I'm Not Okay

I'm not okay. I promise.

New school, new start.
Yeah, fuck that, I've been here half an hour and I've alredy been labelled at least 20 times.
"Emo bitch."
No wait, make that 21.
I turn around to him.
"You know what, I've a message from Gerard Way: FUCK YOU!"
He falls off the windowsill. Yeah, bet you weren't expecting that one. The girl standing up for herself? That might happen, but the EMO girl standing up for herself? Definately not.
"You know MCR?"
Huh? I look at the guy standing next to me. Shit he's hot. In an emo way. With eyeliner and a fringe. And cool style. And a skateboard.
"Finally, someone with style. High 5."
I grin.
"High 5."
"Yeah. I have no idea what I'm meant to do-apparently I'm meant to go the Admin. Office, but I have absolutely no idea where that is."
"Other side of campus."
I groan.
"I just came from there!"
"Smart. C'mon, I'll show you."
He skates ahead of me. I have to run to keep up. We eventually get to the Admin. Office. He stops in front of it.
"This is the Admin. Office."
I expect him to leave but he walks in with me.
"Are you not going to go to class?"
"No way-If I say I'm showing you around that means I get off class for the whole day!"
"Oh, thanks."
He gets the 50 million forms of clubs and other random things that I'm expected to join, as well as my locker keys for me.
As soon as we're outside I dump all of them in the nearest bin.
He raises an eyebrow.
"So much for school spirit."
"That's a cheerleader, which I definately amn't, and I don't plan on being one either."
"Suppose. Hey, do you know I'm Not Okay by MCR?"
"Well, have you seen the video?"
I look at him.
"Okay, I'll take that as a yes. Well, know the bit where they're in the library?"
"Yeah, I love that bit."
"We-Me and a few friends intend to do that. Today, at lunch. Wanna come?"
"YEAH! Wait, when's lunch?"
"In about an hour. Hey, you never told me your name."
"Scarlett. You?"
"Well, come on and I'll show you around, then we can go to the library."
He shows me around. I attempt to pay attention but it's hard when I'm either being labelled for most of it or staring at him. Eventually we get to the library.
His phone rings. His ringtone is Famous Last Words.
After talking for about an hour, which I spend staring at him, he snaps the phone shut and drags me inside the library.
His friends are all either Sk8rs, Rockers, Emo's or Goths. Where were these people when I was being labelled earlier?!
There's a crackle as someone connects something to the mike in the Admin. Office, then the classical music out of I'm Not Okay comes on.
We all start singing.
"I'm okay. I'm OKAY!"
♠ ♠ ♠
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