My Dull Depressing Life

Chapter 2- The downhill plummet

In –Oh what was it?!- 2nd or 3rd grade we started going to a place called Bear’s Den, a resort in Grove, Oklahoma. I had a great aunt who lived out there, in Grove; she practically lived at the resort. We would go out every summer and stay all summer I loved it there. One day- it was a Saturday, they had dances every Saturday, I loved to dance- my extended family and I were at the dance, I saw this guy across the room… I say room loosely, it wasn’t really a room, mainly just a concert slab, but you know… Anyway I saw him across the room and thought he was the cutest boy I’d ever seen. So naturally, I wanted to talk to him, to get to know him, or at the very least to dance with him. So I asked my favorite aunt Martha, to come with me to ask him to dance. She agreed and we walked over to him and I asked him to dance. He said no. I frowned and walked away a bit put out, complaining to my aunt. Not long after that the boy (I later found out his name was Elric) came over to me and asked me to dance. I smiled and nodded. As he led me out onto the dance floor he told me the reason he had said no when I asked him to dance had been because he didn’t know how, but his mom had made him come and ask me. He also told me he liked me and thought I was pretty, but that he didn’t know how. I told him it would be okay, and that I could show him. So I led. I loved him in my own childish way. Every summer we’d meet up at Bear’s Den, we’d dance all night on those Saturday nights, ride our bikes up and down the roads, swim (didn’t matter if it was in the lake or the pool), ride paddleboats, we did everything together. When we weren’t at Bear’s Den we would write to each other. Well we did in the beginning, toward the end I was the only one writing but it didn’t matter to me.
One day he stole a rose from the rosebush and gave it to me. Almost everyday he would try to steal a kiss, not that it ever worked... Another day Elric, Emma, and I were sitting around talking, joking around and laughing. I don’t remember how the conversation even began, I just remember him saying “Angela, if I don’t marry you, I’ll marry your sister.” He said. I remember blushing and smiling, but Emma, she got mad. It was so funny. I loved that boy, I still do, but I realized later on in life that I didn’t love him in a way that would’ve led to a good marriage. I ended up falling in love a lot later in life… Ah foreshadowing! Anyway, on with the story…
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I miss my that boy. ='( Please please please comment. PLEASE!!! THANK YOU!!!!