Tell Me How You Love Me Now


Today is Saturday and today is my date with Luke. Okay, I have to calm down. Why am I nervous anyway? It’s just Luke. He’s nice and… cute. Ugh, what if I look like a weirdo next to him? I have to dress nice. This is when I realize how important it is to be prepared on going on a date. I thought I can just pick something random in my closet but as I do that now, it looks like nothing fits right for today. I need Cass’ advice. I grab my cell and called her.

“I need help” I immediately say after she picked up

“I am on my way!” she said with a happy voice

After a few minutes, I hear knocking on my door. I opened it grabbed her as soon as I saw her standing there.

“Okay, so I am choosing between these two. I showed her a black and red dress.

“What should I pick?” I asked

“Wow, those are nice clothes. Are these expensive?’ she asked, touching the dresses

“Well, my dad bought it for me. I don’t really know the prices”

“You are really rich.” She muttered

“Okay, what should I pick?” I ask again, trying to avoid the topic of how rich I am or my family is

“I like the black one. I think it’ll show your figure more.” She said, handing me the black dress

“I’ll try it on then”

“Go ahead. You’ll look great!”

I went in the bathroom and wore it. I have never really worn this dress yet nor the other one. They were given by my dad but I never got around wearing it. I just had nowhere to wear it to. Now, I have. I came out, awkwardly showing Cass the dress

“That is prefect. You look good!” she said, clapping her hands


“Don’t you trust me? Now, all we need to do is accessorize a bit”

“My accessories are in that cabinet” I said pointing at the brown cabinet

“Okay. We just have to choose the right accessories for-whoa. These are definitely expensive stuff” she said, opening the cabinet

“I honestly haven’t shown that stuff to anyone yet except you.” I said softly

“These are nice.”

“I don’t really like showing people those expensive stuff. It makes me look like a bragger”

“You are definitely not that kind of person. Here, this suits the dress.” She said, giving me silver earrings bracelets”

I wore it and looked at myself on the mirror

“You do look nice” I see Cass behind me

“Thanks. Thanks for the help. I would have never done it without you”

“Anytime. That’s what friends do. Besides, I don’t have that much friends who are girls to do this with. Well, I don’t have real girl friends. Girls around school aren’t exactly friendly that’s why I hang out with those crazy dudes” she laughed

“I am happy that I am a real friend to you” I smile, hugging her

“Aw, don’t ruin the dress” she mumbled

“I don’t care. I wanna hug my friend!” I squealed

We hear a knock on the door.

“Girls, Luke is here” Beth smiled at us “Oh, darling that’s a really nice outfit. You look very pretty. I’ll just keep your guest entertained while you prepare to go down OK?” she said, looking at me

“Thanks” I said

“Have fun in your date then. Go on and meet your man” Cass winked and pushed me out the door

I stumbled outside and bumped into someone.

“Oops, sorry” I muttered thinking it was Beth


“Huh?” I turn around and saw Elliot

“Yes?” I ask as he stared at me

“Going on the date now?” he asked a bit distracted

“Yeah. Actually he’s downstairs already.” I smiled

“So, can you answer me straight now that Kay is really one pretty girl?” Cass suddenly came out of my room.

Whew, thank god. I felt like another awkward moment was coming up with me and Elliot. We just have these random uncomfortable moments wherein we don’t say anything and just look at each other.

“Ye-yeah, she is” he said and walked back in his room without turning back

“What is up with him?” Cass asked

“I don’t know”

“Let’s go, let’s not make Luke wait shall we?” she said and grabbed me down the stairs

We see Luke sitting on the couch, probably waiting for me. Diane was keeping him company. He immediately looked up when he heard our footsteps.

“Wow” Diane said as she saw me

“Why?” I ask nervously. They were both just staring at me

“You look like a princess!” she exclaimed

“Yes, she does” Luke said, standing up and taking my hand

“Thanks” I am so blushing now

“Let’s go?”


We both step out the house hand in hand. He was smiling the whole time.

“What?” I ask while he drove

“You just look stunning tonight. I feel lucky to even be beside you now” he chuckled

“Aw, that’s sweet” I smiled and looked at him “So, can you tell me where we are headed?”

“Nope. I told you, it’s a surprise”

“Please?” I pouted

“That might just make me spill it out but I am still not gonna tell you” he said, pointing a finger to me

“It didn’t work at all?” I joked

“Almost. So please don’t do it again” he laughed

“Fine I won’t. I’ll let you have your fun for now”

“Thank you” he said sarcastically

We eventually stopped and I looked around to see that we were in front of this classy restaurant. My dad would take me here whenever we go here to Florida. I know for a fact that the menu is expensive

“Wow. It’s expensive here” I mumble

“Come on” he said taking my hand as he opened the door for me

“This is where we are eating?” I ask while we walk inside

“I always want to impress on the first date” he smirked

“I am impressed” I smiled

We both ordered our food and talked… a lot. He is honestly one funny person. He looks so serious at first but he really has a sense of humor and I like that in guys. He is sweet as well. I think I have found the perfect guy for me. There was no awkward moment. It’s like we were meant to be together.

“Did you have fun?” he asked me

We are currently hanging out in his car, a few blocks away from Elliot’s house. I haven’t really reached the stage wherein I call it my home as well. Maybe soon but not now.

“Yup. You are one funny guy, if I must say”

“Thanks!” he laughed, briskly putting his hand on mine

At that moment, we both look at each other’s eyes. These are like the stuff in movies wherein the guy looks at the girl and the girl looks back too. It’s when the connection between the two people is made. I cannot believe I am actually experiencing this.


“Yes?” I ask a little high pitched

“Ca- can you be my girlfriend?”

I blinked a few times. Why didn’t I say yes immediately? Am I not sure? I think I have to think this out first. Why aren’t I sure about him? He is a perfect guy.

“You don’t have to answer me now. You can think about it” he said, probably seeing my confused face

“Yeah, I’ll… I will.” I smiled weakly

“Don’t get pressured.” He said

“Nope, of course not.”

“So… I guess, I’ll bring you home now?”

“Yeah sure”
♠ ♠ ♠
Watcha think?

I wanna know!

Ohyeah, I have an ANNOUNCEMENT. It doesn’t really concern this story but I just wanna ask your opinion. I am planning on writing another story and I just don’t have a clue on what band I can use. NO IDEA. I really want it to be a different band. Like one that I haven’t featured in any story yet. Suggestions?
