Tell Me How You Love Me Now


Currently, me and Elliot are still hanging out in the living room, laughing our asses off. He has a sense of humor, if I may say. He could be so hilarious. I was laughing uncontrollably when I noticed that he wasn’t laughing anymore. He was watching me laugh with a smile on his face. He had this look on his face again that made my heart skip a beat and my face to feel so hot. It was like he could see right through me causing me to feel completely exposed under his gaze.

“What? Why are you looking at me like that?” I ask playfully between laughs

“Nothing. You are a really nice girl Kay Leigh” he never removed his smile

“Thanks. You are nice as well” I complimented back with a more serious tone

He was just looking at me and I can’t help but look back with curiosity. Why was he looking at me in that way? We both jumped when I heard a loud shout nearby.

“Kay Leigh! Elliot!”

It was Diane

We both stood up the instant we hear this and then ran straight upstairs to her room. Elliot yanked open the door and I rushed into the room. I found Diane crying on her bed.

“Hey” I said softly as I walked near her

“Bad dream! Monsters all over!” she said in between small intakes of air

“Aww, it’s just a dream Diane, don’t worry we’re here” I patted her as I sat on the side of her bed

Elliot casually came in and stood up across the bed, looking at his sobbing sister, obviously not knowing what to do. He looked like he wanted to go and comfort her but maybe he didn’t know how. Guys are usually like that.

“See, even Elliot is worried, look at his face” I said with a teasing voice to make her laugh

Elliot’s face twitched a bit after I said it.

“What? What’s with my face?” he asked curiously, touching his face

“Nothing.” I laughed at him

He blinked a few times then shrugged

“Does he really care? Why can’t he come here and make me feel better?” Diane whispered to me so only I could hear

“Brothers are always like that. They usually don’t know how to comfort a little sister.
You should just understand him” I whisper back

“Oh” she mouthed then smiled her cute little smile

For a six year old, I believe that Diane is a clever little girl. She can easily understand the things around her but she also has her own six year old weaknesses like being scared of nightmares.

“Are… are you okay now?” Elliot asked softly as he saw Diane smile

“Yes!” Diane jumped on her bed

We both laughed at the sight of an adorable six year old who was crying just moments ago but in just a span of a few minutes, is now jumping all over the place.

It’s funny how children can easily forget.

Elliot’s P.O.V

I don’t know why I am feeling this way towards Kay Leigh. I don’t know why I was so mad that she went out with that Luke guy and whenever he touched her. I also don’t know why I feel like I am starting to appreciate some small little details about Kay Leigh like the color of her eyes, how her hair casually falls on her shoulder or just how beautiful her smile is. I often find myself staring at her nowadays. I don’t understand myself. I think it all started that day when she broke down about her father’s absence in her life.
I saw a very vulnerable and weak side of her causing me to start to appreciate her more. I saw that she has a frail side and she needs someone to be with her and stand beside her whenever she felt like crying. I felt like I needed to be that person. I don’t know why, but that’s what I would like to be.

I also saw a different side of her on how she dealt with Diane, my little sister. She wasn’t the strong girl I see whenever I was rude to her. She had a caring and sister like attitude to Diane which made me even more interested in her. She definitely has a strong side but she had a soft and gentle personality as well.

I don’t know why I am feeling this way or what the heck am I feeling, but I somehow liked feeling this way because it made me happier. I don’t know how, but whenever I talked to Kay Leigh, I feel a perfect bliss rush through me.

“Hello? Man, are you okay?” I see Mike’s hand wave on my face

“You’ve been different for a week now. What’s up?” Jersey added

“Uhh, I am fine, really” I mutter as I averted my eyes away from Kay Leigh yet again.

Agh, that’s the third time this day that I caught myself staring at her. What the hell is up with me? Why can’t I look at another girl, or human being around here? Why do my eyes always have to land on her?

“Dude, you’ve been staring at her for a good ten minutes now” Alex said softly to me

“What-what?” I asked, trying to look innocent

“You know what I am talking about.” He smirked then drank his coke

I shrugged then pretended to play with my food.

“So, you guys want to hang out this weekend?” Cassadee asked the whole group

A chorus of “sures” were heard

I didn’t look up or bother to answer because I know that if I tried to look up, I’d see Kay Leigh then I surely wouldn’t be able to take my eyes off of her for a very long time.

“Are you okay Elliot?” I hear a familiar voice that made my heart jump ask me. This was the last voice I would like to hear talking to me because I would end up panicking inside of me then pretending to stay calm outside.

I slowly look up at Kay Leigh

“Yeah sure, I am fine. Why do you ask?”

“Nothing, you are just quiet today” she answered

“Just thinking” I said

“About what man?” Alex asked with an evil grin on his face again.

What is up with Alex? First he throws me that “It’s obvious” comment and now, he says the “you’ve been staring at her for a good ten minutes now” statement.

“Stuff” I answer plainly at him

“Fine don’t tell your best dude. You’ll be asking help from me sooner or later anyway” he whispered the last sentence
♠ ♠ ♠
How cute is that? Hmm, yes, guys can be so dumb at times (:
