Tell Me How You Love Me Now


“Carl!” the woman yelled again

I hear footsteps coming from the stairs and going nearer to me

“Oh! Kay Leigh! You’re here! Don’t you remember Uncle Carl? I used to stay with you and baby sit you when you were young!” he exclaimed to me and hugged me

I awkwardly hug back

“You! You weren’t the one babysitting her! I was!” the woman that opened the door told the Carl guy then she turned to me with a huge smile “Oh, honey, I am your auntie Beth. I used to baby-sit you, not him” she said stiffly as she glared at the man

All I could do was smile at them.

“We are good friends of your father. You don’t have to be formal to us. Be yourself around us Okay?” the woman said nicely

I nodded

“You can just call me Carl and you can call my wife Beth. Just drop the uncle and auntie. We don’t like it because it makes us look old” Carl chuckled

“Yes of course” I say

“Ms. Leigh, I must go now.” George whispered to me

I turn to him

“Why so fast?”

“I’ve got to attend to the needs of your father. He specifically said to just drop you off here then go straight back for I still have so much duties to accomplish back there” he explained

“Okay. I’ll walk with you” I offered

“Oh, no need Ms. I can walk myself. You don’t have to” George said

“No, I insist” I tell him

Truthfully, I just wanted to be out of that strange house and get some fresh air. I was too overwhelmed by those two people. I don’t usually get that much attention drawn to me just for entering the house.

“Alright then” George finally gave in

“I’ll just walk my butler to the car?” I say to Carl and Beth

“Oh! Yes, yes, of course!” they both said

“I’ll be back in a minute” I smile to them then opened the door

We start to slowly walk to the car.

“You just have to give them a chance Ms. Leigh” George suddenly said

“Huh? What do you mean?” I ask

“I know that the vibe they are giving you is all new to you but you just have to wait until you get used to it. They are nice people” He smiled to me

I smile back. George is like my second father already. Whatever my dad can’t do, George replaces him like the bringing me here. My dad couldn’t do it so George did. I am kinda more comfortable with him then my dad. I can open up to him more easily than to my dad.

Sad, I know.

“I will try” I reassure him

“I know you can.” He said as he walked to open the door to the car

I felt a pang of fear as he opened the door. He’s leaving me here all alone. He’s the only person I can feel comfortable with and then now he’s leaving me as well. Without thinking, I quickly ran to him and hugged him.

“I’ll miss you George” I say as I hugged him tightly

“Ohh, Ms. Leigh, I’ll miss you also” he laughed

“You’re like my second father and now you’re leaving me too” I mumble

“I am not leaving you forever. I am just going to be in California. You can call me anytime you need anything or if you have any problems” he comforted me

“Thanks for that” I say as I pull away

“I know you’re strong enough to face this Ms. Leigh. Just remember that I am always here to support you OK?” he smiled his fatherly smile to me

“Yes. I promise to be strong”

“Okay then. It’s goodbye for now” he said as he went in the car

“Bye George, I’ll really miss you” I say as I wave to him. He nodded and started the engine. He was gone in a few seconds I just stood there, feeling tears which I held back for so long come down my cheeks

I completely feel alone now
♠ ♠ ♠
I know, I know, It''s still a little depressing, haha! THANKS a lot for all the comments you gave! I am sorry I don't update so much in this story as I do in my other stories. I just want to concentrate on my William story first until it ends ;))

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Ohyeah, this is the band's latest music video: