I'm Not Okay

Messenger conversations and intresting revealation

The bell rang, and I turned to go. It didn't look like Zac would be talking anytime soon. I was halfway down the corridor when he found his voice.
"Scarlett, wait a sec."
I turned, and he handed me a piece of paper, then walked straight on. I glanced at the paper. It had a 10-digit number scrawled across it, and under that, 'call me'.


The second I got home, I went straight to my room, ignoring the call of "How was your day?"
I didn't feel much like talking to anyone, unless it was through a computer screen, so I immediately went to my laptop. Immmediately, I was attacked by pop-ups the second it loaded.
You have 21 unread messages in your email inbox
21?! How did I get 21 emails overnight? I clicked one of the insitantly flashing boxes at the bottom of the screen.
Helena'sNOTdead says: Scarlett! How was your day?! Tell me everything or I'll kick your butt!
I checked the other windows. They all said basically the same thing. I added them all into one conversation-I wasn't typing out seperate replies.

ScarlettBlood says: Holy Geesus, give me a second, I just got in!
KatieIero says: NO! SPILL! NOW!
Helena'sNOTdead says: I agree with Katie.
ScarlettBlood says: *sigh* this could take a while...
BomOmBen says: This sounds like a girly conversation, I'm leaving.
BomOmBen has left the conversation
SuperSam says: I'm curious, so I ain't leaving, no matter how girly this gets.
KatieIero says: Sam, change your name-it doesn't suit you anymore.
SuperSam says: Make me.
ScarlettBlood says: I have the feeling that I'm missing something crucial...
SuperSam says: All will be explained in due course...Now tell us what happened, I'm just as curious as everyone else.

I sighed and typed out a full account of my day, leaving nothing out-I wasn't getting my butt kicked by Helena.

Helena'sNOTdead says: ....Seriously? You should totally go for it!
KatieIero says: If you don't want him, I'll take him, no problem.
SuperSam has left the conversation
Helena'sNOTdead says: I think Sam is jealous!
ScarlettBlood says: ....bye Helena, bye Katie...

I was about to sign out when the computer beeped.
SuperSam says: Hi again.
ScarlettBlood says: Hi...
SuperSam says: Yeah, I got sick of that conversation.
ScarlettBlood says: I have 21 emails somehow.
SuperSam says: Random subject change. Oh yeah, they're probably from me...
ScarlettBlood says: Why did you send me 21 emails?
SuperSam says: Read them and you'll find out. Scarlett, you need to get a webcam.
ScarlettBlood says: I have one.
SuperSam says: Really? That's not what messenger's telling me...
ScarlettBlood says: Thats 'cos it's set to not show it.
SuperSam says: Turn it on, I want to talk to you properly.

I turned on the webcam and while I was waiting for it to connect, checked my email. Yup, they were all from Sam. I started reading them...

I jumped, and clicked back onto the link.
Wow, is it just me, or does he look even more like Gee than the last time I saw him?
"Yes! What?!"
"So, what did you want to talk about?
"I just wanted to see your face."
Huh? That doesn't sound like Sam.
I go to click on the link, I wasn't watching the webcam, I was reading the emails, but it dissappears. He closed the link. Weird. He usually says goodbye...
Does Sam fancy me?
♠ ♠ ♠
Heeeheee I ain't telling you what the emails say unless you comment.
Dedicated to the computer.
Longest chapter yet! :D