Tell Me How You Love Me Now


I set my alarm clock at eight in the morning so I can do all my home work because I would be going out at one with Luke today and I am not sure what time it would end so I decided to take a precaution and finish all my homework by twelve noon then get ready at twelve thirty. Yes, of course, I put my studies above everything first. Call me a loser, but admit it, all the responsible people are the ones who get rich in the future. We all need to know our priorities and do them first.

I woke up and dragged myself out the bed. I washed my face then went to the kitchen to make myself coffee so I can wake myself up completely. I quietly go down and made coffee. I stood by the counter and waited for it to be ready. I subconsciously hummed a random song and then I started to sing the lyrics by myself as I waited for the coffee. See, I have this habit of singing at random times during the day and this is one of it.

Cause it's you and me and all of the people with nothing to do, nothing to prove. And it's you and me and all of the people. And I don't know why, I can't keep my eyes off—

I was cut off when I hear a thud by the stairs. Did someone hear me singing? I waited and peeked a little. I was startled when I saw Elliot come in the kitchen.

“Morning. Sorry, did I disturb you?” he asked as he walked in

“Uh… no, I’ll be finished soon anyway. Are you making coffee as well?” I asked

“Yeah” he answered sitting on the chair “You have a nice voice by the way” he smiled weakly

Good thing I wasn’t facing him because my mouth opened so wide when he said that.

Why was he suddenly being nice? What? Is he in a good mood every morning and then he PMSes during the night? I don’t understand him at all.

“Uhmm… thanks?” I muttered keeping myself distracted by mixing the coffee repeatedly
“Uh… I’ll be going up now” I said softly as I pass him.

I don’t want to stay here any longer because this is just too weird. Maybe he is still dreaming or he’s half asleep so he doesn’t know what he is saying.

“You should try singing more. I like your voice” he whispered as I exit the room

I didn’t reply anymore since I was out the kitchen already before he even finished the sentence. I can just pretend I didn’t hear. That was completely weird.

I shook it off as soon as I arrived in my room.

“Okay, never mind what just happened a while ago. I need to concentrate and finish all of these” I took a deep breath and then started to work

Miraculously, I was done by eleven. The whole house was quite noisy now. Everyone is obviously up. I stretched and then fixed all my books and papers.

“Oh, dear, you’re done with your home works already?” Beth asked as she peeked in the room

“Oh, yes, I just finished” I told her stretching

“That’s good, dear. You’re really responsible!” she exclaimed

“Thanks” I smile to her

“Uh… can I ask a favor though?” she asked as she went in the room

“Yes?” I urged

“Me and Carl are just going out of town for the weekend and I hope you can baby sit Diane, if that’s okay” she said

OH shit. I didn’t tell them about my date at one later. UGH. What now?

“Oh, right, yeah of course. That’s okay, I can do that” I said a little too fast without thinking

“Thanks dear! I don’t really trust that Elliot can do it by himself” she beamed

What will I say now?

“Uh, so when will you guys go?” I asked hoping that it is earlier than one

“We are actually leaving in ten minutes. I really appreciate it Kay Leigh” she answered

My heart leaped. Yes! They’ll be gone by one so I can still go later!

“Yeah sure!” I said, feeling relieved

Okay, they’re both gone now, my only problem is trying to leave Diane with Elliot. Elliot knows that I have a date with Luke today so maybe he’ll understand where I stand. He was a little nice this morning anyway so perhaps he’ll still be nice now.

I slowly went down and saw Elliot and Diane on the couch, watching cartoons. He looked bored. I bet he was just forced to watch that weird cartoon Diane was watching.
Diane didn’t even notice me when I entered the room because she’s too glued with the cartoon she is currently watching. Thank god because I wouldn’t want her to notice that I left. Elliot turned his head to me and gave me a questioning look.

“Yes?” he asked

“Uh… as you know, I am meeting Luke today, uh… at one and—“

“Oh, Diane, I think Kay Leigh is here to hang out with us” Elliot randomly said, not letting me finish my sentence

What the heck? He wasn’t supposed to make Diane notice me! What if Diane clings to me the whole day? How the hell will I go out? I surely had a petrified face when Diane smiled at me then hugged me. I am sure I saw Elliot grinning when he saw my reaction.

That ass! I bet he really did that so I couldn’t go out! Agh.

“Hey! Come play with me and Elliot!” she jumped excitedly

“Uh… yea-yeah, but I can only stay until one because I have to meet a friend by that time” I whispered to her

“Who?” she asked

“Uh… someone” I mutter.

Just like on cue, I hear my phone vibrate in my pocket. I quickly got it and flipped it open

“Hello?” I hear Luke say in the other end

I smiled and bit my lips

“Uh… hi! Why did you call?” I ask standing up and then left the room, still with a wide smile on my face. I wouldn’t want them hearing our conversation.

“Just making sure if you could come today?” he asked

“Yeah I am” I answered

“Okay, that’s perfect” I could see him smiling now “I’ll be there by one, sharp” he said

“I’ll be waiting then” I say then we both hung up.

I was still smiling as I reenter the living room

“Who was that?” Diane asked as she stood up from the couch. Elliot was looking at me also. Why the hell are they are interested with that phone call?

“Uh... Nothing, just a friend’ I answered

“Is he the person you’ll be going out later?’ Diane asked innocently

“How’d you know it was a he?” I ask kneeling down to her level

“I heard the voice. It was a boy” she accused with a cute voice

I giggled and then patted her head

“You like him don’t you! You were smiling so wide when you heard his voice” she accused

For a six year old she is smart. I could feel Elliot staring straight at me while I was talking to Diane. I bet he is “PMSing” yet again.

“Whatever Diane. Just watch TV again” I laugh at her

“I’ll be leaving at one” I tell him as Diane sat back on the couch

“You can’t just leave us like that you know. You promised mom that you’ll be baby sitting Diane with me” he plainly said

“Well, I trust that you are mature enough to handle a little six year old girl by yourself within a few hours” I say blankly

“You can’t just leave and then go on a date with some guy” he persisted

“You’re not my mother” I told him then exited the room

So he really wanted me not to go on my date with Luke today. What? Does he hate me that much that he wouldn’t want me to have a love life as well?
♠ ♠ ♠
It is kinda long. hhahah, I hope i get a lot of comments for this :) YES?

AND, about the other pic in the last update, I honestly don't know that other guy. Maybe Jersey came after him or something. hahaha. does anyone know? There's nothing much about them in the internet. :/ That's what sucks about new bands. They don't have that much info that you can find around :(
