Tell Me How You Love Me Now


After another thirty minutes, I was finally finished crying yet again. I lifted my head from Elliot’s shoulder and I was startled with how our faces were so close to one another. I
blinked a few times then drew my face farther from his. I bit my lip then looked up at him. He was just looking at me with confused eyes.

“Are you okay now?” he asked

“Yes. Thanks for that” I mumble

“Anytime” he whispered

Now we are just both silent. I looked at him through the sides of my eyes and I can see him still looking straight at me. Why was he looking at me in that way? He seemed to snap out of his daze because he suddenly stood up. I watch him as he stood up.

“Well, since you are all better now, why don’t we settle things between the two of us and start over? He smiled to me as he offered his hand to me

I smile back to him. I am starting to un-hate him now

“Sure” I smile wider as I shook his hand

“No more fights, and let’s forget about the past. Let’s start over?” he asked happily as he shook my hand

“Yeah, I like that” I agreed

“I am really seriously sorry for hurting your feelings. I am just crazy in that way” he muttered as our hands separate

“I understand. I was rude to you as well. We both should take the blame” I say

“So, we’re friends now Ok?” he said

“Friends” I confirmed

“So, since we are friends now, how about some bonding?” he suggested pulling me from the bed where I was sitting

“What?” I asked oddly a he pulled me downstairs.

He is actually holding my hand. This is unusual but I like the feeling it is giving me. It makes me feel happy. I don’t know why, but it does.

“Hmm, what about telling me more about yourself, seeing that we haven’t talked too much ever since I met you? I’ll do that too” he smiled as we both sat on the couch side by side

“Sure, but wait, where’s Diane? Isn’t she supposed to be around here?” I ask as I looked around to spot the little bubbly girl

“She’s taking her nap” Elliot said then rolled his eyes

“Oh” I nodded

“So… anything you’d fancy sharing?” he asked with interest

“Uhmm… let’s see, what exactly do you want to know about me?” I ask, not really knowing what to say about myself

“How about your interests? What do you like doing? favorite color?” he started dictating random questions

“Well, I like traveling, as I said in class, but I also love just walking around random places. It doesn’t have to be out of the country. It can be at a local part for that matter. I just like going to different places. And, I like any color but I prefer light colors. You know happy colors like pink or white.”

“You didn’t mention singing?” he asked

“Uh, well… that’s one of my past times as well, you know, when I am bored” I say shyly, remembering when he caught me singing in the kitchen once

“You have a great voice. I think you should sing in public more” he said

“Well, I have what you call stage fright” I whisper

“Ohh, come on, people would want to hear your hidden talent!” he exclaimed

I laugh softly

“My mom used to say that to me. She would always hear me singing in the bathroom and clap randomly causing me to be terrified on who the heck is applauding.” I smile as I remember this

“I am sure she was you very first fan, next to me of course” he smiled and that made me smile as well. He is starting to break my walls. He is starting to get into my life, little by little and I honestly like it.

I need a friend to stand by me at times like this anyway.
♠ ♠ ♠
hmmm... friend huh? Let's see. (:

