Tell Me How You Love Me Now


Elliot’s P.O.V

“Whoa there. What was that man?’ Alex, of all people said

“What?” I asked innocently

“You totally like her dude” Jersey said

“Just admit it” Mike added

“Yeah, you do Elliot and you have been such a jerk for letting her go like that” Cass said

“Why do I feel like being scolded by my parents?” was all I can say

“Elliot you are so stubborn” Cass said

I just sighed. I don’t even know why I feel jealousy whenever I see Kay Leigh and Luke together. I think I must really like her; I am just too dumb to realize it. Even though I do like her, I can’t do anything anymore. She’s with Luke now and I wouldn’t want to ruin their relationship. I had my chance and I blew it. I should have realized it earlier. She might have given me a head start when she asked me in the car about my feelings for her but I was too coward to admit it.

Kay Leigh’s P.O.V

I rushed out the house and found Luke standing on the porch while holding two cups of Starbucks.

“Hello there” I say walking to him

“Your coffee” he handed me one cup


“So, I had a great idea around an hour ago, while I was so bored at home”

“What would that be?” I ask him, sitting beside him

“What about let’s abuse the break and spend a lot of time together while we have a quite a lot of free time at hand?’

“Hmm, I like that idea. But… I kinda have a schedule for the break already. Let’s just throw in some random dates in there?”

“You have a schedule? For what?”

“With my friends. See, they have a band and I am the person who patiently listens to them and tells them my opinion about each song then that’s when they improve it”

“Oh, that’s interesting. What about I just join in with those band practices? It gives me more time to spend with you” he offered

“That’s a great idea. What about let’s tell the guys? Come!” I said, holding his hands and dragging him in the house

“They are in there now?”

“Yes. In the basement”

I stopped in front of the basement and looked at him

“You are serious about the hanging out during band practice? There’s no turning back anymore. You will have to stand by your promise and your ears might be at stake” I joked

“I’d sacrifice my ears for you” he smiled

“Alright” I said, opening the door to the basement

“It’s not really that noisy whenever they practice right?” he asked while we walk inside

I laughed

“There’s no more turning back mister”

“Oh, hey there… Luke” Alex was the first one to see us

“Oh, hey” Jersey and Mike said at the same time

“So, guys I have an announcement” I smiled to all of them

“What?” Elliot asked

Here he is with his expression again.

“Uhm, well, I would like to tell all of you that Luke would want to be included in the band practices. I know it’s just supposed to be me but I kinda want him to be here” I said, hoping that they get what I am trying to say

They were silent.

“Oh! Yeah of course he can. I mean…if being in band practice gets him more time with you, that’s fine with us” Cass cut the silence

“Oh, so that’s the reason for that huh?” Jersey laughed

“Shut it, Jersey” I snapped at him

I hate it whenever they tease me and I hate it more when they mock me in front of Luke.

“And, thanks Cass” I gave her a grateful smile

“Sure” she mouthed and winked at me

“They seem friendly. I mean, I never really get to talk to them before so I really don’t know them that much” Luke told me

“They are nice” I smile up to him

“Let’s start again.” Elliot said out loud

“But let’s rest first man, we just ate” Alex said

“Yeah, we might have a tummy ache or something. I ate so much” Mike added

“Fine. Ten minutes”

“Uh, Luke, I’ll just talk to Cass alright?”

“Okay, I’ll just be here”

I let go of his hand and walked to Cass

“Hey” I tapped her shoulder

“Hello there.” She smiled evilly

“What’s up with Elliot? Why does he look like he’s in a bad mood again?”

“I dunno, really. Sometimes he is just like that. But I have a theory though”

“What theory?”

“Well, I noticed that ever since you arrived here, he has more mood swings than before. I am guessing that he’s like that because of you”

“What? Why? Me?” I asked

“Yup, of course you. Have you forgotten me and the guys’ theory about Elliot liking you? Well, I think that’s still true”

“So, you’re trying to tell me that Luke hanging out here during band practice is-“

“Is not the best idea for Elliot” she finished for me

“Oh. I didn’t realize that. I don’t think he has feelings for me. You know that day I confronted him? I asked him if he had feelings for me and he kinda laughed at that question”

“Guys are usually like that, believe me”

“Well, if he doesn’t have the guts to tell me what he truly feels then he must have the strength to stand Luke being here. It’s his fault” I said bitterly and walked back to Luke
♠ ♠ ♠
I kinda pity Elliot but then again... he kinda deserves it right??

comment please??

