Status: Done and done :)

This is the Part Where You Fall Into My Arms

"...Fifty percent of all hot guys in this world just want sex. Twenty-five percent are celebrities; fifteen percent are gay; and only ten percent actually want a serious relationship..."

After getting out of a crappy on again, off again relationship with an annoying, sex addicted jerk, Dezzy Cassidy just wants a guy who will love her no matter what. But then again what girl doesn't? After hearing unencouraging advice from her brother's best friend, she loses all hope in guys. Until a Friday night party where the perfect boy changes her mind. Unfortunately, there is one thing standing in the way. That thing, is Asher Scarborough.
  1. The Nervous Game
    "Are you nervous?"
  2. Remember: Jocks aren't Romantic Like in the Movies
    “We’re going to go jock hunting.”
  3. Boys and Maturity Don't Seem to Go Together Well
    "Oh yeah, cause you’re just the king of maturity. Reigning over all us adolescents, with a beer bottle in your drunken hand."
  4. Meeting Arun Huntley
    “No really, this is the first time I’ve ever been sexually attracted to you.”
  5. Visiting Mom
    “Dezzy! You gots some snail mail!”
  6. Dancing in the Rain Isn't All It's Cracked Up to B
    “No, I was just thinking. Shouldn’t wicked witches melt in the rain?”
  7. The Past Haunts Me
    “D-do you still want to know about my parents?”
  8. Trouble is My Middle Name
    “You drive like what? You’re drunk and high at the same time?”
  9. When Life is Hard and Fun is a Three Letter Word
    “Ice cream makes everything better.”
  10. The Magical Disappearing Boy
    “Ah, got a meeting with your lover.”
  11. I'm Not Your Boyfriend, Baby
    “I’m psychic…and your boyfriend told me.”
  12. Another Day at School
    “Mrs. Malone is trying to kill me!”
  13. Having a Ball in Study Hall
    “Only if you call me Quinn Mesik, Great Master of All Things English.”
  14. Average, Everyday Party Girl
    "The sun was just setting, and the crazy druggies and closet alcoholics would be coming out for the big bash soon."
  15. This is Not a WWE Match, Boys
    "That is so childish! Are you guys in, like, middle school or something?!"
  16. I'm Staying Out of This, Just Like You Want
    "You two work it out.”
  17. One October Night...Part 1
    “You boys make me sound like a possession”
  18. One October Night...Part 2
    "Now we get to the real fun."
  19. The Truth Will Be Outed
    “What’s going to happen to our relationship?”
  20. A Twist in My Story
    “What are you doing here, Dezzy?”
  21. Epilogue
    “I’ve been…just trying to survive.”