Tell Me How You Love Me Now


So, it’s the weekend now and I a supposed to hang out with the Cassadee and the guys. What can we do that’s so important anyway? I sigh as I stand up from my bed to freshen myself up. It’s quite late already. It’s ten in the morning. I usually wake up at nine or eight. After washing, I open my door and went downstairs. I was welcomed by Beth and Diane sitting on the table.

“Morning!” I smile at both of them

“Oh, hey honey, you’re up late today?” Beth asked

“Yeah, I slept late”

After spending almost a month with this family, I find myself acquiring their habits like greeting and smiling more. I find it funny that I was kinda uncomfortable whenever they smile at me just because I wasn’t used to it. I sat down and ate some cereals

“Kay Leigh! I am gonna go to my friend’s house today!” Diane randomly said

“Huh?” I asked confused

“Oh, yeah, Kay, I would be accompanying Diane on a play date today so that leaves you and Elliot here in the house. I heard Cass and the others are coming over right?” Beth explained

“Oh, yeah, yeah” I answer understanding

“Oh, well, we should be going now… there’s food in the fridge and there’s money in the jar in case you want take out. Bye Kay, we’ll be back later tonight”

“Okay, bye, have fun Diane”

“Bye Kay!” she waved then both of them were out the house

I sigh and stared at my cereals. What can I do now? I tapped my newly painted fingernails on the table. I can’t think of anything to do. I am not even that hungry anymore. I think I drank too much coffee. I was going to stand up and go to my room already when I heard footsteps coming near. It must be Elliot

“Good morning!” I greet him as he slowly walk in the kitchen

“Hey” he muttered then sat on the chair across from mine


“Yup. Is there food?” he asked as he looked around

“Yeahp, Beth cooked some pancakes. Here” I handed him a plate full of pancakes from the microwave


“So… what exactly are we going to do today that is so important that I have to be here?” I inquire as he ate

“Well, we have a surprise for you” he smirked then looked up to me from looking at his plate

“Surprise?” I asked confused

“Yeahp. Just wait for it.” He said while shoving a mouthful of pancakes in his half full mouth

“I don’t get it” I mutter

“Huh?” he asked, still with his full mouth

“I just don’t get why you guys eat like that” I sigh then sat back to my chair

He laughed

“That is so random. We were just talking about our surprise for you then you diverted the topic to my eating” he said as he swallowed the food in his mouth

“GAH, I can’t stand how you boys eat. Don’t you have like, table manners or something?” I said revolted

“Well, see, we guys eat fast, unlike you girls who eat so slow that the food you are chewing is already screaming for you to swallow” he chuckled

“That’s disgusting”

“It’s true.” He said then stood up to wash his plate

I roll my eyes and glared at him

“Oh yeah, where is Di and mom?” he asked while he washed the dishes

“Diane has a play date with her friends and your mom accompanied her” I answered


“So, when are the others arriving?’

‘Any minute now” he turned around and smiled at me

My heart instantly jumped. What the heck. Why did my heart jump? That’s weird. I mean, he just smiled. Maybe I was just surprised that he is actually smiling. I am not used to his smile so I get taken aback whenever he flashes his quite cute smile to me.

“Are you okay?” he asked, looking at my expression

The doorbell rang. Oh thank god! I am so lucky.

“Hello!” Alex shouted as soon as I open the door

“Hi guys!” I greet the four of them

“Nice outfit” Jersey said, eyeing my shorts and shirt

Oh my, I am still wearing my sleeping clothes.

“Oh… wait, I’ll just change” I say as I tried to hide my blushing face

“Hey, can I come?” Cassadee asked

“Yeah sure, sure, follow me, before these guys undress me with their perverted eyes” I said out loud, noticing that all of them were looking at me, except for Elliot, of course. I bet he is used to it already. We live in the same house for crying out loud. We both go upstairs and I immediately shut the door and dug in for a decent thing to wear

“Nice room. It’s neat” Cassadee said as she looked around

“Thanks, I do try” I laugh as I dressed up in the bathroom

I found Cassadee sitting on my bed when I went out.

“So… what’s this surprise Elliot was saying?” I ask her as I comb my hair

“He told you we are surprising you?” Cassadee asked

“Uh… yeah. But he didn’t say the surprise though”

“But the idea that we were surprising you was supposed to be a surprise too!” she whined

“It’s fine, I don’t even know the surprise” I laugh softly

“Still! Oh the others are gonna be infuriated when they find out that you know about the surprise already”

“Then don’t tell them” I say

“I can’t believe he told you! He never tells.”

“That’s okay, I’ll just pretend I didn’t know”


“Let’s go down” I told her


We both go down and found the boys eating like cows on the kitchen table

“Oh boy, I am not cleaning that up” I declare, seeing the mess

“Me too” Elliot said “You guys are cleaning up after eating”

“Fine” the three guys said, all with mouths full of undigested food

“Ugh, and I thought watching Elliot eat was hell” I mutter

Me, Elliot and Cass walked to the living room and sat on the couch. Elliot turned on the TV and flipped through the channels

“I cannot believe you told her that we are surprising her” Cass whispered to Elliot

“What? I just told her we were surprising her. I didn’t say the surprise” he said

“Still!” she whined

“Whatever” he said, going back to watching TV

My phone rang and I quickly pulled it out my pocket. I answered it without looking at the ID.

“Hello?” I say

“Hi! It’s Luke.”

I slightly blush as I hear his name

“Uh… hey, why did you call?” I ask softly, hoping that Cass and Elliot wouldn’t hear considering the TV’s volume is quite high

“Just calling to check up on you. You know, our date was supposed to be today” he laughed

His laugh was so masculine. I can’t help but smile to myself. My smile faded when I glanced at Cass and Elliot. Cass was watching the TV but Elliot was looking at me with serious eyes. It’s kinda scary. Why was he staring again? He’s just so weird at times. I tried to ignore it and go back to talking to Luke.

“You’ll have your turn next week. Thanks for understanding by the way” I tell him extra softly so Elliot wouldn’t hear. I can feel that he was listening to our conversation

“Aw, that’s okay. Friends first right?” he said

“Yes, of course, friends first” I answer

‘Oh, sorry, my mom’s throwing havoc downstairs already, I gotta go”

“Oh, okay then. Thanks for calling” I tell him

‘Sure. I’ll be calling again later”

I laughed

“Call whenever you like”

Then we both hung up

I honestly can say that I was still wearing a small smile a few minutes after hanging up

“Whoa there. It’s wether you are really happy to be with us or you are going crazy” Mike said as the three guys entered the room

“Why the heck are you smiling to yourself?” Jersey asked while he sat down on the floor

“Uh… Nothing” I said finally snapping out of my daze.

“Yeah right” Alex mumbled

“Someone called, that’s why” Cass smirked

‘You were listening?!” I asked a little shocked.

She looked like she wasn’t listening at all when I glanced at her

“Of course! You were smiling like a fifteen year old a while ago. I just didn’t want to make you feel awkward like what Elliot here did” she said then glared at Elliot

“What?” Elliot asked innocently

“I thought it was only Elliot eavesdropping” I mutter

“Hey I wasn’t eavesdropping” Elliot opposed

“Yes you were! We both were. Only I wasn’t that obvious” Cass pointed out

“Ugh, whatever. I don’t care anymore” I whisper
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ELLIOT! HAHAH. bec it's a special day, I made the update extra long for all of you (: Hope you guys like it!


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