

"I know John told me everything that happened and I think I can get you an extra mic stand if you need one," said Mike eying Billie.

"Thanks man," I said.

Mike informed Billie of my ordeal that got me fired. Then Billie started going over a song that he had written with Mike. I was playing Billie's acoustic working on a song that I had kind of written in my head on the BART.

Got hit by, by a streetlight
My gosh I say I’vie never been so bruised before
And now I run to your door and I knock a thousand times
Is anybody home right now?
Is anybody home right now?

"Billie give me Blue for a second," Billie did as I asked and turned on the amp. I got a sick riff going. I found a flyer for a show at Gilman on the floor. I wrote the lyrics on the back. I sat there thinking of more. After about ten minutes I came up with

I got run over
Pulled over
My mind won’t seize because I never get no sleep at night
The tide
That drowns a throbbing mind
As I’m walking down the line
Is anybody home right now?

"Mike hand me your bass," Mike did the same as Billie did. Then I asked Mike to play something that I came up with on bass with my playing guitar. It sounded pretty damn good for the beginning. I would take it up with Matt and Johnny once I got more lyrics going.

"Your trying to avoid going home aren't you?" asked Mike.

"Yeah Mom and I got in a fight before work and I know once she finds out I'm fired it'll just escalate." I didn't feel like arguing at the moment.

"You can stay the night if you want," said Mike fooling around on bass.

Now before you jump to conclusions about "staying the night" I'll explain. We have sleep overs all the time, we have ever since I can remember at least with Mike. Then later Billie Joe joined in. I don't really think any of our parents would think we would ever have sex, but then again hormones do weird things to you. I think though they knew that I saw Billie and Mike as older brothers and they saw me as a younger sister.

On New Years Eve of 86' Billie's Mom had a little New Years Eve party which basically consisted of My mom, Mike's mom and sister Lauren, and Billie's family. We were all sitting having dessert when our parents reminisced on our friendship saying how we still had sleep overs and what not. Well, Billie's brother David had a few drinks in him. He kind of brought up this whole sex topic which was around when our parents speculated on if it would ever happen between any of us. It went a little like this.

"Well Sam, all I can tell you is if either of these two ever try to do anything and there isn't a condom use plastic surran wrap. Make sure they wrap it good too."

We all turned a redder then a stop light. I don't think I've ever felt more awkward in my life. He kept going on using sign language as a diagram and went into explicit detail. He even showed me where the surran wrap was and everything. He was about to go get a banana to show us when mom and Billie's mom went

"Anyone want to go watch Fireworks?"

I think they figured that enough scarred us and if anything ever even crossed our minds of having sex went out our brains. Seriously, to this day thinking of that story sometimes makes me not want to ever get laid, because I'll be laying there thinking about that story instead of getting the pleasure out of it all. Or I would tarnish the moment with a cheesy out break like

"Your not going to use surran wrap are you?"

Then it would probably totally kill the mood.

"Eh no I don't think so. Since there's school tomorrow and everything. In fact I think I'll get going now," I said giving Billie his guitar back.

"Alright later," they said as I opened the window to climb out.

Climbing out of the window was always an obstacle for me, because I had to stand on the bed and believe me I didn't need a bed. I was seventeen and a half an inch shy of six feet. Billie always watched like it was an episode of America's Funniest Home Videos. I could tell he was waiting for me to fall out roll down the hill of his front year, hoping that I roll into a garbage can or something.

After realizing that I could have walked out their front door I was at my house. Billie only lives about five minutes away. I could see that the kitchen light was on which meant mom was up.

I walked into the house making a feeble attempt to do it silently, despite our creaky front door. I closed the door listening for sign that someone was awake or here, when all I heard were the chirping crickets outside. I left out a sigh of relief, and turned around.

"You'd think someone would get home earlier after they got fired."