I'm Not Okay

Nothing goes right but who cares?

Today is Friday. Today's the MCR concert. I sighed and got up. Sam was coming to collect me at 12:30. It was...9:00 now, so I had........em.....3 and a half hours to get ready. I turned my iPod dock on and jumped into the shower, singing along. Right, straighten hair, put on make-up........
I threw on my favorite MCR hoodie and skinny jeans. Right...food? Yes, food is good.
What kind of food?
Foody food.
Great, I'm talking to me.
No, of course I'm not insane.
Maybe I am,
Why can I never agree with myself?
Just go eat.
I walked downstairs, glancing at the clock, one hour wasted, two and a half more to go.
Maybe I'll go back to bed.
No, I'm meeting Gee, I'M MEETING GEE! I'm staying awake.
I poured some cereal into a bowl, and well, made breakfast..
I sat down at the table and started eating, thinking of what I would say to Gee, forget about Sam, Gee is the priority.
What do you say to....well....HIM?
'Oh, hi, I was about to kill myself, then I listened to Famous Lat Words?'
No, too morbid.
No, too fangirly...too...Claire...ugh.
I dunno, just be me.


I glanced up.
"Please refrain from kicking my door, and since when did you have a key?"
"Since now. Come on. Out. NOW!"
"But I can't!" I reply, grinning.
Sam rolls his eyes.
"MCR later, car, now."
"No, MCR and car now." I say, as I get, quite literally, pulled out the door.
"How does that work?"
"Magic." I tell him, holding up my iPod.
Chris, Sam's older brother gets out of the car and hugs me.
"Chris...can't breathe...dying..."
He grins and lets go.


"S, how do I connnect your iPod?"
I rolled my eyes and leant forward to take it off him.
"Honestly Sam, it's a miracle you can even turn on my iPod!"
"Leave me and my technical disability alone and connect the stupid iPod!"
I stopped connecting it to the radio.
"Call my iPod stupid again?"
"Hey, lovebirds, shut up and put on rock music or I'll throw you out of the car!"
I rolled my eyes. Chris knew how to stop a fight anyway.
"There. What CD?"
We all shouted one out at the same time.
I rolled my eyes.
"Just put on the 'MCR' playlist and we'll be fine." Sam said, grinning.
Sam and Chris started singing along, but I drifted off, trying to figure out what I was going to say to Gee...


God the Q was long! I had my Ipod though, so I was okay...and singing to myself...

For all the dirty looks,
For photographs your boyfriend took,
Remember when you broke your foot from jumping out the second floor?

"Yes, I do remember breaking my foot. It hurt like hell." Chris said, grinning and looking as like Gee as his younger brother.
I shook my head.
"Remind me why you jumped out the second floor again?"
"I have absolutely no idea, it just seemed like the thing to do at the time..."
Chris, Chris, Chris...way too reackless...
He was the one who got me into MCR though...he'd always been the rocker in his family...and he taught me how to play my guitar....well, I say my guitar, it's really his...but he gave it to me...
"Yo! Earth to Scarlett!"
"Huh? What?"
"We're going inside...NOW!"
"Like I said earlier...BUT I CAN'T!"
The line behind us started singing Prison...
Chris pokes me from behind.
"MCR, inside, Scarlett, move."


We were right in front of the stage, in the pit...
The opening act had just come on...The Used...
Hmm...maybe that meant they'd sing Under Pressure the, if they had The Used, and maybe Bert would do his screaming/strangely cute laugh in You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison...
"And now, muthafuckas, put your fucking hands in the air for...MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE!"
The place exploded with screams.
Gee took the mike off Bert.
"Dude, get your motherfucking band off our stage!" he said, grinning.
The Used got off and Gee started talking.
"Okay, I want you to put your fucking hands up, and wave them around, 'cos we are going to sing a little song called Desolation Row!"

They're selling postcards of the hanging
And they're painting the passports brown
The beauty parlor is filled with sailors
The circus is in town
And now well here comes the blind commissioner
They've got him in a trance
One hand is tied to the tight-rope walker
The other is in his pants..


I was right, they did sing Under Pressure and Bert came out to sing Prison...
I was nervous...now we were going backstage, guided by some massive dude who seemed to hero-worship MCR...
I was staring around me, not really listening, when Mikey went past, saw us, turned around and stared at Chris and Sam.
"Hey, why do you look like my brother, but younger, and why are you back-ohhh, you have passes..."
We nodded.
"Okay then Maureen, they can come with me if they promise not to eat me...
....Maureen?! The dude was a dudette who sounded like a dude?!
Mikey led us into the Dressing Room, (which turned out to be a bathroom), swore, when realised that someone had switched the signs, and went into the room with Bathroom on it...which was the Dressing Room.....?
Frank looked up from tuning his guitar.
"Uh, Mike, why are there two mini Gee's and a girl in the Dressing Room, where's the rest of the band, and why am I in trouble?"
Mikey sighed.
"Backstage passes, no idea-have you checked The Used's room, and because you switched the signs."
"Nu-uh dude, that was Bob who switched the signs."
During this exchange of random conversation, Chris has wandered over to Frank and was staring at his guitar.
"...Dude...that guitar rules...but Pansy ruled more...RIP Pansy...the friggin' best guitar ever..."
Frank nodded.
"Woodstock moments...not good for guitars...do you play?"
"Yeah, I have a Fender at home...well, I did have two, but Scarlett stole one..."
"I totally did not steal that guitar! You said I could have it!"
The rest of the band walked in....including Gee..
Gee looked at me.
"Yeah, a girl in the Dressing Room makes more sense than Ray's theory that Frank and Mikey had randomly gotten helium from somewhere.......what's your name?"
"Scarlett Blood."
He looked at me.
"That, is a fuckin' cool name. If it's actually your name..."
Sam started laughing.
"Everyone thinks that it's a made-up name..."]
Bob was looking from Sam to Chris to Gee and back again.
"Right, is it just me, or are there three Gee's in this room? One is bad enough..."


We rode home in...well, pretty near silence anyway...Sam wasn't talking to me 'cos I'd flirted with Gee, but he was talking to Chris.
I didn't care overly though. I'd gotten a hug from all the band, and a few members of The Used too, not to mention a truckload of free stuff, and all their email addresses....after I'd promised not to send them any fanfics...
"Hey, S, you alive back there? Or has Sam quietly killed you in a jealous rage?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry if there's spelling mistakes, the last bit was written today in my tests, and I'm tired because someone started randomly texting me in the middle of the night.
Anyway, I just want to say enjoy, comment and subscribe!


P.S. The next chapter may or may not be called To the hearts you break and all the cyanide you drink.......and someone may die, but I'm not telling who...