Tell Me How You Love Me Now


It has been over a week now ever since I and Luke announced our being “together” and Elliot never showed one sign of dislike about it. He looks fine about it. Maybe I should just quit thinking of him and go on with my life since I am the only one who will suffer if I continue this. Yes, I should just focus my attention to Luke. He is my boyfriend and I need to start acting as his girlfriend. I have been sulking for a week now and I should just give up.

“Hello? Are you okay?” I hear Luke say

We are actually studying together now. He said he needed some help with Chemistry so I am trying to teach him.

“Sorry, I think I didn’t get enough sleep last night” I say, scratching my eyes

“If that’s the case, don’t teach me anymore. Just rest”

“No, I can teach you”

“It’s okay, I get it anyway, I just said that I don’t get it so I can spend more time with you” he said, looking down his notebook

“Oh. If you wanted to spend time with me you should have just said it” I smiled at him

“That’s not exactly my cup of tea. I am kinda shy to ask you to be with me especially when I can see that you are having fun with your friends”

“You’re my boyfriend. Of course I need to spend more time with you!” I say, feeling touched

“Okay” he nodded

“What are you doing after school?”

“Hmm, basketball practice until seven” he answered



“Nothing, I was just thinking that maybe… never mind. Maybe next time”

“These are the times wherein I wish I can have basketball and a special girl for me at the same time. I must warn you now, sometimes it may look like I give basketball more importance than you and I apologize for that in advance now”

“It’s alright. I know that playing basketball is your first love. What am I compared to that?” I joked

“I love it that you are so funny. You are actually t he only one who can makes me laugh like this” he said as he continued chuckling

“Just one of my few talents!” I say

We both spend more time in the library until lunch was done. We go to our Chemistry classroom and sat on our seats. I kinda love Chem the most because everyone was in this class. Cass and the other guys are my classmates and Luke is a bonus. The only down set is Elliot is also my classmate which makes it a little awkward.

The day ended a little fast and now, I find myself in Elliot’s car. We have really never had a friendly talk ever since the last confrontation we had. We gave only been civil to each other nothing more. I try to avoid thinking about Elliot now. I have to always think about Luke and only him. How can I make it up to him anyway? I feel guilty for not being a good girlfriend. The first few weeks are supposed to be the sweetest weeks for couples but so far, the first week sucked for sure because all I thought about was how Elliot didn’t give a damn about our relationship. I really should forget about him before I lose Luke also,

I sigh as we arrive home. I immediately went in and saw Beth setting up the table for dinner

“Hey, isn’t it too early for dinner?’ I ask

“Well, I think I finished early. Are you guys hungry?”

“Not really. Maybe later” I smile to her. Then I thought of an idea. “Oh, uhm, can I uh, go back to school tonight? I am thinking of keeping Luke company in basketball practice” I tell her

“Oh, really? That’s such a sweet thing to do for your boyfriend honey’’ she smiled

“I’ll just change and then I can go back there already” I tell her, walking up the stairs

“Oh, do you want to bring some food there? He might want toe eat?”

“Okay thanks Beth”

I went in my room and picked some random clothes to wear. I finished fast. I feel kinda happy for doing this. I can make it all up to him. It is my fault that our first week hasn’t been exactly the best and I am determined to make the following weeks better. I wore a smile on my face as I exit my room. I ran down the stairs and went straight to the kitchen.

“Do you want Elliot to drive you back?’ Beth asked

“Oh, no, I am fine with commuting” I say

“Really? I am sure he wouldn’t mind. He’s just watching TV in the living room and it’s the weekend anyway”

“Oh, no, no, it’s okay. I can go by myself”

“Alright then. Here’s the pasta. I hope he likes it’

“I am sure he will. I’ll go now then” I say, walking to the front door

“Have fun!”

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I kinda feel bad for Luke. Aren't you?? He really is a nice guy.

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