Because of a Song

Chapter One


“Through the wind and the rain she stands hard as a stone, in a world that she can't rise above,” I sang as the song blasted through the speakers of the stereo in my room. Sure, it may or may not have been off-key, but at least I was having fun, right? That’s what my friends would call a ‘typical Lauren characteristic’. No matter how good or bad I was at something, as long as I was having fun, I didn’t care. Maybe that’s why I didn’t mind making a complete fool of myself in front of others.

“TURN THAT DOWN, LAUREN!” my father yelled up the stairs. “OR BETTER YET, TURN IT OFF!”

I turned the knob down before yelling back, “Sorry, daddy!”

I glanced at my doorway and saw my younger brother Stephen walking by my room. He scoffed at me and said, “Stop being such a suck up.”

I just smiled and said, “Nope, sorry,” and shut the door. Right before I was about to turn the music back on I felt a sudden vibration in my jeans pocket and jumped, surprised. I slipped my cell phone out of my pocket and glanced at the Caller ID. Joe <3 flashed in blinking black letters. I grinned and pressed the ‘talk‘ button. “Hey, babe!”

“Hey,” he replied. Before I could reply, he pressed on. “Look. Lauren. We need to talk.”

I suddenly felt sick to my stomach. ‘We need to talk‘ never meant anything good. “Okay. Go ahead,” I stated nervously, already feeling my hands start to sweat.

“Look, babe, I really don‘t know how to say this, so I‘m just going to say it, okay?” When he heard no reply, he went on. “I really think we need to--break up. I mean--”

“BREAK UP?!” I shouted, finally finding my voice. “What do you mean break up?”

“Lauren, babe, listen, please.”

“Oh, I‘m listening all right. I‘m listening, waiting to hear you say April Fools, even though it‘s freaking September! What is this Joe? Some kind of cruel joke you‘re playing on me? Huh? Do you think this is funny? Because let me tell you: IT ISN‘T!” As I kept going, my voice kept getting louder, and by then end I was practically screaming into the receiver.

“Lauren, please don‘t take it this way. I--I just don‘t think I‘m ready for a serious relationship.”

“Let me get this straight. You‘re breaking up with me because you‘re not ready for a serious relationship?! Joseph! We‘ve been going out for 3 fucking years! What the hell is this if it isn’t a serious relationship?”

I heard him sigh on the other end. “I knew you would take it this way,” he replied.

“OF COURSE I AM! How else am I supposed to reply?! My boyfriend of 3 years just told me that he wants to break up. How else do you expect me to act? Do you expect me to just say, ‘Okay. Fine. It was nice to know you.’ and hang up? NO! I am not going to do that! You know why? Because that‘s not how I feel! I love you Joe! How could you do this to me?! Is it because we‘re never together? Because, I‘m sorry, but that‘s kind of your fault, what with your fame and everything.”

“Lauren, honey? Please know that I feel horrible for ending it this way, and--”

“You should feel horrible! I mean, you don‘t even have the decency to come to Tennessee and tell me to my face!”

“Look, I‘m sorry, okay? How many times do I have to say that? I‘ve got to go. Talk to you…”

“YOU‘VE GOT TO GO?! WHAT THE HELL?! WE ARE NOT DONE WITH THIS CONVERSA--” And then the line went dead. I sat there, in absolute disbelief, as my mother came into my room. I looked at her. “He hung up,” I said, finally realizing it. “It‘s over.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the use of language. I just felt it needed to be done.
There shouldn't be that much for the rest of the story.
This is in the past, hence the use of italics.
I hope you liked it (:
Feedback is the key to my heart :D