Tell Me How You Love Me Now


“Hey kids, dinner is ready! Let’s eat!” I hear Beth say as she peeped from the door.

Me and Diane were just playing with her dolls. It had been a long time ever since I held one and I was actually having fun. I have never experienced playing with a younger sibling. I never thought that it was this enjoyable.

“We’ll be out in a few minutes” I tell Beth as Diane started cleaning up.

“Okay, hurry up, we wouldn’t want the food to wait for all of us” She said happily and then immediately closed the door. Diane and I eventually finished cleaning up and then we went downstairs.

Beth gave me a large plate and then piled so much food on it

“Eat up! You must be hungry dear” Beth said, still wearing a smile

They looked like they love smiling or maybe I am just not used to being around people who always smile.

“Thanks” I smiled back and started to eat.

In all fairness, the food was scrumptious. Beth can honestly cook.

“You like it?” she inquired

“Yes, it’s very delicious. This is by far the best one I have ever eaten” I complimented as I pointed to the mashed potato

“Aw, really? My son also loves that” she gushed

“That’s because it’s really good”

“So, are you excited about going back to school?” Carl suddenly asked

“Yeah I guess though I’d rather do something more enjoyable and interesting for my age” I said honestly

“Teenagers are really like that. I’ve gone through that stage as well but you’ll appreciate your studies more as you grow older” Carl said with a fatherly voice

“I hope so”

“Elliot is also like that. He’s more interested with other things. Studies comes last for him” Beth added

“I am sure the two of you will get along when you finally meet” Carl smiled to me

I just nodded not knowing what else to say.

Dinner ended and I hurriedly went up my room to clean myself up. I also wanted to rest already because I am still exhausted from the long ride going here. I take a bath and then immediately lay on my bed. I sigh as I look up the low ceiling of my room. This place is definitely different from where I came from. I just hope I can cope with the new surroundings and new people who I will have to get along with for the next two years that I will be staying here.
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Can anyone guess when Elliot will show up? :) I'll be introducing another member of the band first before I let Elliot meet Kay Leigh. I hope you guys aren't bored yet. I promise that it will get better soon! Stick with me for now alright?

