Tell Me How You Love Me Now


I am currently helping set up the Christmas decorations in the house. Beth has a bunch of it. She even has some mistletoe. She said they were for the guests she have every Christmas. She is the one who hangs them in random places in the house. I found it really funny that she hides it around the house. I like setting up the tree and putting all those decorations around it.

When I was young, I remember only one night that I and my family were able to do it completely. Like, with my father and mother present. I think I was five or six then. The following ones was either my dad or my mom was absent. I still clearly remember the moment wherein my dad carried me up the abnormally huge and tall tree so I can put the star on top. Maybe that is the most memorable memory I have of me and my family.

“Wow. It looks a mess here” I hear Elliot say as he stepped into the living room

“We’re putting up decorations. It would be nice if you helped” I smile to him

Ever since that night, I and Elliot have been unusually nice to each other. Well, he has been nice to me so I have also been nice to him. The only reason I wasn’t treating him good was because he was so rude to me anyway.

“Maybe with the tree” he said, eyeing the other decorations that needed to be hanged around “I aint helping in hanging those stuff again”

“Oh come on honey, we need a man to hang these up and your dad is in work”

“No way mom” he said, immediately exiting

“Oh, what now?” Beth muttered

“He helped hang up last year?” I ask

“Yes, actually that was the only time he did it. He always just helps with the tree nothing else. I think he has a thing for that. You are the same. Weren’t you telling me how much you love setting up the tree?”

“Ah, yeah. It’s fun” I smile at her “Well, if he cant do it, I can be the one who can do it this time. I hope I am light and flexible enough to hang it all up though’

“Oh, really? Thanks for that. It would be good if it was you. Diane most definitely cant do it and of course, I am too old for that”

“It’s settled then. I’ll be doing it” I say, getting some decorations that needed to be hung

“Here?” I ask, trying to straighten the leaves on top of the very high fire place they had. I am kinda scared of heights but they needed help and I am the only one who can do it for them. Diane’s too young to go up here and Beth is just too old for it.

“Hm, nope, not straight” Diane answered for me

“Be careful there honey. You might fall” Beth said.

She always says that whenever I climb somewhere high. This must be just the third one I have to hang up and she has said that phrase about ten times now. I am glad that she worries about me.

“Hmm, how about… this?” I ask, losing my balance and feeling like I was going to fall off “Whoa” I said trying to save myself from falling off

“Kay!” Diane squealed

“Oh my! You might fall!” Beth exclaimed

I was scared for a second there. Thank god I gained balance again and avoided falling… for now

“What the hell are you doing up there?” I hear Elliot ask as he entered the living room

“Hanging up decorations?” I answered

“You almost fell off” he said

“Kay Leigh is just trying to help us honey, don’t talk to her like that” Beth told Elliot

I sighed and crawled down. I was stuck when I saw how high I was. Who even has such a high fire place? I gulped and stared down. I wonder how I managed to go up all the way here.

“Here” I see Elliot’s hand reach up to me

I nervously took it and he helped me all the way down.

“Thanks” I mumble when I finally got down safely

He sighed

“Fine then. I’ll hang up the rest. Clearly, I can’t risk any of you getting hurt when you fall off somewhere as high as that” he announced while taking some decorations “Where next?”

“Aw, that is so nice of you son” Beth gushed

“Yay! Older brother will help!” Diane jumped

“You don’t have to do this you know. It’s really okay for me to-“

“I can’t let you do it. What will I do when you fall off and get a blood clot in your head or something? Besides, you’ve done enough. Just help me with these, can you?” he said, handing me some more decorations

I can’t help but smile at what he said. Perhaps he was worried about my safety if I continue hanging up the decorations by myself. He is a sweet guy at times.

“Someone’s touched!” I hear Diane tease me seeing me smile, probably

“It’s nice, what he did you know” I said still smiling

“I think you like Elliot!” Diane accused

“No! Of course not” I kinda said a little loud

“What?” Elliot asked peeking from the other room with his mom

“No, nothing.” I said “I am not, ok?” I whispered to Diane

“You are, I know it!” she laughed

“Hey, will you mind helping me here?” Elliot yelled out to me

I immediately ran into the room he was in and handed him some decorations

“Here” I smile up
♠ ♠ ♠
Aww. now look who is worried. :))


Thanks to all of you who helped me choose the band I can use for my next story. I haven't started yet. Maybe it will be posted a month or two from now. Perhaps after this story ends :P I don't trust myself to be able to write like, five stories at the same time not mentioning my school stuff. Just watch out for it okie? I'll let you all know when I post the first chapter for sure ;)

Thanks to all of you who commented. I love reading all of it! hhahaha. they are so funny. :))
