My Dull Depressing Life

Chapter 8- Coming out of Tenth

The last few months of 10th grade Darius and I were talking again I had been angry and afraid so I didn’t talk to him for a while after Martha’s threat. I was putting up my science fair project in the gym and as I walked out whom should I run into but Martha! She asked me why I didn’t talk to her anymore. I stared at her like she was crazy… Well what would you do?! She asked if she’d done anything to me and I nodded silently. She apologized saying she’d been possessed by a demon. I don’t really know if I believed her. Or if I do now. I’m pretty sure at the time I didn’t believe. But now I defiantly believe demons exist… More foreshadowing… In any case I was afraid of her and just kind of nodded when she asked if we could be friends again. Then I walked… Heck I ran away.
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Margret ain't she sweet? Don't you love her? Please comment THANK YOU