Pete Wentz In The Box

Out of The House

Pete Wentz had taken up residence at Patrick Stump's house because he'd been kicked out of his parents house for the last time. Patrick's girlfriend Steph was now short tempered with the bassist. He had one shot to clean up or else he'd be out of the house.

"I told you last time you stupid fucker, we buy the food here and you eat during meals. I work a full time job, and you don't do any fucking work around here. Get out of my house." Steph screamed one after noon after finding Pete drunk on her couch with a few empty boxes of Ring-dings around him.

Patrick was at the recording studio working with Cobra Starship on their new record. He didn't seem to care for the bassist much. Patrick found Pete to be a pain in the ass.

"I swear I'm god. Not drunk!" Pete slurred at Steph.

"You have ten seconds to get out of my house before I call the cops and press charges on you." Steph yelled grabbing the bassist by his collar and throwing him out of the house onto the front yard.

Pete landed on the driveway with a thud. He looked up at the front door with a sad face. Then he grabbed a few rocks off the side of the walk way and headed down the street. Inside Steph was calling Andy and Joe, to warn them about Pete's bad antics. By the time Pete arrived at their apartment building they were already plotting on a way to not let him into their home.

Pete hit the buzzer for Andy's apartment.

"Whose is there?" Andy grumbled.

"Andy, it's Pete. Let me up!" Pete called.

"Go away Pete. No body wants you here." Andy said.

"I've got a pizza." Pete bribed.

That's how he got into Patrick's house the first time.

"I'm a vegan you stupid homeless fool." Andy said before buzzing off and not unlocking the door.

"Andy!" Pete screamed as if he was Romeo calling for his Juliet.

After ten minute of calling for Andy, Pete finally decided to give Joe a try. Pete personally did not want to go live with Joe. Pete thought Joe lived in a trailer park, because his house is exactly next to the trailer park. Joe owned a trailer in the park so he could play his guitar as loud as he wanted with out the non white trash neighbors getting upset.

Pete stormed into the trailer park and banged on Joe's door.

"What is that little gay emo boy doing here?" a neighbor asked.

"Joe! Open the door!" Pete screamed.

Joe sat next door in the window laughing hysterically as the owner of the trailer next to him took the hose out and chased Pete out of the trailer park. Pete was no longer welcome in any of his friends home. Even Ashlee didn't want to see him.