My Chemical Romance Saved My Life

MCR saved my life

I'd had a really bad day. I was not okay. Friday the 13th. I didn't even believe in it, so how could my day be so shit?
I needed to relax.
I needed a bath.
I ran upstairs to run one.
When I got in, a thought formed in my head:
Wouldn't it be so easy to slip under? To slip under and slip away?
Who would really care anyway? Would anyone care?
It would be so easy. It was so tempting. Ireplayed my day over in my head.
I'm not okay. The words fit so well.
I wrapped my hands around the handles of the bath.
I could hear I'm Not Okay playing in my head.
Then a new song interrupted it, another one of my favorites, but only the chorus:
I am not afaid to keep on living
I am not afraid to walk this world alone
Honey if you stay I'll be forgiving
Nothing you could say can stop me going home

Famous Last Words.
I am not afraid to keep on living.
I took a breath and ducked my head beneath the water.

But I came back up again.
I am not afraid to keep on living.
MCR saved my life.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is a true story. My story. I'm sorry Emily, Lauren, all my friends. I know I frightened you. I'll never do it again. I promise.