Because of a Song

Chapter Two


After Joe hung up on me, I talked with my mother about the situation and she helped me realize how immature I was acting about the whole thing. So I called him back. It lasted about five minutes, longer than the last one, which was only two. And it was much calmer, no screaming involved this time, which was nice. He told me that with everything going on, he was getting too busy to have a serious relationship, let alone a girlfriend. I believed him.

Oh, how I shouldn’t have.

And what do you know? A week later the tabloids blew up with pictures of Joe and his ‘new girlfriend’, Camilla Belle. When my mom showed me it, she warned me not to read it. But I did anyway.


Joe’s New Girl?

Teenage heartthrob Joseph Jonas was spotted last Friday out with a tall brunette, later identified as his co-star in his latest music video, Lovebug, Camilla Belle. Rumors are circulating that Joseph and Camilla have been going out for at least a month. Neither party has either confirmed nor denied the accusation, but with new photos surfacing, it‘s going to be hard to play the ‘just friends’ card much longer. We’ll keep you updated and let you know the minute we find something out. Until then, we’ll just have to wait. -Adam Silverstein

I didn’t know what to believe. My head was spinning with the possibility that Joe had: a) moved on AND b) cheated on me. I ran up to my room, my mother trailing behind me.

“Honey, why don’t you call him and see what’s going on? Don’t jump to conclusions,” she stated while coming over to sit by me on my bed. She rubbed my back soothingly, while whispering comforting words in my ear.

“I-I guess,” I sniffled, my voice muffled by my hands, which were covering my face. I glanced over at my mom and she got the message and left, knowing that I wanted to be alone. I wiped my eyes one last time before grabbing my phone and carefully dialing the numbers that I knew by heart before pressing ‘call’ and holding the phone to my ear.

“Hello?” I heard Joe’s voice say. I melted right then and there, with just that one word. Why did he have to break up with me? Why?

“H-hey. It’s--It’s Lauren,” I stuttered.

“Oh, hey!” he replied, trying to sound happy to hear from me, but I could sense the nervousness in his voice.

“I just saw the article about you and Camilla. I was wondering if it was true.”

“Well, Lauren, why do you care? I mean, now that we’re broken up, I have the right to go out with whoever I want to. Why can’t you accept that? Oh, wait. I know why. It’s because you’re too caught up with me to understand that we’re OVER. I know you’re blonde, so I’ll make it a bit more clearer: don’t ever call, text, or even bother to talk to me ever again, because you know what? I’m not going to answer because I don’t give a damn about you or your stuck-up attitude and your love for children. I’ve moved on, Lauren. And you need to accept that. I’m happy without you. Now why don’t you go paint your nails or obsess over your hair or whatever the hell you do in your spare time and leave me, my family, and Camilla the hell alone. Alright?”

“Wha--I can’t believe I believed you, you lying, cheating--person,” I stated, catching myself from saying something that I might regret later. “How could you do this to me? I mean, to insult me and lie to me? How dare you!”

“Do I sound like I care, Lauren? That’s because I simply--don’t,” he laughed. “I’m done with you. Forever. I can’t believe I wasted three years on you. Goodbye, Lauren.”

I stared at the phone in disbelief before silently hanging up and placing it back onto my nightstand. I then proceeded to walk down the stairs and into the kitchen, where my mother was currently making dinner. When she saw my expression, she immediately came over and hugged me. “What’s wrong, sweetheart?” she cooed.

“It’s nothing. Just Joe.”

“What’d he say?”

“He basically said that I’m stuck-up, stupid, and that he doesn’t care about me. He told me to leave him and everyone he knows alone. Then he--he said that he can’t believe he wasted three years on m-me,” I said, tears starting to flow down my face.

“Oh, honey!” my mom said, pulling me closer. “I’m so sorry. You don’t deserve that. Nobody does. I never saw this coming, as I’m sure you didn’t either. He seemed like such a nice boy. He fooled us all, honey. He fooled us all.”

I looked up at her as she wiped the free tears from my face. “I know, mom. I know.” Then I hugged her tighter and she let me cry on her shoulder, like she always did in situations like these.
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I bet you guys don't like Joseph anymore XD
Comment? (:
And thank you SO much Reina for the rad banner!