Tell Me How You Love Me Now


Kay Leigh’s P.O.V

What is up with Elliot nowadays? I often catch him staring off to space or staring straight at me. It freaks me out at times because of surprise but it flatters me more often. I mean, he looks at me a lot of times. It’s like he wants to tell me something but he just couldn’t so he just absentmindedly stares. I tried to get it out of him by talking more to him but he didn’t tell me anything serious. We’ve never had an argument ever since we decided to be real friends already. I actually like our relationship as friends now

“So, let’s go to Elliot’s place for the weekend?” let’s party?” Cssadee suggested

“Oh yeah!!” Jersey cheered

“Everyone in?” Mike asked

“I don’t know if I can” I say

“What? Why?” Mike asked confused

“Well, uh… Luke invited me to this thing for the weekend so…”

“Oh my! Really? Where?” Cassadee asked eagerly

“Are you two dating?” Elliot suddenly asked then his head snapped up to face me

“Uh… well, he invited me to go out and hang out for the weekend. I haven’t really said yes to him but he did ask me first” I answer Cassadee and avoided what Elliot asked me

“You didn’t answer my question” Elliot insisted looking straight at me with those eyes.

There is seriously something with his eyes. Sometimes I love looking at them because they are so gentle and beautiful but at times like this, I just want to melt and disappear. His eyes were piercing and serious.

“Sorry, what did you ask again?” I said innocently

The bell rang. Shit, this is a so “saved by the bell” moment. I truly love the bell.

“Oh, sorry, it’s time. I have to go to class. I don’t want to be late!” I said, pretending not to hear Elliot again.

I rushed away from the table. Whew, thank you God. The rest of the day went well because I never saw Elliot again but I know that I have to face him again later today. Of course, I had to ride with him going home. I had no choice.

So, I am currently standing by his car, waiting for him to come. Surprisingly, he came early. Too early to be honest. I mean, ever since we have become friends for real, he didn’t make me wait for so long anymore but he did make me wait for a few minutes. Maybe he really just moves slowly. But now, I just waited for about less than five minutes.

“Hey” I greeted him

He smiled as he opened the door. What if he starts bombarding me with questions about Luke? Why is he even so interested with Luke and I? So what if we are going out? I mean, I am single and Luke is single as well.

What can make him so interested in my relationship with other people, more specifically with Luke?

“So, you’re not going on Saturday?” he casually asked as we both enter the house.

“I don’t think so” I answered

He didn’t answer so I stole a glance of his face. He looked like he was in deep thought.

“I think you should really come.’ He suddenly said after a few silent minutes

“I am not sure though.” I said

“Think about it. It would be nice if you hang out with us for the weekend” he said before heading upstairs.

“Okay” I mouthed then went up my room as well

“Phew, that was strange.” I said to myself as I lie down my bed and looked up the ceiling until I fell asleep

The next day, I was still thinking about what Elliot told me. I don’t even know why it is a big thing for me to hang out with them for the weekend because I always spend time with them everyday at school. Besides, they’ll only be staying in Elliot’s house, which is also my place.

“Hey!” I was popped out of my thoughts when Luke suddenly ran beside me as I walk to my next class, which was Chemistry. He is actually my lab partner and I am glad that he is because he is not dumb unlike those other basketball players. He does his homework and studies. He is quite clever if I may say honestly.

“Hello” I greeted

“So, you up on Saturday?” he asked excitedly

“Hmm, you know what… I am not so sure” I say, quickly trying to make a snap decision on whether to say yes to Luke or Elliot.

“Why aren’t you sure?” he asked, his voice a little disappointed

“I am sorry but my friends invited me to hang out this weekend and I just couldn’t say no to them. But, you know I can make it up to you” I tell him

“How?” he said, feeling down now

“What about, next week, Saturday? You have me the whole day” I announce

His eyes turned from dark and frustrated to a pleased and animated one.

“Really? You’ll not back out anymore?” he made sure

“Of course, I set the date… so I should come” I smile to him as we both enter the room

“Aw, thanks! I am excited already!” Luke said then automatically enveloped me into a tight hug. I was startled because he never made any big physical contact to me.

This was the first time he ever hugged me this close.

“O-kay” I breathed out as he continued hugging me. I was blushing a bit because some people’s eyes were staring right to us. “Uhmm, I think you can let go now Luke. People are staring” I mumble to him

“Oh, sorry” he muttered as he quickly pulled away “I got carried away” he said shyly

“Sure, we all do” I patted his shoulder as we both walk to our chairs

I see Cassadee’s grin, Alex’s confused look, Jersey’s thumbs up and Elliot’s— I really don’t know how to explain his face. It was blank and he looked stunned.

We both sit down and Luke’s happiness is still very much obvious with the smile on his face and the glimmer on his eyes.
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I love all the commenters! THANKS for always commenting and telling me what you think about the story! I just hope the anonymous people show up and comment as well!

