Tell Me How You Love Me Now


I can’t take Elliot off my mind. I mean, what’s up with him kissing me and then ignoring me the second after? He is hard to understand at times, and this is one of those times. I accidentally bump into someone as I walk away from my last class

“Sorry” I whisper

“Hey, are you alright?” I hear Luke’s voice

“Oh, yeah, yeah I am okay.”

“You seem distracted”

“I was just thinking of something” I mumble

“Okay then. I hope it is somehow connected with the question I asked you Saturday”

“Oh! Ha-ha, well, I guess it is” I lied

“Take your time. You don’t have to give me an answer right away” he smiled to me then walked away

“Whew” I said looking at him as he walked away

What should I answer him anyway? I am already confused when he asked me and now I am more confused because of Elliot.

“Alright, what’s with that? Aren’t you sure of Luke?” I hear Cass say from behind me


“Oh my God. I bet there’s another person involved! I mean, what reason can you have to be confused of the famous Luke?” she exclaimed

I hate it whenever she gets it right.

I took a deep breath

“I think, I have to tell you something” I let out

“What? Tell me”

“It’s just… I don’t know how to say this”

“You can tell me anything Kay”

“It’s Elliot” I said, shutting my eyes, afraid to see her reaction

“I knew it!” was what I surprisingly heard

I opened my eyes at once

“What?” I ask

“I knew there’s something between the two of you. Me and the other guys can see it”

“What do you mean you and the other guys?”

“Come on. It’s obvious. Alex is just the only one bold enough to say it out loud”

“Alex said it out loud? When?’ I ask, a little panicky

“Not to you but to Elliot. He has been convincing Elliot to say what he truly feels but Elliot is jusr as stubborn as a child” she sighed

“That… I don’t know what to say”

“Do you like Elliot?”

“I don’t know. He confuses me”

“I think somehow, you do”

“How do you know?”

“It’s how the two of you act around each other. It’s different. It is definitely more than friendship”

“Wow” was all I can say

They knew all along and I never noticed that they can see whatever they are seeing. I didn’t notice it myself. I am not even sure if I do like him.

“It’s a simple question Kay. It’s either you like him or not. What is it?”

“I don’t know. I mean, when he kissed me-“

“Whoa, he kissed you?!” Cass cut me

Oh my, what did I just say?

“Did I say that?” I asked, blushing

“Yes, I heard you. You can’t take it away.”

“Fine… he did kiss me but so what? I mean, he told me to forget about it like, right after kissing me” I say

“But he still kissed you.”

“That doesn’t matter. I bet he was just not thinking straight”

“There’s always a reason whenever a guys kisses you Kay. I think you should ask him about it”

“How can I ask him when he’s been ignoring me like the plague ever since this morning?”

“You should before it’s too late. I mean, you can’t just always ignore him. You live in one house for god’s sake”

“Okay. Maybe later” I say in frustration

“Good. I think you look cute together!”

“Cass, don’t assume just yet” I laugh

“Just confront him about him ok?”

Now I am more pressured about it though I am more relieved that I was able to talk about this with another person. At least I am not keeping it to myself only. I can vent to someone else now.

He definitely ignored me the whole day. He didn’t even eat with us. He made up some excuse about studying for an exam in the library. He also sat as far as he can from me during Chem. It is so obvious. He can’t do this for long because we will eventually have contact when we get home. He has no choice but drive me home and talk to me. Maybe I should talk to him on the ride home. He can’t avoid that anymore.

I slowly walk to his car and immediately noticed him waiting inside. Wow, he arrived here early. I sighed as I open the door. This is it.

It’s now or never
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooopss. There is a cliff hanger right there. I'm sorry!

I have a SURPRISE for yah though... I just posted the Mayday Parade one shot! YAY! Check it out and PLEASE comment!

She'll Be a Secret You Can Keep

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