‹ Prequel: First Impressions

Second Chances

Happy Endings


They say fairytales aren’t born in seconds. The best of fairytales require time and patience. Nurturing the tale is an absolute must, and you have to be in the best of minds when you write fairytales.

That statement has never been more true for my life. Looking back, I have to say, that I’m rather glad Kevin and I didn’t last those first couple of years after our relationship started. I ended up learning a lot about myself in those long five years. I’m sure Kevin feels the same way.

I’ll make sure to ask him later. For now however, Kevin is busy giving our child Nicholas Ryan his bottle. That’s another thing that remains true. Men really do grow up the first time they hold their child. I never thought I’d live to see the day when Kevin started to play his guitar less to take care of a child.

Choosing baby names for our child was another story entirely. I was all for calling him Paul Kevin Jonas III. However, I was shot down instantly. Kevin did not want the name to continue. He felt like his name was a king from England if he did that. Instead, he wanted a name that reminded him of someone he loved.

When he told me that news on a fateful night, I immediately thought of a person whom had greatly influenced my life. My brother didn’t want his nephew to be named after him. I told him the baby was my child with Kevin’s, and not his, but he insisted. After much debating, I got my wish, but the middle name would be Ryan.

Ryan could not understand why I would want to name my child after him. Only I knew the true reasoning behind everything. Even to this day, no one else really knows why Ryan was picked. Everyone, including Ryan, thought I would choose my dad’s name. And although, I love my father for everything he has done for me, Ryan was the one that I could depend on. Ryan was with me through every moment we lived through together. It will always be that way. Ryan was always there.

The second name was not any harder to come up with. When I asked my famous brother-in-law, Nicholas Jonas if I could use his name for his nephew, he had a very similar reaction to Ryan. He said that would be plain weird, and he did not understand why I would want our child to be named after him.

When I asked Kevin what he thought of the name Nicholas Ryan for a boy, he pondered for a few minutes before agreeing with me. Nicholas Jerry Jonas, is, was, and always will be, the smartest man I know. No one else posses the knowledge that guy has. He has knowledge beyond his years, and if it weren’t for him helping Kevin and I get together, Nicholas Ryan would have never been in existence.

Kevin and his brothers still go on tour every now and then. It’s nothing like the year-long touring they used to have. All of the three Jonas Brothers are married now, and at the pace Frankie is going, he will not be very far behind his older brothers.

Kevin and I got married on August 28th, 2015. It was the same day as the sixth year anniversary of my parents’ death. Everyone, including Kevin, thought I was insane for wanting our wedding to be on that fateful day. The only person that understood was Ryan.

I called him to tell him the date over the phone. I wasn’t with him when I asked, but I could picture Ryan mutely nodding his head.

The secret I guess will now be out about why I choose that date for our wedding since I’m sure you are all wondering as to why. The answer was simple. I didn’t want that day to be forever known as a day of sorrow. I wanted the day to be refilled with joy. My dad always said, “Why live in your past, when in the future you can be whoever you want to be?”

I’m sure my parents were smiling down on me the day Kevin Jonas and I, Bella Adams, got married. Ryan walked me down the aisle. Paul the senior told me if I would have liked, he would have gladly married me off. No offense to Paul, he’s the best father-in-law a girl could ask for, but the only other man that was right for the job was my brother. Ryan was always looking out for me…

Our wedding was simple. Kevin did not very much care for all of the wedding details. He just told me that whatever made me happy made him happy. All that he cared about was the fact that our cake was chocolate. Such an easy man to marry ladies, let me tell you.

We didn’t have a theme to our wedding. I choose simple pale yellows and whites for the color decor, and red roses filled all of the table center pieces. For our wedding gifts, Kevin and I told each other not to buy anything for the other. Our love, and the wedding ring on my left hand ring finger, was more than enough for the two of us.

Nick and Joe with little Frankie on the piano sang us “Can You Feel The Love Tonight?” Kevin and I smiled the entire time as we danced in one another’s arms. I have never felt more beautiful in my entire life than in that exact moment.

The wedding reception was an entire blast of fun. Kevin and I did all of the fun, normal wedding things. I tossed the bouquet in Stephanie’s outreached hands. The entire congregation laughed when Nick caught the garter. I am fully happy to report that the two young ones got married a year after Kevin and I did. We still make fun of Nick for waiting for so long.

Joe ended up marrying a girl named Lisey from his hometown of New Jersey. They were currently on some Caribbean island celebrating their honeymoon.

As for Kevin and I, we were happily married and in love. I haven’t thought much of Scott Mayer since our very public break up. The only time I think of him is when I see Kevin holding young Nicky. I try to imagine Scott in Kevin’s place, and I can’t. I knew I made the right choice.

Scott’s gone off to dating a bunch of famous celebrities. His music is still has big as it always has been. He still insists on sending me a Christmas letter every year.

I haven’t written music in a while. With a newborn child, you don’t have much time to do things for yourself. It doesn’t bug me most days. I am nothing without my child. I laughed when Kevin said he wanted to have another baby the day after Nicholas Ryan was born on December 25th, 2018. Kevin always loved to call him our Christmas dream. And in a way, Nicky really was.

The Jonas Brothers haven’t been on a tour in a little over a year. Although, Kevin still goes around to public gatherings. The last one we went to had people all over asking to see our baby. Kevin politely declined, hugging Nicky to his chest, tightly. Many people, I’m hoping some of you, asked me about my book.

Soon after Kevin and I got married, someone asked me about making a book about my life. I thought the idea at first was completely stupid and idiotic. I am so sorry I was too quick to judge.

Just like this book, you can’t ever judge something by its cover. I thought Kevin was a jock whom was just as stupid as ever other jock was. I guess it’s true what they say: First Impressions are mostly always wrong. In Kevin’s and my case, that certainly was true.

It turns out that all I needed was a second chance with Kevin to rekindle the relationship we once shared. I have never needed anything as badly as that relationship.

Whenever I follow Kevin to his meet and greets, the question I get asked most as Mrs. Kevin Jonas, is why I went back to Kevin.

That answer is easy. I love Kevin. I have always been irrevocably in love with him. Our love is in the purest form. Sure, we argue from day to day. For example, just yesterday he was arguing with me over who would wake up at three in the morning to take care of a crying baby. I won.

The hardest question to answer is how I’ve managed to stay with Kevin for so long. Other rock star wives can most likely sympathize with me on this question. Dating and marrying a rock star is one of the stupidest decisions you can make, but it’s also the most rewarding.

The only answer I can come up with for such a question is true, true love will never end. I will never be able to stop loving Kevin Jonas, no matter how hard I try. He will always have a part of my heart, and now that we have a kid, the answer is even more concrete. Kevin shares a part of me that know one else will ever see. He is my rock and love. He is simply Kevin.

I’m not really sure how I should end this book. I’ve spent all of my free time writing this that it feels a bit odd to actually end it. In a way, it feels as if a part of me is done. I know I’m finishing a novel, but in reality, it feels like just a chapter in my life is ending.

All I can say to you millions out there that are having relationship troubles is this: fairytales take a long time to write.

My fairytale took years until it happened, but let me tell you something. Sometimes, the wait, if you manage to find some patience, is most definitely, worth it. The other side of the rainbow is always much brighter than the beginning.

Beside, maybe if you’re lucky, you’ll just happen to fall in love with a rock star too…

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Both banners are lovely.

Well, this is THE END.
The story is officially done, and surprisingly, I'm not that upset. Sure, I'm sad, something I've worked hard for is over, but I'm very content. =]. The ending came very easy to me, and sorry, my huge romantic side sort of took over in this ending.

Everyone got their happy ending. What do you think of their child's name?
Comments would be wonderful on this ending.

Thanks to ALL whom stayed with me through these two stories. I would name all of you, but fortunately, there are way too many of you to name. Just know that I thank you all so so much.

And unfortunately, I must say goodbye for the last time.
Please make the ending count number a proud number. =].

Bye Bella and Kevin,