Tell Me How You Love Me Now


Elliot’s P.O.V

I am not sure why I feel this way about Kay Leigh going out with that Luke guy. I mean, I should not really care right? I don’t even know why I am being rude to Kay Leigh. We were childhood friends and we used to get along just well when we were kids. I really treasure all the times we’ve spent together before but it seems like she doesn’t even remember it or give importance to it. She changed over the years.

I hate it that when she moved to California, she never bothered to call or to send any letter. We both made a promise to each other that we will not lose contact but she didn’t fulfill it. I was left alone to sulk here in Florida.

When I saw her that fist night, I didn’t know what to feel. Should I feel happy that she is finally back or should I act pissed because she just forgot about me like that? The feeling of being mad got over me so I treated her so rude that night. It has nothing to do with the punching at all. I was just confused and shocked that she was there. I know my mom had told me about her staying with us but I never expected to see her that way.

I wasn’t ready.

Kay Leigh was my very first best friend and she ruined it when she moved and forgot all about me. She doesn’t even seem to remember about it. Maybe that’s why I couldn’t talk to her straight without acting angry. Every time I see her, I remember how she didn’t keep her promise so I end up being all pissed at her. I know it’s unfair but that’s just how I feel. I can’t control it.

I was cut from my thoughts when I heard a knock on the door. It was just four, so it couldn’t be Kay Leigh. I swiftly opened the door and saw Cassadee.

“Hey!” she smiled

“Uh… hi! What brings you here?’ I ask

“Nothing! I just wanna hang out with my friends!” she said as she let herself in

“Okay” I mutter

“Kay is with her date right? So you’re all alone here, baby sitting Diane. I am here to
help” she said gladly

“Oh right. Thanks” I mumble.

If Cass did this during summer, I could have been very happy and I would be blushing so bright right now but I am not. I don’t even understand myself. I know that I kinda was attracted to Cass but it just sort of faded away when school started. I don’t know what has gotten into me. Maybe she is noticing it that’s why she is trying to reach out to me. All she saw me as was a friend. Thank God she never gave a sign that she liked be back because I wouldn’t know what to do. I just don’t feel the same anymore. I think it was all platonic.

Our conversation was cut off when I heard a knock on the door again. I automatically open it and saw the other guys go in. What the hell is this?

“Hey man” Mike greeted and let himself in

“We’re here to hang out” Jersey said then patted my shoulder as he passed

“Your face says that you are shocked. It’s obvious” Alex joked as I shut the door

“Why the heck will I not be shocked? Did we talk about this? What? All of you can just crash my house like that?” I asked confused

“Oh come on, what’s with the mood? You used to love us crashing your house” Mike said

“Yeah, but I am just in a bad mood today” I whisper to myself

“What did you say?” Cass asked

“Nothing” I mutter

Someone knocked on the door again. What the heck! What’s with all the people knocking on our door! I approached the door and threw it open

“What now?” I asked without looking at whoever the person is

“Uhhh… we’re back?” I see Kay Leigh standing with none other than Luke

What the hell is this? And why did my heart skip a beat when I saw Kay Leigh?

There is definitely something wrong with me.
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YAY! Finally. Elliot's POV. hahha. So... that's why Elliot acts like that. :))

