Diamonds Though the Strongest Stone Can Still Break

Aphrodite as the Greeks claimed that she was the most beautiful goddess of them all. goddess of love and beauty. her power was the gift to make any man love her if she wished so. and that is why i was named after her my beauty still astonishes anyone who comes by me. but my beauty isn't the only thing that astonishes people. its the fact that im more than what i look to be. like as they say never judge a beat up paper book by its cover for as you open it the most exhilarating story is written in its pages.
in my case only the people that know me best can read whats behind the cover. my best friend since i was who i am today is Nickolas. he as me seems to be what he isn't. he is a vampire as i am a werewolf. our families enemies but as the prince of the vampires and the princess to all werewolf we get to decide what happens. my father disapproves very for he is the one that loath vampires the most for killing my mother and his mother feels the same for after king Dracula killed my mother. my father went after him and killed him as well. and as for that queen Esmeralda hates my father and our kind. but as it was our choice we decided to try to at least co exist in harmony with each other than in constant war. we to other look like any normal humans Nickolas pale, tall,Jet black hair, and his golden brown eyes do not draw attention unless by those who admire his inhuman beauty. me and my long blondish brown hair, tall, skinny, and luscious multicolored eyes, and animal like beauty draw attention by those who admire me guys want me and girls want to look like me. but i do not pay attention to that i have a duty to my family and Nicolas.
when we are alone our true forms take place. we hunt together, live together, and make decisions together. but as my father predicted i would soon be loosing the most precious thing i have in life due to a vampires careless jealously.