Sonatina: Chained Melody

(EDITED VERSION) there were minor corrections in the description before. So feel free to read it again.

St. Cecilia Academy is a well-known school for musically inclined people. The school has two divisions; music division and the general division. The music division is for the students who plays any kind of musical instrument and has the passion towards music. The subjects offered were the same. The only difference is that they give more priority to music education for the high school students. Normally, those who are enrolled here as a music high school student has a plan to pursue music in a college level. The general division is for normal but yet smart students. The general division might be for the normal students but most of them came from different well known families, rich people and some are from other countries around the world. St. Cecilia Academy is a prestigious school for extraordinary people.

Jasmine Flox, a music student in St. Cecilia Academy, is a well-known student in the campus famous for playing her white violin. She's one of the top music students in school. Every time she plays her violin, people will always say that it has a enchanting melody. But her true capacity as a violinist is at stake. Her last year in the campus as a high school student was a challenge for her. Certain problems will come in her life. One of it was quarterly examination. The music students are given a task to teach the general students to play the instrument they are capable with. Failure to perform, means failure to pass. In addition, the one that Jasmine will teach is someone that is cold to her. Will Jasmine be able to undergo this challenges?

Sonatina: Chained Melody is a story that must be read! Trust me. lol. Please leave comments on what you think of the story. Comments are really, really, really, appreciated! I'll be updating my story at least once per weak. Or if many will like it, I may be uploading twice per weak depending of the flow. My target is to have 15 chapters for this story.

Keep reading and keep writing... okay?
  1. Sunset
    This chapter is where the main character will be introduced.
  2. Pince
    Two different people with different lives.