
Prison Bound

I awoke to the ringing of the phone. Talking on the phone for me is like the anti-Christ, so go figure why I have one in my room.

“Hello?” I mumbled in the phone still with my eyes close.

“Where the hell are you?” said Billie on the other line.

“What are you talking about?” I groaned in the phone.

“Look at the clock.” Billie ordered.

I finally opened my eyes and looked at the clock that read 6:43.

“Holly shit ” I said darting up and running to put on anything.

“Holy shit is right. I take it your not walking with us again?”

“No shit Billie!” I yelled hanging up the phone and throwing it in my room and darting in the bathroom to brush my teeth.

I stumbled as I tried to tie my Chuck Taylor’s while hopping to the kitchen where mom was.

“Mom I know I’m not allowed to drive your car, but can I please borrow yours today, and you can take mine? I’m running late for school” I asked still stumbling.

“No. I made it firm when you got your licence that you will not use my car,” she said taking a sip of her coffee.

You see when I got my licence mom clearly said:

“Sure Samantha you can get your licence, but if you think your using my car and I’m paying your insurance your crazy. So I don’t really see the point of getting your licence,” After that conversation happened was when I got the job at the diner. Now to explain the “Can I use your car and you use mine” thing. You see I saved up enough money to buy this old 70's Volkswagen bright purple bug, the only problem is that it’s a stick shift. Mike came up with the genius idea of me asking Nick to teach me, which he did once, and then got a girlfriend and kind of ditched me. Anyway, Mike’s suppose to teach me, but we haven’t really gotten the time to go out and do it.

“Actually I know how you could get to school,” Mom said. I knew by her tone there was a catch.


“Take the camper to school,” Oh course she is only allowing me to do this for the pure humiliation she knows my peers are going to give me, and also so she can be bitch about everything. If her and Mr.Witt ever felt like tag teaming together they could make my life miserable together.

I shrugged my shoulders and grabbed the keys to the camper off the counter. What other choice did I have? Just to fill you in on our camper it’s the creepiest camper you will see. It’s one of those rusted up tube shaped ones from the 60's that I’m sure when I drive by people they are suspicious to the fact of if I’m storing dead bodies in it.

When reaching upon school the fellow students were pointing and laughing, it didn’t really bother me much. You know how in middle school you physically get tortured? Well in high school as the hormonal teenagers begin to become more sophisticated and mature they begin to naturally discover that psychological torture is key. Also, it is easier to get away with.

Also me unknowingly wearing the same shirt as I did yesterday didn't help mush either. I guess I'm noticed more then I realize.

“Tell your father hello for me!” Mrs. Johnson called at me as I left her class. Billie had a smirk on his face.

My day was going by quite satisfyingly, at least so far.

I went to Geometry where Mr. Turner actually woke up saying “I think I’m going share the finer aspects of slope with today’s youth hoping one day they will use it in their everyday life.”

Oh course one day this going to come in handy, you know when I’m walking down Telegraph and suddenly I whip out my notebook and begin solving formulas.

I was in a daze about something I'd rather not admit when Mr. Turner waved a hand in front of me asking if there was another place I’d rather be.

“Gosh no Mr. Turner. Copying these problems and their answers from front to back sections in this fine text book is the realization of a life long dream I have been striving to accomplish since I was a youngster,”

I would have been quite fine being the smart ass I am and saying that, but I was determined to be on my best behavior. I wanted to at least make it through one day of school this week without the threat of being expelled hovering over me.

In real life I just gave Mr. Turner an expression that was intended to convey the impression that I was contemplating the mystical world of geometry and I was on a journey to discover the commercial value of these fine assignments. It must have been convincing, because he left me alone.

Ah young love, makes me want to gag. In the arrival of Mr. Witt’s class I witnessed the girlfriends of guys waiting by their boyfriends locker only to be exposed to making out and ass grabbing. Of course in Mr. Witt’s book the no public display of affection rule was forever vanished and it was undoubtfully more important for my hat to be removed while in school. In Witt’s class other then the hat incident I gave him no reason to pick on me, despite he searched and searched for any reason he could.

Lunch time came, which was when everything got a little fuzzy. I sat with my usual people Mike, Billie Joe, Sarah, and Joe. Sarah fits into the same category of friendship as Mike and Billie, just in case your wondering. Joe’s this oddball hippie kid friend of Billie’s that well a bit odd, but funnier then hell. Sarah had this uncomfortable look on her face and was quiet, which was weird. She kept brushing it off saying everything was okay. As Joe was doing this impression of his mother someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around to see Chelsea and friends standing behind me.

“Look can you just leave me alone I-“

“I want to apologize,” she began. There was something wrong with this picture. “I’m sorry about everything. Friends?” she asked holding her arms out to embrace in a hug.

Now in a typical to this day orientated TV show I would go into her embrace and then after school we would go to the mall and paint each others toe nails and talk about hot guys on Saturday. Which, don’t get me wrong I would dig that as much as the next person if I didn’t detest the cooperate world, hated hugging, found no guys at school “hot”, and that I didn’t own a bottle of nail polish.

“No, we’ve mingled enough in life. We’re done now,” I said turning back around and continuing to nibble on Sarah’s chips.

After lunch Sarah, Mike and I headed to the gym for PE. We went into the locker room to dress out. Sarah nearly jumped out of her skin when Mrs. Collins came up to tell her she dropped her bracelet.

“Sarah what is wrong with you today? You seem like your going to jump out of your skin,” I asked putting my bag into my locker.

“Wait for everyone to clear out,” she mumbled.

After everyone cleared out she looked around from left to right one last time as if she was about to cross the road when she pulled out a tiny bag of pot and some pills in another.

I’ll give you the 411 on Sarah. She’s one of my best friends, but her life’s a bit disorientated. Her mom used to beat her and now she’s into drugs. Her boyfriend treats her like shit, and she still manages to have high spirits.

“Okay...?” I said looking as if this was nothing new. I know I as being a friend I should probably try and stop her, but I mean she’s been through the orientations they give us at school. I mean if it became a serious thing like she was doing heroin or something then I’d probably put my foot down.

“I bought this from this kid Anthony today, but I think someone saw us and I heard that someone is going to rat us out. Sam I’m so fucking scared that I’m going to get arrested or something,” she whispered.

“Okay um why don’t you hide it somewhere like in the bathroom or something?” I suggested. She gave me a look of “are you fucking kidding me?” which is exactly what she said.

“I payed a lot for this,” she said widening her eyes in emphasis of how much she payed.

I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but I took a deep breath and said

“Alright why don’t you give it to me. I mean they won’t suspect me of doing drugs. I've always gotten in trouble for being a snot, not drugs or anything,” I said. I know right now your probably saying “You dumbass ” and believe me I am too, but I don’t know I can’t come up with a well rounded excuse that would make anyone say “There you go”.

“No no no I couldn’t do that. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if you got caught or something. Just forget it,” Sarah said closing her bag up.

After that we walked out into the gym and took a seat by the bleachers awaiting what are daily activity was going to be. Due to the rain we were going to have a “Rape Prevention” course with the girls and the boys were going to have a “Safe Sex” course. By being seniors in high school about 73% have had sex and know how to practice the safe sex thing.

We listened to a lady who looks like she no longer has a sex life rattle on about basically dating do’s and don’ts. Don’t get me wrong I enjoy hearing the same orientation every time the weather conflicts with whatever outside activity we would have endured if the weather would have cooperated, but I seriously think I had this presentation memorized.

“Girls now don't drink a drink that is given to you buy anyone even a best friend, or leave your drink unattended if you are at a party. Use the buddy system when walking around at night, if you do not have a buddy walk in a well lit area. Do not go out with anyone if they are taking you in an environment that may have drugs or alcohol. Ladies don't lead the guy on by wearing skimpy clothes, or anything. And remember girls if a guy tries anything with you that makes you feel uncomfortable just poke him in between his eyes with your index or middle finger.” she said demonstrating this tactic.

“Excuse me Libby, but Sam could you please come here with me?” asked Mr. Lane.

I got up looking at Sarah who gave me the same look I assume I had. Mr. Lane ordered me to follow him where we met up with Mr. Robins. They brought me into the locker room.

“Now before we begin is there anything you want to share with us? If you are with holding any illegal substances or weapons?” asked Mr. Lane.

“No of course not,” I said with a shocked expression. I have to remember to thank Sarah for not allowing me to go through with my stupidity.

“Sam can you please open your bag for me?” asked Mr. Robbins.

“Sure,” I said without a doubt or struggle in my voice.

I opened my bag only to reveal Sarah’s pot and pills staring right back at me.