have decided to just ignore his being an ass and just live my life. I don’t want him ruining my mood every time he acts like an idiot. Ignoring him is the best and only solution to this dilemma I have and that is exactly what I will do. He’s not worth my attention anyway.

I enter the classroom and was immediately welcomed by Luke grinning at me.

“Hey there” he greeted as I sat beside him

“Morning” I unexpectedly smiled back despite the fact that I was pissed just a few minutes ago. He can really brighten up my day.

“So, when can we start the tour?” he asked as he turned to face me. Oh God those eyes are just meant to melt anyone who looks at it.

“Uh... I don’t know… depends on when you are free” I say as I hide the blush forming on my face

“I am free at lunch.” He smiled again

“Lunch it is” I replied

“Great! I get to eat lunch with you!” he said with a cheerful voice

“Yup, you are” I said, laughing a little

I am starting to really get attracted to Luke
♠ ♠ ♠
Hmm, what do you think? Looks like Kay Leigh's liking Luke huh?

