Because of a Song

Chapter Thirteen

Dr. Pepper is amazing. Sadly, I am not allowed to drink it for two days because, guess what, I just got my teeth whitened. It’s not that my teeth were that yellow in the first place, but with my new ‘fame’ and all, my mom thought it would be just a splendid idea for me to get them whitened.

So now I cannot drink coffee, soda, or tea for two days, which, believe me, is going to suck major monkey balls (quoted directly from Stephen when he first got braces).

Speaking of Stephen, he woke me up at 5:30 this morning because, apparently, he had had a bad dream. “There were monsters, and not the nice ones! They--they were after me. And then…then they took Roger and he became a bad guy! Then I woke up and I was scared and so now I’m here,” Stephen had told me, and to be quite honest, he did look scared.

“You poor little fifteen-year-old,” I said sarcastically. “Now shut the hell up and go back to bed!” I pulled the covers over my head and hoped that Stephen would just leave. It didn’t feel great, being mean to him I mean, but it certainly didn’t feel awful either.

“But Laur-Laur,” Stephen whined, using one of his many, many nicknames for me, “I’m really scared!”

I sighed, unfolded the covers from my face, sat up, and asked him, “What color were the monsters?”

“Green,” he replied. “A very dark green, like pine tress.”

“Okay, and what was Roger wearing?”

“A pink Power Ranger suit.”

I laughed. “Like the one he wore on Halloween?”

“Exactly!” Stephen nodded ferociously. “Maybe I was having a Halloween nightmare.” He paused, before continuing. “At least Angela wasn’t in it.”

I scoffed. “Don’t get me started.”

“She was a pretty good kisser, though,” Stephen mused.

I punched him in the arm. “Shut up.”

“Okay, okay. I feel better now. I’ll see you in a few hours.”

I sighed. “Forget it. I was supposed to get up at 6:30 to go to the studio anyway. There’s no use me trying to go back to sleep now.”

“Whatever, sis. I’m still going back to bed.” He got up from my bed and walked towards the door. Then he turned around. “And Lauren?”


“Ask mom if she can make me some more chocolate-chip pancakes with syrup.”

I laughed. “Sure thing, Stephen.”


“And I don’t know how it gets better than this. You take my hand and drag me headfirst, fearless. And I don’t know why but with you I’d dance in a storm in my best dress, fearless.” I smiled and set my guitar down, looking up at my producer and manager with expectant eyes.

“That was good,” Aaron, my manager spoke, nodding. “Really good, actually. Was that written from personal experience or…?”

“Personal experience, yes.” It was the truth. I’d only had two serious boyfriends in my life: Joe and Connor. This song, aptly named Fearless is about Connor (the break-up was a lot easier, let me tell you).

“Well it’s good,” Aaron said.

“Very good,” my producer, Jason, added.

“I think it will go on the album, what do you think Jason?” Aaron said.

“It’s really up to Lauren but I think the fans will love it. What do you think Lauren?”

“I really like the lyrics,” I said, “and especially the title. I still have to think about it but--” Then my phone rang. “Sorry,” I said. I was supposed to have my phone on vibrate while in the studio. I took it out of my pocket and saw that it was Stephen. “I’m sorry but this is really important,” I told Aaron and Jason. “Excuse me.” They politely nodded and let me out of the recording box. “Hello?” I said, answering my phone.

“It’s mom,” Stephen immediately said. “Dad and I had to take her to the hospital. Come quick, Lauren, please. Do anything you have to do to get here; it’s urgent!”

I snapped my phone shut. “Fuck,” I said, amazed that I even said that word. I ran back into the recording studio and saw Aaron. “Aaron, I have to go. It’s my mom. I’m so sorry.”

I didn’t wait for a reply; I just ran.
♠ ♠ ♠
Short. Kind of a filler. But still needed.

I'm drinking Dr. Pepper, ahaha.

Anyway, this is still on hiatus, sorry. I just wanted to let you guys know that this is still alive and will be finished......someday (;

I'm totally taking this story in a different direction, so be prepared. I have a feeling this will be at least 35 chapters if not more. So, in conclusion, we're not even half-way there yet :P

Also, sorry for the cliffhanger. I just had to.