Status: hiatus

So Claustrophobic Here


I wanted to laugh at Berry (one of Oktober's many nicknames) failed attempts of completing a complete sentence. Goll, she could be SO awkward! Not that I couldn't either, I mean, I still couldn't get over my thing at the store. How more loserific could you get?

"So, what kind of music do you guys like?" Georg asked, smiling at Oktober playing with her kungpow chicken, splashing soy sause everywhere. Holding her flying chopsticks at bay, I addressed Georg.

"Uh, well, I like The Killers, um, Linkin Park..."

"McFly!" Oktober exclaimed, and I noticed Bill's brows go way up. His freakishly perfect bushy man eyebrows. Well, at least something looked manly on him...

"No way! We're on tour with them!" Tom said from the far end of the table. Oktober smiled.
"Really!?! Are they as awesome as I hope they are?" The guys exchanged a glance.

"Uh, yeah, they're pretty chill." Gustav spoke in his peaceful tone, gently dabbing his lips with his napkin. Kid you not, dabbed. These guys were very interesting.

"Hey, you guys should come to our show." Tom said, snapping his fingers. I saw Bill turn at look at Tom like he was out of his mind, but Tom held eye contact with me.

"Wow E-bear, eerie..." Oktober whispered, breaking this freakish Twilight Zone. I finally looked away and stared at my plate, wonderinghow much MSG and carbs could be contained in a Number 3 special from Chinese Kung Pow... Ok, what was that?

"Um, that would completely complete my life," Oktober stated. Georg and Tom chuckled. I shrugged, trying to keep my cool.

"Yeah, that'd be really cool. We could see if you guys are actually really good." The boys scoffed.

"Don't worry, we're awesome. I've played stuff that Jimi Hedriz would be in awe of." Tom exclaimed, leaning back far enough that I had to look past Bill to see him. And Bill was still looking at me like I was some freakish alien wearing spandex eating pineapple. Goll, most people would get over this by now.

"Tom is a little cocky in case you haven't noticed," Georg muttered, smirking. Tom shook his dreads and smiled a smile that spelled bad-

"I'm just confident. Girls like confidence. Am I right?" I choked, and Oktober quickly patted my back. I breathed, then gave the most pathetic smile ever.

"Si Senor," I gasped hoarsely, using myvery limited Spanish.

"Guys, we have a interview," a voice said out of nowhere, and I looked to see a big bulky dude. Oktober shrieked, grabbing my upper arm and squeezing it.

"Oktober, blood flow!" I said, indicating to my now light purple arm. Oktober blushed and released. Gustav chuckled.

"Our bodyguard. Has to make sure we're safe." I nodded meekly.

"So, tonight, come at 5 o'clock at Seventh Street, and we'll have someone escort you to the theater," Tom said, giving me that grin. Gah, what was that grin!?! It was like he had some secret he didn't want to share or something. Highly annoying....and intriguing.

"Righto Daddyo," Oktober said. Georg and Gustav waved, and Ton winked.

"Later." they walked off, and I noticed Bill looking at us. He quickly turned and stalked after the guys, and Oktober sighed.


I snorted. "Is that all you care about?"

Oktober shook her head. "Of course not! But, come on, they usually cost five million dollars, and now we get to see them for free!"

I shrugged. "I'm kinda excited to see these guys play. Tokio Hotel. Sick name. Sounds like a name of a Asian thrift store."

"Yeah. Expecially Tom's sick guitar moves. Goll, he was so showing off for you."

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, he was doing it for you too."

Oktober shook her head, her crazy hair shaking about in the mall lights. "No way Jose. He was looking at you the whole time like, like you were a really good piece of chocolate cheesecake." I laughed.

"Bless your food analogies, Berry." Oktober linked my arm as we walked out to the Mercedes.

"Seriously Emmy, he was interested. Very interested."

I sighed. "Well, I guess I'm flattered. He is attractive. Though the gangster look is strange. And, he seems a little, ugh, what's the word?"

"Puffed up like a blow fish?" Oktober supplied, opening the car door and getting in.

"Yeah, that's it. But, not as bad as his brother. Holy cow, he really hates me."

Oktober shrugged. "I say not worry about him. The other guys, Georg and Gustav are nice as well. Bill is not worth one thought bubble." I nodded, cracking the radio and speeding out of the parking lot.

"Emmy?" Oktober asked breaking our grooving to the oldies station.


"How are we going to get past our parents after ditching school?"
