Tell Me How You Love Me Now


“Do I look like a thief to you?” the guy asked angrily

“Sorry, it was dark and your voice was unfamiliar.” I explained

“Why do you think would I talk to you if I were a thief? Your voice was unknown too
Missy but I didn’t hurt you” The guy said sarcastically

“That’s because you’re a man and I am a girl. Of course I had to defend myself mister.” I shot back to him

“It’s okay, Kay Leigh. You were just scared and it was right that you tried to defend yourself. You didn’t know it was Elliot anyway.” Beth comforted me

“And, you, young man, do you realize what time it is? Where have you been? I cannot blame Kay Leigh here for punching you because it’s so late already. For all she knew, you could really have been a thief” Beth said sternly

“Okay, okay! Sorry. We just forgot about the time mom. Besides, I am home already so no worries” Elliot laughed

I roll my eyes at him

“And as you can see, I am still injured because of that girl. Can anyone give me medication?” he asked

“You deserved it” I muter under my breath

“Excuse me? What did you just say?” he said indignantly

“Nothing” I smiled fakely “Nice meeting you Elliot” I spitted out as I turn the knob of my door. “I’ll be going back to sleep already seeing that there are no more random noises around any longer” I say sarcastically then entered the room

I groan as I went back to bed. I thought that Elliot guy would be nice, but no, he just had to be so rude. Of course, a family always had its black sheep.


I was startled by the noise of the alarm clock. Agh, that means I have to go to school now. I sigh as I stood up then refreshed myself. I picked out a gray tank top and black skinny jeans. I decided to dress simple for the first day so I wouldn’t catch anyone’s attention. I slowly walked downstairs and I was welcomed by Beth’s smiling face.

“Good morning dear, here is your breakfast” she said as she served me a plate of pancakes

“Thanks” I smile back

“Yay! First day of school!” I hear Diane cheer as she ran to the kitchen

“Excited?” Beth exclaimed to Diane

“Yes!” she jumped up and down

“Can you remind me of why going back to school is exciting?” I hear a familiar voice say behind me. I turn around and saw no other than Elliot, yawning. And, he also had a little black spot on his right eye

I laugh softly as I see it

“Thanks for this” Elliot told me sitting down

“I said I was sorry”

“It doesn’t change a thing because you caused the damage already” he said

I roll my eyes and glared at him

“Elliot, be nice to her OK? She’s our guest here” Beth said

“Guests don’t have the right to punch the residents of the house she’s living in” Elliot
Said sarcastically

“Well, if you just went home earlier, like you were supposed to, I wouldn’t suspect you as a thief. I mean, who walks around in the middle of the night?” I ask him

“Whatever” he scoffed

HAH, maybe he didn’t have any comeback for that.

“Okay, kids, calm down. It’s the first day of junior year! You both must be excited” Carl said as he walked in the kitchen

“It is so not exciting dad” Elliot muttered

“Oh, yeah,, Elliot, you’ll be driving Kay Leigh to school from now on since you two go to the same High School” Beth randomly said

“What?!” Elliot and I both exclaim

“Yes, you will have to drive Kay Leigh to school everyday. No questions asked young man” Beth answered

“Beth, it’s really ok for me to commute” I say

“Oh, no dear, we are not making you commute when Elliot here can bring you to school”

“I am going now” Elliot stood up and walked out the front door.

“I am not yet finished”

‘Well, if you’re riding with me, you have to move fast” he said as he opened the door of his car

I groan and grabbed my bag

“I guess I have to go now” I tell Beth

“Sorry about him. He’s not usually like that. I think he took the punching badly” Beth laughed

“It’s okay” I smiled and waved at all of them

I ran fast to the car and opened the door to go in. he started the car and started driving. It was really quiet and he isn’t even trying to make any conversation. I am starting to hate him.

We arrive at the school without any word from him. He parked the car and turned off the engine.

“I drove you to school already, you can get out now” he said icily

I glare at him. What the hell is wrong with him? Why is he so harsh to me?

“What the heck is wrong with you? Why are you so rude?” I ask a little pissed now

“I just don’t like you” he muttered

“Oh, yeah? Is that because I punched you on the face? Did that take away your manhood or something?” I half yelled

“I just don’t like you period. Now, stop asking questions and get out of the car” he demanded

I glare at him more then yanked the door open

“I hate you” I mutter

“Likewise” he was able to say before I shut the door

I walked quickly into the school fuming mad. What the heck is his problem?! Great, first day of school and I am so mad. I accidentally bumped into someone for I was walking aimlessly into the school.

“Sorry’ I mutter as I pick up the books that fell on the floor

“No, I am sorry” I hear a guys’ voice say

I look up and saw a guy with brown hair which was kinda long

“Hi, I am Michael, but you can call me Jersey” he said, offering his hand to me

“Hey, I am Kay Leigh” I smile to him

“You’re new here?” he asked

“Yes actually. I am a junior”

“Oh! Really? Me also! Maybe we have the same classes?” he asked as he showed me a
Piece of paper

I got my schedule too and opened it up. I never actually checked it yet.

“Great, we have two classes together! Chemistry and Geometry” he announced

“That’s good, at least I know someone already”

“So, where are you from?” he asked as we walked down the hallway


“Ohh, nice” he smiled to me while we walk into a classroom

“Welcome to Chemistry” he said walking to a group of people

I walk behind him and peeked to see the faces of the people. I saw one familiar face. Is that Alex from Starbucks? The guy I suspected as Alex waved at me, confirming that it was indeed him.

“Hey! You know Jersey?” he asked as we walk nearer

“Uh, I just met him now” I answered

“You know Alex?” Jersey asked me

“Yeah, I just met him yesterday when I bought coffee”

“Small world huh?” Alex told me, smirking

“It’s time we introduce you to the rest of our friends since you know the two of us already” Jersey said

I nodded

“This girl here, is Cassadee” Jersey pointed to a girl with short black hair

“Hi! I heard you’re new here huh?’ she asked

“Yeah, I am” I smiled back

“I am Mike by the way! Nice to finally have another girl aside form Cassadee here” another guy said and shook my hand

“Hi Mike!” I greeted back

“And that guy—“ Alex pointed to a guy facing the other side

“Wait let me call him for you” Jersey interrupted

“Elliot! Man, come here!” Jersey yelled across the room

Did he just say Elliot?
♠ ♠ ♠
Hmm, comment anyone? I want more comments please!
