I'm Not Okay

Sure, a NON-AWKWARD day...

He closed the window! He was so dead! I picked up my phone and rang him. Smart one, he's turned his phone off. I'll get Katie and Helena to kill him, seeing as I'm a 4 hour drive away from him.
Anyway, why did he send me 21 emails? So far all they've been are those really annoying chain mails saying that you will die if you don't forward them or blank emails, which he sends to piss me off. Uuuurghhh...DELETE ALL. I am not wasting any more time reading stupid emails like that. Anyway, they can't have been too important, he would've rang me instead of emailing me.


I can't believe that I'm actually on my way to school. At 7:30 AM. Normally, it takes an army to get me up in the mornings, but not today, for some strange reason.
It's because you want to see Zac...
Uuuurghhh, there's that voice thats been annoying me all night.
I'm your conscience, thank you very much!
Well fuck you conscience, go back to the corner of my head you came from. Oh my Gee, I'm talking to myself, I'm going insane now on top of everything else.
I've gotten to the school, and seeing as I'm an hour and 30 minutes earlier than everyone else, I flop down onto the wall and turn on my iPod. Maybe that annoying voice will go away if I blast Desolation Row loud enough.

They're selling postcards of the hanging
Well they're painting the passports brown
The beauty parlor's filled with sailors
The circus is in town
Oh look, here comes the blind commissioner
Well they got him in a trance
One hand is tied to the tight-rope walker
The other's in his pants
And the riot squad they're restless
They need somewhere to go
As Lady and I look out tonight
From Desolation Row

Cinderella, she seems too easy
"Well it takes one to know one," she smiles
And puts her hands in her back pockets
Bette Davis style
And now in comes Romeo, moaning
"You Belong to Me I Believe"
And someone says,"You're in the wrong place, my friend
You better leave"
And then the only sound that's left
After the ambulances go
Is Cinderella sweeping up
On Desolation Row

Someone grabs me around the waist and I scream and jump up. WTF?! Who the he-
"Wakey wakey, who managed to get you up this early actually, did your mum call in the army?"
I know that voice.
I spin around.
He hasn't changed a bit, except...
"You never told me you went rocker!"
"Emm, when was I supposed to, I haven't seen you in how long? A month?"
"You could've told me last night on webcam. Sam, I-"
"Are you not going to show me around?"
"Why would I show you around? Actually, new question, why are you outside my school at 8 in the morning?"
"Did you read those emails?"
"No, I deleted them, they pissed me off, I read about 6 and felt like bashing your head in."
"Violent as ever, I see. Well, if you had read all of them, you would've found out that I moved yesterday."
"Why and where?"
"We moved to about 10 minutes way from you 'cos my mum missed yours, my dad quit his job and...I missed you..."
I grin and hug him.
"Well, now you live near me again, you're gonna wish you never moved."
"Nah, you don't annoy me, I annoy you more."
A teacher walking by looks at us curiously. Oh. I'm still hugging him. Whoops.
"Maybe we should go in..."
He rolls his eyes.
"No, lets stay out here all day and throw eggs at cars."
"You know, that sounds more fun than school, lets do that instead."
He laughs and drags me through the gates.
"Nope, I want to see this Zac dude."
Shit, shit, shit, shit, that's going to make everything way more complicated. I decide to stare at the floor instead of replying.
"Sam, I need your shoes!"
"What? Why do you need my-yeah, they rock don't they?"
He. Has. MCR. Converse!
"Where did you get them?!"
"eBay is a great thing."


I do everything that Zac did for me yesterday (don't think about Zac, thats not going to help anyone) and then we get lost looking for his locker, which is next to my locker, and I've forgotten where my locker was, which really doesn't help.
We're standing in front of a really long row of lockers and counting. We're at 1900.
"Hey Scarle-Oh."
I turn around. It's Zac, looking none too pleased at the fact that Sam has an arm around my shoulders. Oh great, this is going to be a really awkward day.
♠ ♠ ♠
Woop! Chapters are getting longer! Hope you like!


P.S. Free Sam/Zac/Scarlett/Helena/Katie/Ben for commenters!