Tell Me How You Love Me Now


The guy turned around and I was right. It was Elliot from back home. The Elliot I punched and who hates me. He turned around with a smile on his face but when he saw me standing with is buddies, his smile faded. He walked nearer with a confused face.

“Hey man, this is Kay Leigh. She was the girl I was telling you about. She’s our new buddy!” Alex exclaimed

“Yeah, I just met her a while ago. I bumped into her. She’s really nice.” Jersey added
Elliot blinked a few times and didn’t say anything. He was just staring at me.

“Dude, what’s up?” Jersey asked, waving his hand to Elliot

“Are you okay?” Cassadee asked with a worried voice

“What are you doing here with my friends?” Elliot asked me with an icy voice

I flinched with how he asked me. It was so sharp.

“Dude, I invited her to be here” Alex cut in

“And I brought her here with me” Jersey defended

“She’s not supposed to be here.” Elliot plainly said

“Oh shit, man, is she...” Alex trailed off

Elliot glared at him and I could have sworn I saw him turn slightly pink

“Shit, man, she’s the girl who’ll be staying with your family for two years? The—the girl who caused that black eye?” Alex said while laughing

“Oh, that’s why you have that?” Mike said, pointing at Elliot’s eye

“Oh my god!” Cassadee said covering her mouth

“Just shut up guys” Elliot said with an irritated voice

“I really like you Kay Leigh!” Jersey yelled in between laughs

“I mean, who gets to punch Elliot?” Alex added

“That’s so hilarious! A girl knocked you out man!” Jersey mocked

I just stood there, trying to figure out what the heck is funny about it.

“Ok, so let’s just do this, we’ll settle this matter through a democratic way. Who votes for
Kay Leigh to stay with us?” Mike asked while raising his hands

Alex, Jersey and Cassadee automatically raised their hands. Elliot made a face at all of them

“What the fuck. What kind of friends are you?” Elliot said, defeated

“Oh, come on man, there’s nothing wrong with her. She’s cool” Jersey tried to persuade him

“Yeah. It’s unfair that we don’t accept her just because she punched you” Alex said with a mocking tone

“Yeah. I like her. She’s nice and we don’t really have anything against her. It’s just you” Cassadee added

“Fine, but don’t expect me to be nice to you.” Elliot told me then walked away

What the hell is wrong with him? I just accidentally punched him for God’s sake.

“Fine. I don’t care if you pay no attention to me the whole year. You’re not worth talking to anyway. You’re such a sissy” I shouted after him

Jersey and the other two laughed as soon as I finished screaming it across the room. I don’t care what they say about me. From now on, I don’t care about him anymore. I didn’t even do anything to him and he’s treating me like this!

He’s such a kid.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thanks to the six people who commented! I appreciate and love all of your comments! I hope that more people comment! Please guys? I mean, I always get new subscribers but no new commenters! WHY? :(


That's supposed to be Elliot below. hahaha :)
