Tell Me How You Love Me Now


Their so called band practice was up and the others decided to hitch with Cass leaving me and Elliot in the basement. I actually had fun watching them practice. I am touched that they want my opinion about their band. I never thought my opinions were so important to them.

I walked around the room, examining all the music stuff they had laying around. Elliot was the one who walked Cass and the others to the front door. The drum set made me curious. How does it feel to be behind those drums anyway? Does it make Elliot comfortable to play there? He looks so at ease and in high spirits whenever he plays drums.

Without thinking, I sat on his chair and got the drumsticks. I examined the sticks and saw that it had all the band’s signatures in it. It’s so cute, actually. He must really love it even if it looks kinda old already.

I started to play beats that I have learned while I watched Elliot play a while ago. I saw him play a lot of times so the beat and rhythm is kinda stuck in my head already. Wow this does feel good. I continued playing until I heard someone clapping. I abruptly stopped and looked around. Elliot comfortably sitting on the couch

“When did you get here?’ I ask, kinda embarrassed

He slowly stood up with a grin on his face” About ten minutes ago. You were so lost in playing that you never noticed “he said as he approached me “I didn’t know you knew how to play”

“I don’t”

“What was that then?’

“Just… something I learned form watching you play a lot of times” I said softly as I dropped the drumsticks

“You… you learned how to play those beats just by listening to me play them?” he asked with obvious shock

“Yup” I smiled

“Wow, you might even be better than me.” He whispered

“Nah, you are too good to top. Besides, that’s all I know” I said standing up from the chair

“You are a fast learner. But…” he caught my arm and pulled me back towards the drums

“But?’ I asked a little confused on why he pushed near the drums again

“See, you got one beat wrong. In this part, you hit the snares, not the bass drum” he said as he played one part. It did sound quit different when I played it compared to how he played it.

“Oh, yes, that part sounded weird when I played it. That’s why” I nodded

“Here, try it” he stood up from the chair and handed me his drumsticks”

“Okay” I whispered to myself. I sat down and braced myself to play

I am kinda conscious that he is watching me. I didn’t know he was watching me a while ago so I was more relaxed. His presence makes me nervous. I took a deep breath and started playing, following what he told me a while ago. I smiled to myself when the sound matched what he played. I looked up to him while playing and he was just smiling and nodding.

“What do you think?” I asked when I stopped playing

“You are kinda good for a beginner. You pick up fast”

“Thank—you” I bowed a little

He just smiled and looked at me with his sweet eyes. See, he has different kinds of ways of looking at me. One is the jerky look, when he acts like an ass. Another is like the one a while ago when Luke called. I don’t really know why he does it or what makes him do it. I mean, he just stares so seriously at me. I don’t know what goes on in his head when he does this. It really freaks me out at times. The last one and the one I like the most is the sweet and friendly one. Whenever I see that look, a part of me kinda melts in it and makes me feel like me and he can get along just right.
♠ ♠ ♠
YES, it is true, Elliot has left the band for REAL. It's kinda weird that it happened the day I posted my update for this story. After posting my last update, I checked his blog and SMACK there was him saying that he was leaving the band. I was shocked and sad :((

First PANIC then now Elliot leaving.

Here's and article I found:

The drummer for Hey Monday, Elliot James, has left the band. A message from the band and Elliot can be read below.

Message from the band:

Hello Hey Mondayers. We have been so lucky up to this point that it's kind of scary; we are so very grateful for everything we've had so far. However, being on the road definitely teaches you a lot about yourself. All of us have grown so close this past year, and can read each other like books. This will probably come as a surprise, but Elliot has decided to part ways with Hey Monday to pursue other interests. We could see for some time now that he was sticking it out for us, not himself. We're so sorry for anyone who is upset by this. We support Elliot in anything he does in the future, and we ask that you do too. We will miss him dearly, but you can't be mad or upset with someone who follows their heart. We started this band as best friends, and that's how it will be no matter what happens, or what paths anyone decides to choose. Hats off to Elliot for getting through this crazy, hectic year with us. We love you. On another note, our good friend Pat will be filling in for the All Time Low tour. Practice has been going really well, so be stoked! And give him a huge hug when you see him on the road for stepping it up for us. See you in a few days!

Message from Elliot:

I cannot begin to thank everyone enough. You have all moved me in innumerable ways during the past year. Playing music, for every single one of us, has been a passion all of our lives; it's what brought us together and made us friends in the first place. It's been a hard decision but I have decided to part ways with Hey Monday. I have no doubt in my mind that Hey Monday will go on to conquer amazing heights and continue to pursue their dreams, like I am doing with mine. It has, by no means, been easy to walk away from them... but all the endless support I've had from them, and everyone we work with, has allowed me to do so with my head high. My future plans, as well as Hey Monday's, will begin to take hold in the next coming months. Finally, please keep your eyes on and to keep up with the band as well as what my future holds!

You guys can also check his blog: A DUSTLAND FAIRYTALE



P.S my comment count went higher by ten! SEE, guys, a lot of you can actually comment if you wanted. Imagine, from TWO in my last update, it became TWELVE. I know that you guys can do better than that though :P