Tell Me How You Love Me Now


I slowly enter the car. I glanced at him and he was just looking straight ahead. That even made me more nervous. He looks so calm.

After a few minutes of driving, I decided to ask the question already

“Elliot. About last night, I just-“

“Don’t worry about it. It’s nothing. You can just forget it” he said, still looking on the road.

“Are you sure? Can we talk about this first?” I ask

“What’s there to talk about anyway? It was just a kiss”

Wow. It was just a kiss for him. It didn’t really matter. I didn’t know what to say anymore. I thought it meant something more. Why am I even getting hurt like this? Did I want the kiss to mean something special to him?

Or did I just want to be someone special to him? Why am I even saying this? Do I… oh my god, I do like him. It just hit me now. Why am I so pumped about how he feels about me? That’s because I wanted him to like me as much as possible. I am such a dork. I do like him. Why didn’t I realize this earlier? I can’t believe that I am realizing this in his car when he looks like he doesn’t care at all.

“Elliot, pull over” I suddenly said

“What? But we’re near the house already”

“Just pull over” I commanded

“Why should I?” he asked tenaciously

“Stop being stubborn and pull over please” I pleaded

He looked at me with a confused face

“Fine” he stopped the car and looked at me again “What now?” he asked

“Why did you kiss me?” I ask back

“That’s nothing. I wasn’t thinking” he said blankly

“Guys don’t just kiss girls without a reason. Just tell me. I can handle it”

“I told you, it’s nothing ok?” he said with an irritated voice

I bit my lips and looked straight to him. If he doesn’t like me, then there’s no reason for me to tell him I like him. If I do tell him, it might just cause complications and confusion. I must make sure that he feels the same

“Tell me truth Elliot. Do you… do you like me?” I asked softly

He shut his eyes and shook his head

“Are you seriously asking me that?” he chuckled

“I just did. Just answer it”

“No, Kay, I don’t alright?” he said, still with his eyes shut

“Look at me in the eyes and tell me”

“I don’t believe this”

“Just do it”

“Fine” he opened his eyes and looked at me “Kay Leigh, I don’t like you. Is that enough?” he asked with a frustrated voice

“Are… are you sure?” I asked disappointed

“Yes. Now can we stop the dumb questions?”

He doesn’t feel the same as me. Why should I even confess to him how I feel? He might just laugh at me or make fun of me.

“Alright, now there’s nothing stopping me on answering Luke. I’ll be answering him tomorrow. I just wanted to make sure you’re okay with it with the kiss happening and all” I muttered.

This is my last move. If he says he doesn’t care that I answer Luke that just means he really doesn’t care about me. In that case, I can move on with Luke.

He stared at the windshield for a few seconds and looked at me

“Fine. I think you two are going to work out together”

That is my cue to give up. If he liked me even just a bit, he will stop me from being with Luke but he seems like he doesn’t care at all. I feel like crying now. I was hoping that he’d stop me and that he’d tell me that he wanted us to be together but happy endings aren’t really supposed to happen in real life right?

Why did I even like him in the first place?
♠ ♠ ♠
Elliot is kind of a coward guy :/ I feel sorry for Kay!!

How about you??
