
St. Jimmy

"I can't believe your mom didn't pay the bill," said Billie after many moments of Mike and I mocking his obliviousness and finally telling him what happened.

"Yeah, middle class was fun wasn't it?" I said taking the last spoonful of cereal and bringing our bowls to the sink to be washed "So Bill, tell me about this lady friend,"

"Well, she's erm older,"

"Like my mom older? Like Amanda older? In college older?" I asked as we walked into the living room and took a seat on the couch.

"Out of college older..." he said with a smirk on his face indicating that the sex was wild, at least that's what I was indicating. Billie Joe at times can have horny sick filled mind, but then again don't most men?

"What the hell is she doing with you?!" Mike and I both let out.

"What's there not to like," Billie Joe let out egotistically.

"Well, for one I may not have electricity, but we have witnessed the speed of stupid." I said.

"Fuck you, Sam,"

"You left yourself wide open for that one," said Mike.

"Yeah well whatever. Why don't go to our place it's fucking cold and boring here," said a slightly aggravated Billie Joe.

I had to admit that he was right, but I was way too cold, comfortable, and just too damn lazy to climb up those twenty or so steps leading up to my room. I rearranged my face in which if you could read it would probably say that I was weighing the options in my mind when I got up and headed for the stairs.

"Grab some Minor Threat and Buzzcocks while your at it!" Billie yelled up the stairs. I decided to get the Salad Day's EP and Love Bites and possibly some Bob Dylan, because I was in a classic kind of mood. I went to find them, but all I could find was Bob Dylan. In fact all of my punk/ska/metal/underground vinyls were missing, all that was really there were oldies like Frank Sinatra, The Beatles, and a few other classics. In fact, so was my broken amp. I went to go and get dressed and noticed that at least 63% of my wardrobe was missing, and so were a majority of my notebooks.

I ran downstairs and went to see if my guitar was still in the garage.

"Sam, typically when someone says they're going to get dressed they have different clothes on," Billie said as I dashed by. I ignored his sarcasm and discovered my guitar was gone. Did we get robbed perhaps? No, why would they take my damn notebooks.

"Dude, all my vinyls are gone gone. Along with some clothes, my amp, guitar, and shit," I said scratching my head still looking around the room.

"Didn't you say that the therapist told your mom that music is a bad influence or some shit like that on you?" Mike asked. I love how Mike's the more rational one out of Billie and I.

I went to the kitchen to call me to find out that she did indeed confiscate anything that maybe "influential on my behavior". I decided to fuck it and go along. The sooner I corporate the sooner Dorris will be a thing of the past.

After getting dressed and everything we went to Billie's house and listened to some tunes and watched TV. Then John came over and they went through a few songs. Very productive Saturday if you ask me.

Around fiveish we headed down to Gilman. There wasn't any shows tonight, it was record exchange night. Also, playing basket ball and chess were available for our entertainment.

In case you've never been to Gilman allow me to demonstrate what you might see, hear, and smell. Walking in you are instantly greeted with the stale scent of smoke, pot, body odor, garbage, and sometimes spray paint (depending on how long ago they held a night where we can come in and spray whatever is in your thick minded skulls). You instantly, see spray paint, flyer's, and a huge board that has the months bands playing and events at Gilman. On a night where these is a show your ears are deafened by the noise, but today it was just chatter amongst friends and some light ska playing in the sound booth.

We showed our membership cards and got our hands stamped. Mike and I went to go help set up the table for the records and Billie went out the side door to wait for his lady.

After setting up Mike and I looked in the first bin of used vinyls with lust filled eyes exchanging opinions on certain bands.

"So when do we get to meet Billie's lady friend?" I asked Mike as I handed him the F-N LP's.

"Any minute now. I met her earlier and he wasn't lying she is well older," he said widening his eyes to emphasize the age difference "He told me to tell you not to say anything,"

"Aw is Billie really trying to impress her?" I said nudging Mike.

"I guess," he said shrugging his shoulders continuing to flip through records.

"Dude, Nasal Sex!" Mike picked up in excitement. I was rummaging through the L-S's when I felt a tap on the shoulder.

"Hi, I'm Kristy," said a tall blond women with a smile drawn across her face.

"And your telling me this because...?"

"I'm looking for Billie Joe,"

"Oh you must be that lady friend," I said. I observed her from head to toe, and to be honest Billie wasn't lying when he said she was "fine". The stereotypical gorgeous girl: Tall, blond, blue eyes, skinny, black crop top, and ripped up mini skirt with fish net stockings beneath. It appeared she was trying to pull off the "punk" look, maybe that's what you do on dates try to impress the said date. I'm not sure, I'm not too familiar with the dating concept.

"Hey," Billie Joe said coming up and wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

"I see you've met Sam. Sam this is Kristy," he said introducing us.

"Hey, weren't you the senior I had give me a tour of Pinole Valley when I was in eighth grade?" I said breaking Billie's cardinal rule of not making jokes about the age difference thing. Billie shot me a look that said "I will go to school on Monday and confess your 'lust' for Nick if you don't shut the fuck up," I'm sure that's exactly what he said too.

"Let's go play basketball," Mike said with a smirk on his face. Billie gave Kristy a kiss on the cheek and they went off and played. I guess this was my time to "bond" with her. Neither of us really talked for a few minutes, we just kind of stood there leaned up against the record table. She watched Billie Joe "play", but really I thought he was making an idiot out of himself. Let's just say not only does Billie not have the height for basket ball, he doesn't have the skill either.

"Don't you just find Billie Joe to be irresistible," she asked. This is like if a guy came up to me and asked "Is your mom any good in bed?" I kind of tilted my head in the manner that showed I was observing Billie Joe.

"Not really. Billie and Mike are like my older brothers. Plus I'm like six inches taller then him,"

"Not even just a little bit?" she said taking her index finger and thumb and did what looked like she was maybe squeezing a bug between them "I mean he's just got the whole musician thing going on, and that curly ginger hair and those eyes. I don't know he just drives me wild." she said with a seductive expression plastered across her face. I did the whole tilting the head thing and still watched Billie Joe make a worthy attempt at playing basket ball.

"Well now that you mention it...Ah what the hell put me down for no," I said.

"What about Mike?" she asked.

"What about him?"

"Do you two have a thing going on?"

"Did you not catch what I said earlier about how we're like family?" I said in a bit of a ticked off tone, mostly due to last nights events.

"Okay, okay, okay don't get yourself in a tizzy," I swear to god she actually said that "You remind me a lot of my brother,"


"You both have that snotty kind of attitude. He should be here soon,"

"So is he the runt over there?" asked a unfamiliar voice a few moments later. I turned around to see a guy, I'm guessing maybe eighteen or nineteen. Short spiky hair, dog pile pants, stud belt, leather jacket in which different bands that I was quite familiar with spread about, and a white shirt beneath it.

"Yes," said Kristy rolling her eyes "Oh this is Sam by the way," said Kristy nudging her head towards me.

"They call me Jimmy,"