Tell Me How You Love Me Now


Diane dragged me upstairs and I follow her little footsteps.

“This is my room!” she told me as we pass a pink door

“Oh, nice… It’s pink!” I smile to her

“This is Elliot’s room. I am not allowed to go in there unless I want him to get mad at me” she pointed to a white door with a doorknob sign that says

“Don’t forget to knock, or else…”

I nodded as we pass it

“This is the guest room or what we call you room now”

“Ohh,” I nodded again in response. She reached for the knob and opened the door. The room has an average size. My room back home is much bigger but this will do.

“You like it?” Diane asked excitedly

“Yeah, it’s nice and simple. Not too grand” I say

“This will be your room for two years! Can you believe that?” she asked as she plopped herself on the bed

“I hope we become good friends within those two years?” I tell her while I sat down beside her

“Of course we will!” she cheered and then hugged my waist for she could only reach up to there.

I laugh absentmindedly and patted her head

“Oh, I wanna show you my room!” she jumped off the bed and grabbed my hand again, leading me out the room. In a few seconds, I found myself standing in front of the pink painted door. She slowly opened the door revealing an even pinkier room. The wallpapers were all colored baby pink and there were so much dolls around. A classic example of a room of a five year old girl.

“You like pink huh?” I ask as I scan the room

“Yeah! It’s my favorite color next to yellow” she exclaimed

I nodded as I look at all the dolls she had. There was so much

“You also like dolls?” I inquired as I pick one up

“Yeah” she responded as she fixed the hair of the one she was holding

“I used to love dolls when I was your age as well. I have a ton back home. I can give you if you want” I smile to her

“Oh really? Thanks?” she squealed

“Yeah, sure, I don’t play with those anymore. You can have it”

“Aww, thanks! You’re really nice!” she jumped

I walk around the room and I noticed that she had a lot of pictures on top of cabinets. One picture caught my attention. It had Diane in it except she was with another person. Maybe he was the brother they were all talking about. It looked like they were playing around in this picture when it was taken. It’s one of those candid photographs parents love taking and displaying in living rooms to embarrass their children when visitors come. I smile at how funny both of them looked like

“That’s Elliot. He’s really fun but he’s scary if you make him mad” Diane told me as she pointed to the boy in the picture.

“Are both of you close?” I ask, studying the picture

“We were when he was younger, like that in the picture. I think that was two years ago. But ever since he went to high school, he became different” Diane said

“Oh” was all I managed to say while I return the picture to where I first saw it. They looked so close in the picture but when I asked Diane if they were still close as how they looked like in the picture, she answered with a little hint of sadness. I would be so close to a sister if I only had one. Well, I guess people change as they grow up.

I know I did.
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So.. this update is kind of a filler. hmm, well, I have good news! My William story will be ending soon. I am actually done writing the whole thing already. I just finished! I am just waiting for more comments to come now. I'll be able to really update more with this story from now on so I suggest you guys comment more for me ok? (: As of this time, I will start to give more time to this story!

comment and tell me what's on your mind!
