I'm the Next Bella Swan


I only waited for about half an hour before I saw him at my window. "What happened?" he asked a little annoyed. "I want to know what Nate was talking about! I want to know NOW!" I was growing impatient. He came in and hugged me. I knew I was ticked at him, but this never happened often. I hugged him back, burrying my face into his shirt. His skin felt nice and cool against mine. I loved this. Always did, always will. "Please explain" I begged and he nodded as he sat on my bed. "Ok, you know how well....ugh! How can I start?!" he struggled. "Take your time. No rush" I encouraged him to go on with his story.

"Well, let me just get the hard part out first. Nate was right. My family are murderers" I didn't let any expression come to my face. I didn't want him to feel uncomfortable. "About a century ago, my family killed one of his families close friends. Her name was Rose. She was beauiful, and she was Nate's great grandfathers fiance'. She was suppose to become a vampire as well. My ancestors didn't like this idea. They tried to convince her into staying human, but she wouldn't change her mind. So they did whatever they could to solve the problem. They got rid of the problem. They took turns drinking her clean and showed Nate's family we were serious." he finished

I didn't move. I forgot how to move. I couldn't believe this. Justin was the sweetest person I ever knew. "Love, it's fine. We learned our lesson. I know why they hate us now. If they ever did anything to you, I would hunt them down." he kissed the top of my head. This was still unbelievable. He chuckled. "Amber, you can move...it's fine" he kept on saying. It's fine, it's fine, it's fine. He repeated those words over and over again. How could it possibly be fine? I was suppose to believe that the vampire that could survive a year kissing me without hurting me, except for once, was a murderer. "I don't believe you" I said and he smiled. "And this is why humans are such easy targets when it comes to hunting. They trust anything. Animals sense danger, you just follow what others say" I didn't respond. I couldn't believe it.

"Amber, I have to go." he kissed the top of my head again and he left. I didn't move. I felt a huge knot in my stomach. I layed back, and closed my eyes. "Amber!" I shot my eyes open as I heard my name. I looked at the clock and it was ten in the morning. "What in the world?" I asked myself as I sat up. "Over here sleepy head" Nate told me as he sat on the bed. He quickly got up. "He was here" he whispered. "Of course he was, he's my best friend" I said as we left the house and started taking a walk.
"I don't want you associating with him"
"Excuse me?"
"I don't trust him"
"Well, unfortunatly, I do! He has NEVER hurt me!"
"Amber, calm down"
"No! I get that you're in a fight, but keep me OUT OF IT!" I yelled as I left. I couldn't take him! This wasn't fair! "I'm just looking out for you"
"You don't have to...I can take care of myself, besides as I said he would NEVER hurt me" I stormed off.

I couldn't believe him! He was acting like Justin was going to kill me or something. I walked out of my house and to a restaurant that was a couple of blocks away. I sat down and stared at the soda that was in front of me. "Hey Amber" I heard the most comforting voice behind me. I turned around and saw Daniel. His baby blue eyes full of worry. "What's the matter?" he asked and I shrugged. "Nate" I plainly said as he sat across from me. "What about Nate?" he asked. "He doesn't want me hanging around Justin anymore. He thinks he's going to hurt me or something. Ridiculous. right?"

He didn't say anything. "Don't tell me you're thinking the same thing"
"Well, I'm going to have to go with Nate on this one."
"You've known him for a while and--"
"And I know that he's hurt you before. I don't know. I just don't like the way he looks at you. Like you're something to eat." (I know it's from twilight)
"It's compicated. He has his reasons" I defended Justin.

I couldn't believe even Daniel was on Nates side. "Well until I know his reason's, I'm going to be on Nate's side" he concluded and I shrugged and gave him a glare. "Come on, let me drive you home"
"That's alright. I'll walk!"
"There's no way. Your an emotional wreck right now. Come on" he pulled me to his car and drove me home. "Please don't be mad. I'm just looking out for you. And please don't act this way."
"I wouldn't act this way if you guys would just be reasonable." Those were the last words I said to him before I left. I walked up to my room. I walked in and threw myself on the bed. I have to admit, I was sobbing. I heard someone come through the window and I didn't even bother checking who it was.

I felt my bed shake as they sat beside me. They passed their cool hands up and down my back. "Amber, what's the matter Love?" he asked. Only one person called me Love. Justin. I looked up and hugged him. I sobbed in his chest. "Don't worry" I said as he let me go and I slid out of his grasp. "I have to worry." he said and I shrugged. "No you don't. Forget about it. So what is it?" I asked and he shook his head. "No, I'm not telling you until you tell me what's wrong." he said and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't really think you want to know" I said and he laughed. "I won't to know EVERYTHING about your life. Especially if it's making you cry" he ceresed [sp?] my cheek. "Just explain Love" how could I say no to his crystal grey eyes? His innocent face? That adorable crooked smile? Oh yeah! Like this! "No" I said and he simply shrugged. "Then I'm not telling you the awful news" why did he have to be so persuasive? "Ugh! FINE" I said and he smiled. "Nate wants me to stay away from you. He thinks you're dangerous" I said and he chuckled. "He thinks I'm dangerous? Aren't I the 'vegetarian' and him the 'carnivore'?" he asked and I laughed.

"Yes. You do have a point." I said and he hugged me. "Ok, now for your news" I said and he sighed. "Nate's family terrifies me" he simply said and I looked shocked. "Wait, the fearless Justin is afraid of a small pack of vampires?" I asked and he gave me a HA-HA-very-funny look. "Yes. They don't know that you're his girlfriend. That he even has a girlfriend for that matter" he told me and I nodded. "Yeah, I know. They drink human blood. I would understand why he didn't tell them" I explained and he shook his head. "No, you don't understand. They're seeing him spend a lot of time with you. He isn't suppose to be associating with anyone. If they find out you know about vampires..." he didn't finish.

I pretty much got it. "Ok, we have a problem then" I said and he nodded. "I was going to suggest something, but I don't think it would be possible, and I don't think you'd agree."
"I was going to suggest you and Nate stay away from eachother. Just until they lay off a bit" he said and I thought about it for a bit. "How long?"
"Just two weeks, even a week would make a difference" He said and I shrugged. "What harm could it do?" I said and he hugged me.

Then he looked at me seriously. "Who's going to tell your jelous boyfriend?" he asked and I sighed. "I'll do it"
"You sure?"
"Yeah. I have to face him eventually." I said and he hugged me again. The next morning I walked to school. I didn't want a ride from anyone. I just wanted to walk. Clear my head and my mind. I wanted to find the best way to tell Nate. I walked through the doors of the school and found him standing by my locker with Justin. "Hey guys" I said and they both gave me a look. "Ugh! Fine!" I said and I took a deep breath. "Justin, first you tell him the stuation." I said and he nodded. "Nate, I've noticed that you haven't told your family....about you and Amber." he started "And they're noticing that you guys are spending a lot of time together." he said and Nate shrugged.

"Yeah, and your point? What do you think they're going to do? Feed on her?" he whispered the last part and laughed but we weren't laughing."You didn't actually think that would happen" he was looking directly at me and I looked down. "I can't believe this! You know I wouldn't let anything happen to you! You actually think I would let them hurt you?!" he sort of yelled "No.it's not..." I couldn't finish before he stormed off. I was an idiot! I actually thought he would let them hurt me. "Amber, let him cool down a bit" Justin said as he stopped me from going after him. I guess I was a little mad and was about to take my anger out on him.

"You know what? None of this would have happened if you would have just stayed wherever you were! You should have never come back! And not just assume my life would stop because you came back. Yeah, I loved you but now I love him and you just ruined it for me. I should have listened to both Nate and Daniel. I should have just stood away from you" I said as I stormed off in tears.

*Justins POV*

I couldn't believe this. That vampire has her wrapped around his finger! I've tried to help her and she hasn't listened to me. Then again, she was mad. Let me just let her think it through. I thought to myself. I walked to class, clearing my head as well. I sat down next to Becca. "Hey Justin" she said with a smile. "Hey." I simply said. She didn't ask what was wrong. She knew I didn't like talking about my feelings or anything to anyone but Amber. I walked to lunch and saw Amber sitting with Daniel.

I didn't want her to start a scene so I sat by myself as well. I was by myself for about eight seconds. "Can I sit here?" Jenna asked me and I let her. Jenna Mowry. She had chocolate brown hair with blonde highlights. She was as thin as a twig. She looked like a mini Miley Cyrus. She always got every guy she wanted except one. Me. She tried one too many times. And I'm thinking she isn't going to give up. "So...Justin Hill, you came back? Couldn't stay away from me huh?" she smiled. "Actually, it was Amber I couldn't stay away from" I said and she rolled her eyes.

"What do you see so special? She's so plain and boring" she said and I chuckled. "Her life is so much more exciting than you think." I said and she gave me a your-kidding look. "Since she has a boyfriend and she's busy this saturday most likely...I was thinking if you wanted to come to the movies" she said and I rolled my eyes as I sighed. "How many times are you going to ask?"
"Until you give me a chance"
"Sorry. Can't, busy" I said and she put on a frustrated face and walked away with her lunch.

*Ambers POV*

I looked over at Justin. He was sitting with Jenna. She stormed off and she looked quite pissed. I'm guessing he turned her down again. "Daniel, I'm going to go talk to Justin really quick" I said and he nodded. I walked to the table and he looked at me. "Can I sit?"
"You're not mad?" he asked and I shook my head. "Not anymore. Nate over reacted, and so did I" I confessed. "I'm sorry. I have to get the picture. You're not mine anymore. But, I still need to protect you. Nothing will stop that" he smiled and I nodded. "I guess I have to get use to that" I said and he nodded. "You have no choice" I laughed. We were talking and I felt someone standing behind me. I turned around and saw Nate. "Yes?" I asked as I saw him glaring at Justin. "Can I talk to you? Alone?" he asked and I shrugged. "I'll be right back Justin." I said as I got up and followed Nate.

"Amber, I thought you were mad at him" he said and I shrugged my shoulders. "You over reacted and so did I. What harm could staying away from me for a couple of days do? It could help" I said and he shook his head. "You don't understand. I told my parents about you and they're just watching over me now" he said and my eyes shot open as a smile formed on my face. I jumped on him and hugged him. "This is fantastic! I love you!" I said as he set me back on the floor. "We have to celebrate! I'm dragging you to the Sweet Spot today" I said and he smiled. "You've wanted this for a while. Haven't you?" he asked and I nodded. "Yes! I didn't want to be sneaking around anymore" I said as we walked back to the cafeteria.

I looked for Justin but he was nowhere to be found. "Have you seen Justin?" I asked my friend Tori and she shook her head. "Becca...where's Justin?" I asked and she shrugged. "He left two seconds after you two did" she said. I walked out of the cafeteria and went through the school looking for him. I walked to the office and asked the secretary. She told me he had sighned out. He was apparently sick. I walked out of the office and tried to figure out the real reason he would leave early. He's a vampire, they don't get sick. I couldn't think of a solution. He was perfectly fine at lunch. After I went to the Sweet Spot with Nate I called Justin.

*Phone convo*

me-what happened?
Justin-I didn't feel well
me-Liar! You're a vampire. You don't get sick. You're sort of...half dead
Justin-Gee thanks.
me-And I love you. Now tell me the real reason
Justin-Nothing. Just forget about it.
me-Justin Hill!
Justin-Fine...I had chemitry afterwards and they were examining blood. (I know...twilight..I really couldn't think of anything else)
Justin-Yeah, so stop worrying.
me-Ok, see you later I guess

*End phone convo*

I knew he was lying. But no use in arguing with him over the phone. "Amber, dinner's ready" I heard my mom and I walked downstairs.

*Justin's POV*

I was driving to Nate's house. I couldn't deal with this. How could he lie to her! I drove and found him. "Nate...we have to talk" I said and he rolled his eyes as he walked towards me. "What now?"
"How could you lie to Amber about something so dangerous?" I sort of yelled. "I had to get her away from you somehow" he said and I couldn't believe this. "Ok, but lying about telling your parents! That's beyond dangerous! It's taking a risk with her life!" I yelled even louder. "What harm could it do?"
"Your parents already know something's going on with her. She could die! They could kill her!"
"I won't let them touch her!"
"That's what you say now!"
"I'm not going to deal with you! Just stay away from her! That's a warning!" he said before he ran back inside the house. I drove to Ambers. No matter what he said or did...he couldn't keep me away from her. He would have to kill me.
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It's out! Finally! My computer's running and my stories are being updated again!